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Prepare for a spike, public health expert says, but don’t panic


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4 hours ago, Kirb46Lam said:

My wife trims my hair. ????

At first we used a normal electric human hair trimmer but it hurt sometimes. 

Probably made in China 

We switched to an electric pet hair trimmer and it is way better than the human hair trimmer. 

We have pets

It does a much better job too????


Who wants to look like a poodle?? 

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5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

A spike is predictable, hopefully they've decided not to panic and maintain opening up

The government are not the ones who will panic, this was a choice, the inevitable 'huge' spike is the route they've chosen to go down.


It's essentially managed herd immunity partially through vaccination and through infection for the rest.


They know it's coming - it's part of the plan.

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5 hours ago, Kirb46Lam said:

My wife trims my hair. ????

At first we used a normal electric human hair trimmer but it hurt sometimes. 

Probably made in China 

We switched to an electric pet hair trimmer and it is way better than the human hair trimmer. 

We have pets

It does a much better job too????


I won't let my GF go any where near a electric trimmer. I got her a hair cutting scissor set. And after I couldn't take any more of her hair cuts I rang my barber and he agreed to cut it , closed shop or not. Thank God for barbers.

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1 hour ago, kingoak said:


Ok, so why waste vaccines on people that have already had, and recovered from Covid 19? Why not prioritize the vaccines for poor countries, with poor healthcare systems.....and a LOT of vulnerable people? Why is Brad, the 25 year old personal trainer that had, and recovered from a mild dose of this disease rushing out to get vaccinated??? Can someone answer please. My brain hurts from all the hysteria. 

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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

The government are not the ones who will panic, this was a choice, the inevitable 'huge' spike is the route they've chosen to go down.


It's essentially managed herd immunity partially through vaccination and through infection for the rest.


They know it's coming - it's part of the plan.

Hopefully, but you could argue similar for previous lockdowns, when restrictions were relaxed more people mixed and so more covid. Let's hope they don't blink this time if daily cases gets very high. I kinda expect them to manage this by limiting testing

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7 hours ago, marin said:

Seems to me we are going to be saying, "here we go again". Finally numbers trending downward in a real way, and we open up malls and restaurants to the unvaccinated.  10% of the populace has had 2 injections. Everybody is bored and restless but now is certainly not the time to open up like this. But I do need a haircut.

So do you expect restuarants etc to reopen just for 10% of those vaccinated? Do you think you are special because you are vaccinated? Vaxed can still catch and spread the virus like those who chose not to be vaxed or have been unable to get it yet. 

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13 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Hopefully, but you could argue similar for previous lockdowns, when restrictions were relaxed more people mixed and so more covid. Let's hope they don't blink this time if daily cases gets very high. I kinda expect them to manage this by limiting testing

I kinda expect them to manage this by limiting testing



You call that "managing "....?


I call that "cheating..."

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5 hours ago, The Cipher said:

I don't think that this message is necessarily intended to hide anything. He probably meant it exactly like it sounded like.


It's really logical to expect that a loosening of restrictions will lead to an uptick in cases. The expert in the article is just making the valid point that there's no need to overreact if case counts are higher post-reopening than they are now. Some people might find it a little scary at first, but ultimately, this is for the best.

How many extra deaths and those suffering from long covid is acceptable?

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1 hour ago, jcmj said:

All of my Thai friends and relatives in their 20’s to 50’s are begging for the vaccine and just can’t get it. So how to you expect them to follow the rules if you don’t give them the tools. Money is tight. I understand why they are now getting more upset that the foreigners there are getting it before them And yes, if this happened in your country you’d be bitching to if the Mexican neighbors next door got it and you didn’t. 

I wouldn't as it's for the common good that as many as possible are vaccinated as soon as possible. In the UK anyone can show up and request a jab. My Thai wife had to make a trip back to the UK a couple of months ago and was given the Pfizer shot no questions asked.

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6 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

why is there a desperate need to open restaurants over other things?


these places will spread it more than bars


larger groups, sharing of food plates, eating and talking with mouth open etc.


they should be opened for takeaways, nothing wrong with eating the same food just at home

Restaurants will spread it more then bars ?? Because in bars people are talking with there mouths closed right and everybody will have their own new glass that will be thrown away after being used . And if you think that delivered food tastes the same as freshly served on a plate at the restaurant then i geuss you have never eaten in a restaurant . 

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

Time for us to learn to deal with it as a risk. Vaccinated people significantly less risk than those who choose not to be. Life goes on

Today a fully Pfizer vaccinated prison worker infected the prison he works at in South Auckland, source RNZ today news.

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18 minutes ago, Petey11 said:

You also have to look at the funding and resources put into developing a covid vaccine. Has any other disease had such large sums of money ploughed into to developing a vaccine in such a short time and had as many multiple countries and agencies working on it at the same time. Look at the genome testing going on too, over 50% of the world's carried out in the UK. I'm sure polio never had the concentrated amount of effort and funds applied to it.

The available tech is way better too. Salk would have killed for a DNA sequencer.

Edited by cjinchiangrai
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Everyone is going to get COVID19 now.

That's according to the latest scientific update. Herd immunity is impossible (globally), and new, more infectious variants are almost guaranteed. 

So, there's no need for more lockdowns if we're going to get coronavirus banged up indoors—or not. One could also argue that there's no longer any need for testing if infections are inevitable. Therefore, the only way forward is to protect oneself to minimize the severity of the illness. That means to get vaccinated—if you can—stay as healthy as possible, and make sure your vitamin D, C, Magnesium, and Zinc levels are up to speed.

Where's God when you need her?


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