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Thais urged to adopt “Smart Control and Living with COVID-19” concept

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Based on those 10 points, why aren’t the population of Phuket allowed to live normally? It seems the criteria is met and yet even schools are closed because the authorities are still paranoid about case numbers. Probably because of the misguided idea that tourists give a toss about Covid numbers….they don’t, they care about restrictions after they arrive.

Exactly, people stll paranoid about covid cases are not travelling or going on holiday.

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3 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

greeks have been told to wear 2 masks to overcome delta

Well, before I left Bangkok for a break a few months ago, Thai were already wearing two masks without being told by anyone....some of them even wore three ...and that was before the Delta found its way

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7 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Does everyone really need this jumped up arrogant Despot to tell them how to live safely ?   Now he's screwed up the country he's telling people they now have to live with it !

So what's your answer?

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So, the realistic objective is not to get rid of the disease, at huge social and economic cost, but to live with the disease “safely and in a balanced way,” said the prime minister, as he explained the concept, which is designed to control the contagion while enabling people to live their lives safely.

So basically what he said it to plan to live under an emergency decree in a New Normal dystopia come true - forever - by willingly forfeiting individual freedoms of the right of movement, assembly, personal choice, while accepting government's over-reach in exchange for the illusion that the State will keep you safe.  All you need to do is to submit and do as you are told.

It doesn't sound much different from a historical perspective than other utopian -isms that formed during the 19th and 20th centuries.  This, like those, will strive to repress, it not extinguish, the human spirit as the levers of powers are handed over to a class of wealthy psychopaths who view humanity as naught more than livestock.  Like the other -isms, I expect this to end in untold human suffering purposefully directed at the general public.  The elite will live by different rules.  They already are.

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22 minutes ago, James105 said:

You may be able to find the odd government official last year saying they messed up (every country has their share of bedwetters after all the politicians need to pander to), but I doubt you will find any that still claim that today.  I think the Swedes are quite proud of how they dealt with this with relative calm whilst the rest of the world was panicking and going bonkers.    I don't think their kids even missed a day of school so they will be way ahead in their education compared to the rest of the developed world.    

it cost lives and was irresponsible - that is a fact


just because nobody talks about it now doesn't mean it didn't happen



Swedish Prime Minister Says Country Underestimated Coronavirus (businessinsider.com)

Edited by smedly
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10 hours ago, The Cipher said:

They have to start somewhere.


If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that the vast majority of people respond to the emotional content of messages and to herding behavior, without needing to understand the nuance of the information underpinning the message.


Yeah, I agree it's going to be difficult to walk back the hysteria, but it's encouraging to at least see government institutions attempting to move in this direction. Ultimately, if we are going to be able move forward with an acceptance of Covid (and I do think we will get there), there needs to be a buy-in from a very substantial portion of the population. Every voice shifting the narrative away from fear helps.

The narrative he advanced was that the average pleb needs to fully submit to the will and the whims of the "expert" leadership of the State. The State, the Thai government in this case, then promises to keep the plebeian classes "safe" and to quench their fears under the government's iron-fist control of the "forever emergency."  Whole societies, globally, are being moved toward the New Normal form of government controlled communalism where individual liberties will be shredded in the name of "protecting" the community from "invisible enemies" as well as wayward members of society who refuse to submit.
"Get the shot!  Take the test!  Wear the mask!  Stay at home.  Shun friends and family.  Obey the "experts.  Submit!" 
Neither Huxley or Orwell could have conceived a better dystopian narrative imho. 

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you'll never get the thais to live with the disease. they have a total irrational fear of it and also they will be in for a massive shock when they find out that even be vaccinated you can still catch it and spread it. cuz im sure most thais think once they've had the vaccine thats it they'll never catch it. 

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17 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

He's a bloody genius! Why haven't anyone thought about this before?

Always do the right thing, after exhausting all other possibilities.


To be fair, most other Governments haven't got there yet.

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All these points and details without any clear information on the requirements of Green and Yellow cards. We still don't know who can go where on Sep 1. Looks like the only way to be sure is when people start trying to get into malls and parks on Wed. Hard to understand what's the secret – why not just let the public know how it's going to be!

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