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I'm really over old idiots in Thailand


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1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Friends are reflections of ourselves....

I have friends I used to hang out with in my twenties, travel, party, and all that kind of things, now 30 years later they come, and visit me In Thailand.  I can barely stay with them after 7 in the night. I feel they are at the same spot where I left them in my twenties, and I have moved along. So late lunch early dinner and off back home before it gets to ugly ????


When see them back home in their sphere, they behave, are polite, talk good and it is possible to have some good interesting talks, but at once coming down here, they go nuts. 

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20 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

As I get older I'm not interested in "hate" whether those people be gay,transexual,black ,green or whatever 

I go to Thailand/Asia to have a good time not to hate someone who is different from you .


Ok I would tolerate it with a younger person having those opinions but not some old codger my age who should get over it 

I was in Pattaya with this Australian friend he is 76 last time where in McDonald's he proceeded to call a farang & his Thai BF a "F.....GG..t ... something I shouldn't of let go at the time .

I'm over farangs  who hate others ...the moment I hear a farang start saying negatively about someone sex preferences I'm out of there 

I think your “friend” is a closeted gay like a great many homophobes, frustrated that they never could, for whatever reason, come out and live out their sexual lives as they wished. I guess the frustration grows with age as it becomes less and less possible to follow one's true nature.

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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

Wanna live in country X ? Then contribute to it - not just Take Take Take - More More More - while crying the same old song.

That is just it, Take Take Take, does it make it right, yet you cry by paying to support them, maybe Hitler's version would suit you better ?

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20 hours ago, Antonymous said:

We choose our friends. If he no longer (sounds like he never did) supports the opinions you hold dear and that offends you, you don't have to spend any more time with him.

Agreed. The new terminology is "toxic". Honestly though I've stopped contact with a couple of very long term friends because of that.

There is a time to let loose of things/people that bring you down.


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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps the OP should have asked his friend why he was so angry, instead of just lecturing him. We are supposed to help our friends in their time of need, are we not? If we are not, then we are no friend of them.

I have an older friend who is possibly the most bigoted person I've ever met. Nice guy in most situations but he's racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, you name it he's it BUT and it's a crucial but, he doesn't see it in himself until it's pointed out to him. Rather than judge I've tried to educate as it's very much a generational thing with him and a product of being bullied when he was younger (he's quite Mediteranean looking so was subject to racist abuse when he was a kid). When you start peeling back the reasoning you start to see the cause and when you know the cause you can start working to improve it.
It's a work in progress for sure (he genuinely thought it was ok to call black people the N word and gay people 'an abomination') but there is much improvement and although I doubt he'll be receiving any race relations awards any time soon, much of it is just simply down to pointing out what is/isn't acceptable now compared to 30 years ago (although i would argue most of what comes out of his mouth should never have been acceptable). 


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12 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

I have an older friend who is possibly the most bigoted person I've ever met. Nice guy in most situations but he's racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, you name it he's it BUT and it's a crucial but, he doesn't see it in himself until it's pointed out to him. Rather than judge I've tried to educate as it's very much a generational thing with him and a product of being bullied when he was younger (he's quite Mediteranean looking so was subject to racist abuse when he was a kid). When you start peeling back the reasoning you start to see the cause and when you know the cause you can start working to improve it.
It's a work in progress for sure (he genuinely thought it was ok to call black people the N word and gay people 'an abomination') but there is much improvement and although I doubt he'll be receiving any race relations awards any time soon, much of it is just simply down to pointing out what is/isn't acceptable now compared to 30 years ago (although i would argue most of what comes out of his mouth should never have been acceptable). 


Most of all, your friend is educated by someone he respect! Thats maybe the most important factor to change bad behavior. A person you respect tell you straight what he or she thinks of you and how you behave. 

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21 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

As I get older I'm not interested in "hate" whether those people be gay,transexual,black ,green or whatever 

I go to Thailand/Asia to have a good time not to hate someone who is different from you .


Ok I would tolerate it with a younger person having those opinions but not some old codger my age who should get over it 

I was in Pattaya with this Australian friend he is 76 last time where in McDonald's he proceeded to call a farang & his Thai BF a "F.....GG..t ... something I shouldn't of let go at the time .

I'm over farangs  who hate others ...the moment I hear a farang start saying negatively about someone sex preferences I'm out of there 

i have a friend like that he is 86, still in Thailand and abuses everyone, maybe going senile, best left alone as he is a nighmare to have a drink with, and I have known him for 30 years.

