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Your Covid 19 papers, please


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... Your papers appear not to be in order, you will kindly step out of line and accompany the guards ...


Already there's a thriving business in fake vaccination records in the west,
as businesses and corps start mandating employees be vaccinated.

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 ... so is their a door-nazi out the front, visually confirming what's on your Mobile's screen? - or do you walk in and then The System sends you a Fine in the Mails for entering?  (like getting a Speeding Fine in the Post) 


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2 minutes ago, tifino said:

 ... so is their a door-nazi out the front, visually confirming what's on your Mobile's screen? - or do you walk in and then The System sends you a Fine in the Mails for entering?  (like getting a Speeding Fine in the Post) 


‘Door Nazi’.


Can we please have s little less drama.

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On 8/28/2021 at 2:04 PM, Jingthing said:

Not great.

Also it seems way too early for Thailand to try this. 

There are still very serious vaccine supply and access issues here. In other words remarkably unfair. 

I was quite surprised when two British friends of mine, both under 60 with none of the other qualifying conditions, heard "through the grapevine" that Pfizer jabs were being given on a walk-in basis in Sriracha. One brought his Thai GF. The Brits got the jabs, the Thai GF was turned away.

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56 minutes ago, misterphil said:

Good. They were asking for this months ago when I was working in Germany. 

Germany probably isn't the best example to give when attempting to defend a "Papers Please" society ????.

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59 minutes ago, BKKBike09 said:

"Why not just put a chip in us that says we are vaccinated.


That was sarcasm people, whatever it takes to make it safer for all to be able to get back to some kind of normality."


That could easily be a next step in a few years. Removes need to carry papers / app on phone etc; allows for tracking of your movements "to keep you and others safe". As you say, "whatever it takes" so where do you draw the line? Or perhaps we just all trust governments to get it right?


Personally, I am all for it, the strangest thing is people just don't understand, this is the new world, it is what it is, Covid is real and we have to take steps to mitigate it's effect on us.


This is indeed the new world. The question really is to what extent citizens are content to allow their governments to rule by diktat and fear. Covid is real and we have to take steps to mitigate - correct: but the effects on the vast majority of people are not serious. That of course could change, but equally it may not, and Covid may become less of a threat, not more, as the years pass. While we wait to find out I'd rather have as few restrictions as possible and accept the (likely minimal) personal risk that may ensue.


At issue here is the extent to which the majority should be required to adapt their behaviour for the benefit of the minority. In an authoritarian society citizens do what they are told. Previously, in liberal societies, citizens at least had the illusion that government served the people, not the other way round, and that personal freedoms were sacrosanct.


I for one wouldn't want to be sitting in a plane with unvaccinated people or in a restaurant, while shopping etc etc, vaccinations and QR Codes/Certificates of people proving they have been vaccinated is the way to go and if that is what it takes to move forward, then I am all for it.


But if you've been vaccinated what's the problem? I trust you would also mitigate your personal risk further by wearing an N95/FFP2 or better mask at all times in such situations, because it sounds like you are very fearful? 


For the unvaccinated, you have your choice, I respect that, but do keep away from me.


There are many reasons why some people may be unvaccinated. Personal choice, concern about long-term issues arising from brand-new vaccines, pre-existing conditions that preclude vaccination, age (children). Again, if you have been vaccinated, why are you so afraid? 


Fear, to me, is one of the worst aspects of this whole sorry mess. It's sensible to be concerned - especially if over 50 or with certain chronic diseases - but concern shouldn't become fear. That's now so deeply entrenched that it's going to take a very long time for it to dissipate. Maybe for some people it never will. 



Excellent post.

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2 hours ago, theonetrueaussie said:

If what you say is true then why are they calling vaccinated in the U.S.A "Super Spreaders"??? Why is it that Israel the most vaccinated country in the world is currently having a massive outbreak and the majority of people hospitalized/dying are those vaccinated?? So many things we don't know about covid still, lot more research and statistics need to be done/gathered still!

Why is it you can have had 20 other vaccine shots but if you refuse covid vaccine you are now an anti-vaxxer?

