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Record number of COVID-19 vaccinations in single day on Friday in Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

...I'm not certain who would benefit from fudging the numbers...






The UK has now red-listed Thailand due to low vaccination rates and other countries are sure to follow suit. So from that perspective the whole country benefits from misleading the world about its jab numbers. Granted it takes an exceptionally open minded Thai to actually grasp that, but believe it or not there are a few out there who know the world doesn't stop at Thai borders. Whether there's enough of them to form an effective conspiracy in Thailand's bungling government is a different matter.

Edited by Captain Jack
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15 minutes ago, Dick Z said:

Sinovac was the first and not the best but it is always better than nothing and exposing yourself to getting sick. Get what you can and upgrade when things get easier. Even sinovac wil project you from serious illness and death. Refusing an opportunity now is just plain stupid.

The problem is people know they wont get an "upgrade". If they accept Sinovac now the gov. will consider them covered and they wont be able to register for anything else that may or may not become available later. It would be different (better) if privately sourced jabs weren't being inexplicably prohibited by Prayuth and his gang... but they are, so the choice is to accept an inferior jab from the gov. or wait and hope for a better option later.


People have gone 18 months of COVID now without being vaccinated, and for many it really doesn't affect them personally in their daily lives. The economy they live in might be decimated but they themselves aren't travelling so they don't need the jab. As far as they're concerned they may as well wait.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

I see you can’t handle the truth that the west mismanaged the pandemic while China did well. As for the lab, it’s more politic than science. Opening the labs will not stop the politicking by those who have an agenda. 

The west wouldn't have anything to deal with if it wasn't for your CCP comrades.

You also believe everything China state media feeds you.

Also deflected a simple question about why the WHO scientists aren't allowed into the Wuhan labs.

The only agenda is from China and it's propaganda foot soldiers, like you, posting on this forum.


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29 minutes ago, Captain Jack said:

The problem is people know they wont get an "upgrade". If they accept Sinovac now the gov. will consider them covered and they wont be able to register for anything else that may or may not become available later. It would be different (better) if privately sourced jabs weren't being inexplicably prohibited by Prayuth and his gang... but they are, so the choice is to accept an inferior jab from the gov. or wait and hope for a better option later.


People have gone 18 months of COVID now without being vaccinated, and for many it really doesn't affect them personally in their daily lives. The economy they live in might be decimated but they themselves aren't travelling so they don't need the jab. As far as they're concerned they may as well wait.

Those are reasons to not get any jab at all. Getting one also helps herd immunity.

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9 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I believe these high daily figures to be true. 


The problem will start once the donated vaccines finish. The number will then drop significantly. 

One million today nothing left for tomorrow... swings and roundabouts.

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Just trying to look good before the censure vote.


All that Sinovac injected.


Low effeciency and then half that in 40 days








"Study shows antibodies drop by 50% every 40 days after 2 doses of Sinovac".



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56 minutes ago, Captain Jack said:

The problem is people know they wont get an "upgrade". If they accept Sinovac now the gov. will consider them covered and they wont be able to register for anything else that may or may not become available later. It would be different (better) if privately sourced jabs weren't being inexplicably prohibited by Prayuth and his gang... but they are, so the choice is to accept an inferior jab from the gov. or wait and hope for a better option later.


People have gone 18 months of COVID now without being vaccinated, and for many it really doesn't affect them personally in their daily lives. The economy they live in might be decimated but they themselves aren't travelling so they don't need the jab. As far as they're concerned they may as well wait.

My wife got Sinovac this week, she's booked for AZ 3 weeks later.  This seems to be the plan now - and reports say it's at least as effective as AZ x 2.

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35 minutes ago, ttrd said:

A bit early to talk about who are the stupid ones since none of the highly possible severe long term side effects are known ...


The vaccines that are non mRNA, like Sinovac, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca are based on old old school technology and similar to vaccines that have been used for decades without problems. The mRNA ones are new, but the technology has been used for over ten years for cancer treatment and research. Contracting Covid without being vaccinated is far more risky than taking a vaccine.

Anyway, the refuser's of vaccines will be dying out over time anyway.

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17 hours ago, kalasiner said:

Indeed !

I believe that Sinovac is known to be ineffective against the prevalent Delta variant of the Wuhan virus.

Yesterday my Thai wife was offered a Sinovac appointment but refused it, together with almost the whole village. Through negative reports on tv, Line and Facebook they distrust Sinovac and hope later to receive AZ or Pfizer.  

What about Sinopharm?

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58 minutes ago, ttrd said:

A bit early to talk about who are the stupid ones since none of the highly possible severe long term side effects are known ...

Untrue - there is virtually no chance of any long term adverse side effects with a vaccine.


There is in fact no known biological mechanism that could cause them.


See the quotes below:



There's also the fact that if a vaccine does have a side effect, it will likely show up in the first 6 to 8 weeks of use, Offit said."


Of all the vaccines we use, in infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, none of them have any long-term effects," Schaffner said.


"No vaccine has shown side effects 2 to 5 years later. That doesn't exist because there's no biological reason for it."



Is Old Vaccine Technology the Key to Hesitancy?


Vaccines work by mimicking the structure of the virus, thereby causing the body's immune system to create and mobilise antibodies and T cells to destroy what they perceive as a foreign, possibly harmful invader. Once that immune response has taken place and done its job, there's literally nothing left of the vaccine in the body. 


Unless you believe in the principles of homeopathy, that say that mere memory of a substance can stimulate a response, there's no way a substance that no longer exists in the body can cause an adverse effect, no matter how many years you wait.


If you think vaccines could have long term adverse effects, please explain how you think that would come about.

