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Foreigners who join anti-govt protests face deportation and blacklist: Thai police


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14 hours ago, Whale said:

That does not make sense. By all means arrest him/her for breaking covid rules but what has their nationality got to do with anything and why do they have to "warn" foreigners specifically? 



In this instance the ' covid rules ' have absolutely nothing to do with the virus.

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15 hours ago, ben2talk said:

So publicly they are saying they will punish anyone who excercises freedom of speech, there is no right to a POV, there's no right to complain....


Only the right of the regime to demand impunity and take down anyone that threatens it...


And the generals who staged a coup do not risk anything


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18 hours ago, ben2talk said:

So publicly they are saying they will punish anyone who excercises freedom of speech, there is no right to a POV, there's no right to complain....


Only the right of the regime to demand impunity and take down anyone that threatens it...


Warning, all foreigners, do not stand near a protestor and spread COVID-19, you can face deportation. Myamer workers will be not allowed to leave their work place if caught near a protest.

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12 hours ago, SicTransit said:

And no, it does not define "a person" as "a Thai national".


Well the warnings are unequivocal..... get involved and caught you will, be punished, they will imprison and deport. wave your flag all the way to the Bangkok Hilton.

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Why does it not come as a surprise, that some pr1cks somewhere hidden behind a brown uniform invents laws and rules again? 

Either the lawmakers (and not some police goons) are revising the law on congregations in general, like location, number of people etc. 

Or they clearly say that the public in general and the most hated-Nonthais in particular have to shut up and get arrested for anything, which is not absolutely in line with the chief bananas. As they quite obviously fail to get their underlings to execute all those ideas born in air-conditioned offices or in the back of chauffeur-driven limos, they now rattle the cage with the non-Thai crowd. 

We're living in a failed state and it was a failure by its people to let such crooks creep into all those government offices. Welcome to Neanderthal! 

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9 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

You're a good person, but don't do any of that. Thailand has more censorship than Taliban Afghanistan. Literally, it's researched and rated globally. So behave like the Taliban is ruling and you may stay. They make the rules, you have to play by them. Be like the rest of the forum - watch their deeds and make idle comments. It's all we're allowed.

Wave the white flag seems to be the crux of your argument. You really want to let the bad guys win? 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

He said that if those arrested are found to be juveniles, their parents also face being prosecuted.

This happens in despot countries, i.e. obey us or your families will suffer. who knows where their teenage kids really are, all the time, when out with their friends.?????

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The American Embassy sends out alerts re: demonstrations and areas to avoid.



Back in the 70's, during one of the bouts of national insanity (1973 or 1976), I think an American was killed by Thai national security forces (Border Partrol?). To the best of my recollection he was NOT participating, but rather was in the wrong place while the Thai security forces let loose with a barrage of automatic weapons. I think he may have been a teacher, maybe at Chitlada? I remember the King and Queen expressing concern and remorse at the time.



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22 hours ago, petermik said:

I think being a visitor to the country we should respect their laws....whether we agree with them is another matter.

"we should respect their laws." Why should we respect anyone's laws and rules if they are unfair to ordinary people?

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Just now, possum1931 said:

What is there to expand? It's as plain as the nose on your face.

No it isn't. I'm living here and contributing to economy. And then what else am I supposed to do? Please do tell?


If someone is organizing protests against 90 day reports I will consider joining.

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11 minutes ago, Pravda said:

No it isn't. I'm living here and contributing to economy. And then what else am I supposed to do? Please do tell?


If someone is organizing protests against 90 day reports I will consider joining.


11 minutes ago, Pravda said:

No it isn't. I'm living here and contributing to economy. And then what else am I supposed to do? Please do tell?


If someone is organizing protests against 90 day reports I will consider joining.

You first sentence is puzzling, but your second, I would also consider joining.

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22 hours ago, SiamAndy said:

Pathetic excuse of a government. A government who threatens their citizens and their guests is not a legitimate government.

They are not legitimate anyway as they were not voted in, and are there against the majority of the Thai peoples wishes.

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22 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Such govt. warnings are within thai law. All Foreigners are guests here. 

Follow the rules, or else. Do not interfere. Mind your own business.

“We are NOT in Kansas now  Dorothy…..” ( Wizard of Oz). “This is Sparta !! “( 300 film).

"All Foreigners are guests here." I don't consider myself as a "guest" here, I would say the way I am treated here by the Thai government is in line with being a criminal.

And before any members of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade start, there was no compulsary 90 day reporting nonsense, just a nice pleasant trip to the border every 90 days.

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20 hours ago, jayboy said:

So do I but what exactly is the Thai law being broken if foreigners attend political rallies? I remember many foreigners attending the yellow demonstrations and none of them were prosecuted or deported.

But there wasn't an unelected military "government" in charge then.

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5 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If you think you are being treated unfairly, why shouldn't you protest, foreigner or not?

If you feel so inclined, then go for it. Get right up in the front, yelling your position with vim and vigor. This will establish you aren't just an anonymous keyboard warrior but a foreigner who has been warned but acts on what he perceives are his rights and freedoms anyway. Please do this then get back to us.

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17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

But there wasn't an unelected military "government" in charge then.

The current government is elected albeit on the basis of a rigged constitution. It's obviously a sham democracy.


As to the different treatment of foreign protestors who can fully gauge the warped thought processes of the Thai elite? However I suspect that their deranged ideas of who are the "good people" have something to do with it.

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3 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

If you feel so inclined, then go for it. Get right up in the front, yelling your position with vim and vigor. This will establish you aren't just an anonymous keyboard warrior but a foreigner who has been warned but acts on what he perceives are his rights and freedoms anyway. Please do this then get back to us.

This post contains such nonsense and is not worth bothering about.

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