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19 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

Whether it is gay, transgender, bisexual, asexual, bestiality, swinging, groups sex, wife swap etc.  Your preference is fine, its even ok that you are proud of it, and want to use it often.  However your preference should be like your sexual organ,. Kept Private.  When you start taking it out in public, wagging it in my face, expecting me to love it too and try to shove it down my throat well that is just plain wrong.  I don't know of any heterosexuals' who feel the need to shout from the rooftops that they like to have sex with a member of the opposite sex, have parades, have special flags for their sexual preference or the need for special legislation to safeguard their sexuality.  The same should be true for all others.  I don't believe most people want to know, or care who you choose to have sex with. 

Well said!  ????

Or as Oscar is alleged to have said "Just don't scare the horses". ????

Seriously, what goes on between other, consenting adults, is none of my damn business and I don't make it my business.

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34 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

i have a friend like that he is 86, still in Thailand and abuses everyone, maybe going senile, best left alone as he is a nighmare to have a drink with, and I have known him for 30 years.

I think I might have met him....or someone very like him....almost every night.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

The Guardian, the UK's socialists rag....????

My ex brother-in-law is a London policeman, he also is a member and organiser of a Christian church, now my guess is he would put that aside to hand you some advice and facts.

Plus, bar stool knowledge can be a dangerous thing....:whistling:

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19 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

Whether it is gay, transgender, bisexual, asexual, bestiality, swinging, groups sex, wife swap etc.  Your preference is fine, its even ok that you are proud of it, and want to use it often.  However your preference should be like your sexual organ,. Kept Private.  When you start taking it out in public, wagging it in my face, expecting me to love it too and try to shove it down my throat well that is just plain wrong.  

They normally just stick to their own. 

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18 minutes ago, transam said:

The Guardian, the UK's socialists rag....????

My ex brother-in-law is a London policeman, he also is a member and organiser of a Christian church, now my guess is he would put that aside to hand you some advice and facts.

Plus, bar stool knowledge can be a dangerous thing....:whistling:

Documentaries are bar stool knowledge? Well if your ex BIL is a policeman and a church member that must make him a good guy.???? Wasn't the BTK a church member? I believe Dennis Nilsen was also a policeman at one time. I'm not suggesting all UK police are bad, but the problem is they cover for each other even when they know it's wrong. The Thin Blue Line.

Church officials said Rader has attended Christ Lutheran for 30 years, starting at about the same time he is accused of committing his first murders. Last fall, Rader was elected president of the church council, a role he assumed Jan. 1. Congregation members said he was a Boy Scouts leader.
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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

They normally just stick to their own. 

No that is not true.  At one time those who were not heterosexual were said to "be in the closet"   Well I am not sure how that differs from heterosexuals who certainly don't and never had heterosexual parades, heterosexual flags, or demand legislative protection for being heterosexual.  

Guess what, when I walk down the street I doubt that many people care or want to know what my sexual preference is and frankly it is none of their business.  

The same should be true for gays, lesbians, transexuals, swingers, or any other variant you can imagine.  Its fine that you have chosen that as your preference.  But stop trying to push it in the schools, have flags hung from the U.S. embassies, and demanding that somehow I embrace that lifestyle and rejoice in it.  Those with other sexual preference lifestyles don't embrace or love the fact that I am a heterosexual.  Your sexual preference is like your religion, or politics.  While I respect and condone your right to choose them, don't expect me to agree with them, or celebrate them. 


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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

I have an older friend who is possibly the most bigoted person I've ever met. Nice guy in most situations but he's racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, you name it he's it BUT and it's a crucial but, he doesn't see it in himself until it's pointed out to him. Rather than judge I've tried to educate as it's very much a generational thing with him and a product of being bullied when he was younger (he's quite Mediteranean looking so was subject to racist abuse when he was a kid). When you start peeling back the reasoning you start to see the cause and when you know the cause you can start working to improve it.
It's a work in progress for sure (he genuinely thought it was ok to call black people the N word and gay people 'an abomination') but there is much improvement and although I doubt he'll be receiving any race relations awards any time soon, much of it is just simply down to pointing out what is/isn't acceptable now compared to 30 years ago (although i would argue most of what comes out of his mouth should never have been acceptable). 


Well done you.


I could never do that, I don't think.


Once I hear the racist, homophobic, misogynistic comments start to pop up in the conversation I have to walk away......even left a beer once!!!

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7 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

A very slight, tiny difference between the heterosexual experience and the homosexual experience might account for this wish to parade and demonstrate, both of which are saying to the world, in a strange kind of way, leave us be???

And Will just how does someone know that I am or am not homosexual unless I tell them. The very reason that they potentially are targeted for physical abuse or potential discrimination is this crying need on their part to share their sexuality with the world.  

If the person who is heterosexual is not compelled to fly flags, and march in parades what the heck is the need for those with other sexual preferences to do so?  If they kept their preference to themselves and in the bedroom no one would know and frankly no one would care. 

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