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16 minutes ago, superal said:

Some western doctors are in fact opting for the sinovac in preference over the Mrna types because the sinovac is an inactivated virus and these vaccines have been around for decades where as the long term effects of Mrna vaccines are unknown.

While it's impossible to rule things out completely, as I just mentioned above the whole idea of a vaccine having a long term side effect is basically at odds with the principles of human biology.


Vaccines work by stimulating the immune system into destroying the components they are made of, leaving nothing behind that could cause adverse effects years down the road.


In fact, mRNA vaccines are if anything, even less likely to have long term effects.


This is because mRNA is notoriously unstable and tends to break down all by itself very quickly. Indeed, this has been one of the major hurdles in using mRNA technology - how to get it to remain intact in the body long enough to have any effect whatsoever.


It's why for instance, the mRNA vaccines must be kept at much lower temperatures than other types. At normal room temperatures (and certainly at body temperature) mRNA just doesn't last very long.

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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17 minutes ago, superal said:

Some western doctors are in fact opting for the sinovac in preference over the Mrna types because the sinovac is an inactivated virus and these vaccines have been around for decades where as the long term effects of Mrna vaccines are unknown 

I thought the fact that they did not use whole virus made them theoretically safer?

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24 minutes ago, kalasiner said:

Dick Z repied: "Sinovac was the first and not the best but it is always better than nothing and exposing yourself to getting sick. Get what you can and upgrade when things get easier. Even sinovac wil project you from serious illness and death. Refusing an opportunity now is just plain stupid."


My wife's decision to refuse Sinovac was not taken lightly and based on overwhelmingly negative reports of Sinovac on tv, Line and Facebook. Her large extended family and almost the whole village will also turn down the offer of Sinovac.

Calling those that have an opinion other than yours "just plain stupid' shows a lack of empathy and that you chose your nick well, Dick.

It has nothing to do with empathy. Reports on Line and Fakebook have a poor scientific value, to put it in an understatement. I am an MDPhD and I trust and follow solid science. If people put themselves, their families and also others (think of herd immunity) at risk because "they know better" based on rumours from social media I cannot call that anything better than plain stupid.

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15 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I thought the fact that they did not use whole virus made them theoretically safer?

Well, it does mean that there's absolutely no possibility that the vaccine itself could cause an infection, while with a whole, inactivated virus vaccine that is a theoretical possibility - if the inactivation process doesn't do it's job properly.


However I don't think that's happened with any vaccine since the tragic and infamous Cutter incident that affected one batch of the polio vaccine back in 1955.


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Worldometers reports Thailand administered less than 9 million tests ( actually the same for a couple of days) in what... about 17 months? And you expect me to believe that in one day you can give 10% of that number in vaccinations?  If that is possible they should be ashamed of themselves for the sloppy, inefficient and ineffective testing program. Or someone is cooking the books. 

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I work for a Thai school and they have been trying to get all of their new teachers vaccinated for months. Suddenly this urgent notice came tht we would all be eligible for Sinopharm shots at a local mall on Friday. Yes, the shots were all sinovac or sinopharm, excepting those lucky few who were able to privately obtain Moderna or Pfizer on their own. So to me, this smacks of a sham "mass-vaccination" to create a headline. A much better piece of information might be "How many people will receive shots on Monday?".

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1 minute ago, 10baht said:

Worldometers reports Thailand administered less than 9 million tests ( actually the same for a couple of days) in what... about 17 months? And you expect me to believe that in one day you can give 10% of that number in vaccinations?  If that is possible they should be ashamed of themselves for the sloppy, inefficient and ineffective testing program. Or someone is cooking the books. 

I've had CoVid-19 PCR tests in Thailand twice now. In both cases all they had was a single person administering the tests. The sample then has to be sent to a lab and undergo a string of procedures before arriving at a result a minimum of some hours later (often a day or more).


When I got my second dose of vaccine recently, there were literally hundreds of medical staff involved, from the people checking us in, to the ones ushering is through the various staging areas, to the ones giving the actual vaccines (of which there were dozens). It only took ten seconds (probably less) to actually administer the vaccine.


Giving vaccinations and administering PCR tests involve completely different procedures, equipment and personnel. You can't really draw a comparison between them.

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14 minutes ago, Dick Z said:

It has nothing to do with empathy. Reports on Line and Fakebook have a poor scientific value, to put it in an understatement. I am an MDPhD and I trust and follow solid science. If people put themselves, their families and also others (think of herd immunity) at risk because "they know better" based on rumours from social media I cannot call that anything better than plain stupid.

My wife thinks it would be "just plain stupid" to accept a vaccine that, in her mind, has been shown to be ineffective. That her information sources i.e. social media are less than perfect is indisputable; but it is as it is. Are only professors and "experts" allowed to make decisions that affect their lives ?

My wife just wants a "proper" vaccine like that given to many thousands of Thais and foreigners, including her own husband.

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Just now, kalasiner said:

My wife thinks it would be "just plain stupid" to accept a vaccine that, in her mind, has been shown to be ineffective. That her information sources i.e. social media are less than perfect is indisputable; but it is as it is. Are only professors and "experts" allowed to make decisions that affect their lives ?

My wife just wants a "proper" vaccine like that given to many thousands of Thais and foreigners, including her own husband.

To state that Sinovac is ineffective is unfair. It is, indeed, the least effective of the available vaccines, but a 50% protection to illness and an additional protection to severe illness is still a plus. It is better than nothing. If everyone just decides to go shopping on vaccines (which no one ever did for polio, small pox, yellow fever, common flu etc) we are not getting anywhere. It is the task of experts to give guidance and give advice that is based on real science instead of opinions from social media.

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