The trend has brought a slew of questions about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and the implications of new strains for future outbreaks. While these trends initially seem like cause for vaccine skepticism, a closer look at Israel’s current outbreaks shows that vaccines are effective and working — even against the delta variant

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Requiring vaccinations seems reasonable to me and does have historic precedent. Requiring people to be tested on an ongoing basis into perpetuity just to enter a restaurant or a shopping mall seems impossible to implement and useless. The cost alone would far exceed the profit most businesses make and the accuracy & actual protections such tests provide is minor at best At some point Thailand will have to accept people may have covid but enough are vaccinated that it's no longer a serious threat. 


All of these schemes seem more like efforts to pass the buck on responsibility, blaming the businesses if someone catches covid and not the government for their lack of a serious vaccination effort

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9 minutes ago, mighty said:

The trend has brought a slew of questions about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and the implications of new strains for future outbreaks. While these trends initially seem like cause for vaccine skepticism, a closer look at Israel’s current outbreaks shows that vaccines are effective and working — even against the delta variant


Nearly 70% of Israel is vaccinated as of end of Aug 2021 which is near herd immunity but Israel still has daily infection rate of about 10,000 new cases every day.


We'll see what happens when herd immunity of 80% is reached in Israel probably by end of Sept.



Edited by EricTh
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6 minutes ago, Bagwain said:

that people who had COVID and recovered are 13 times less likely to get infected

And those that did not recover ..............died.


Which is the point of vaccines. Fewer people die if infected and hospitalized .

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6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

More drama.


As for ‘The freedom of the individual should surpass everything else.’ 


Utter nonsense.


Your freedoms are founded on the past and continuing sacrifices of others.


Just go get the jab, you’ll only feel a small <deleted>.



So you're happy to curtail your enjoyment at the whims of others? 


Why is it that the people who don't want to interfere with the free choice of other people, are the very ones who suffer to those that do.


I have been vaccinated by the way, but I shouldn't have to prove this to live my life.

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On 8/28/2021 at 4:08 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

Many of those making the most noise complaining about this are the same people who elsewhere have argued for national ID cards and compulsory ID for voting.


Pick your politics and argue accordingly.


My own thoughts are, anything that ‘nudges’ people to get the vaccine is a step in the right direction.


It’s getting way past the time to recognize anti-vaxers and those refusing to wear masks for what they are ‘Free-loaders’ wanting an end to the pandemic but not willing to do their part to end it.






So you equate requiring an ID to vote to being asked for Vaccine proof. Too funny and yet sad.

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6 minutes ago, Denim said:

And those that did not recover ..............died.


Which is the point of vaccines. Fewer people die if infected and hospitalized .

99.8+ % survival rate. Give me a break! More chance of getting run over by a bus. But that would be a CV death tho!????

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1 minute ago, EVENKEEL said:

So you equate requiring an ID to vote to being asked for Vaccine proof. Too funny and yet sad.

No, I’m pointing out the fact that the issues around ID requirements, like the issues around accepting or rejecting a vaccine, are politically loaded.


Too funny and yet sad.



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I have to show proof of nationality when crossing borders. Proof of identity when flying domestically. Proof of membership at my Club. Proof of having had a yellow fever vaccination in certain countries. Proof of basic ability to drive with a driving license. Proof of identity when entering certain offices in Bangkok. Proof of membership when borrowing books from a library. 


One more doesn't matter. 

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59 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

This always has been a "papers please" country. Don't understand the sudden aversion to Covid papers. Though it is a bit too soon when it's still difficult to get vaccinated.


Asians dutifully mask up, and line up for a limited supply of vaccines. Americans come up with wacky conspiracy theories and refuse them being freely handed out, then start riots when confronted about masks. It's shameful.

Fair enough but surely there is a happier medium?

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No, I’m pointing out the fact that the issues around ID requirements, like the issues around accepting or rejecting a vaccine, are politically loaded.


Too funny and yet sad.



The reason the dems give for no voter ID is that blacks are incapable of this feat. Showing an ID for voting is common sense, The vaccine topic I agree is politically loaded.

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