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Investigation launched after Thai police plane allegedly used to smuggle bootleg liquor


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Let's see the RTP..... they are corrupt, smugglers, owners of gambling dens, torturers, lazy, use tear gaz and rubber bullets to control, unfriendly, and love pointing to objects or people, old fashioned,

 and they are very sensitive if you make jokes about them.. But we have to respect them. Maybe there are some positive sides too??

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On a side note, smuggling alcohol across borders wouldn't need to happen if the Thai government dropped its incredibly large import tarrifs on alcohol.  They are just ridiculous. 


Example: Red wine from Australia that is literally $5 to $10 (AUD) a bottle is up to ten times the price here.  Forget about any of the better quality wines being anywhere in reach of acceptable affordability for both Thais and even expats over here. 


Regular Thai people are truly missing out on enjoying sampling the vast array of great wines from abroad and expanding their cultural awareness.  It is only the snobby Hi-So elites who can. 

Edited by aussienam
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Two senior officers were involved, it was claimed but a NACC investigation stalled as the officers rose through the ranks.


The police's own regulatory authority are also now involved in the investigation said

Corrupt to the core.

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5 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

The swat team commander that lives opposite me has a drinking party every night except last night by spooky coincidence maybe their supply has  been cut off  ????

Slightly perturbing that he has a drinking party every night if his day job involves mincing around the place armed to the teeth making finely honed judgement calls about whether to shoot or not!

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Ah brought in illegal contraband that had probably been smuggled across the border for personal gain and use in his own possible establishment since Thailand will open to the world starting in October.  He is in some deep doo-doo and will be moved to an inactive post, maybe scrubbing toilets.....

Nah into PMs office

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7 hours ago, poskat said:

the stories we hear about are just tip of the iceberg


this one will soon gone into the black hole of an investigating committee

they will take a few months to invent with what the "misunderstanding" was


and all will be well...

They don't even do that. They just delay doing anything until everyone has forgotten about it.

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7 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Now we are starting to see that they are, in plain fact, an organised criminal gang as alleged by the UN. 

Just today some are just beginning to see this? 

Been of this nature for a good part of several decades. 


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Come on guys give RTP a little break it's a 'perk' of the job! Most jobs have perks for the police it's assault, murder and 'tea' money, politicians have get out of jail cards and these rules don't apply to me status.

So a few bottles of Scotlands finest finding there way into Hi So drinks cabinets isn't such a big deal!

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