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Thailand to be connected to China by rail - developments in trade this year - High Speed train finished 2028


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18 hours ago, BestB said:

 last time i checked it was the West that came to rescue each and every time with no strings attached.

Those foreign wallies just don't appreciate the huge benefits colonialisation brought to them and their countries do they?  Ungrateful Barstewards!



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52 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Yes delivery times will be cut down.  The Fake goods can now come straight to us without going through Burma first.

There will always be counterfeits. 

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20 hours ago, robert888d said:

China lends vast sums of money to countries for huge development projects. Later on many countries are unable to repay the loans and then China can get anything it wants out of them. China will eventually take over Thailand but the Thais will have no one to blame but themselves. The Chinese are very intelligent  and clever to say  the least.

And sadly the Thai Government's priority is self interest and have little comprehension of World Politics or business.  I see very little evidence of developing Free Trade Agreements with other Countries and a classical example of their very poor administrative skills is the Visa System, which requires mounds of paperwork, which has to be repeated year on year.  I have been here 16 years and estimate the paperwork I have submitted to Immigration would equate to a small tree forest!  Yet they keep claiming they are the hub for IT, on top of which their online 90 day reporting system keeps going down and for weeks at a time.  But for all that, I do love Thailand and the people in general.

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On 9/18/2021 at 10:26 AM, djayz said:

I think you'll find that the average Somchai didn't have insider knowledge about this once in a lifetime opportunity to get rich quickly. If the truth be known, a very small, exclusive group of people just happened, by sheer coincidence, to buy that land before the project was announced.


Hasn't this government ( dictatorship) done exactly what Thaksin was accused of doing with the new airport. the reason for the coup??????? 

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On 9/18/2021 at 11:55 AM, Caldera said:

Perfect for the PLA to move troops,  in case the Southern Provinces formerly known as SEA should dare to disobey Beijing at some point in the future

Yes without the new High speed train ...there's no way China could take over Thailand, even though their country borders Laos........

They only legalized Kratom last month, have you guys managed to get hold of it already...................................:coffee1:


**Note to England , do you realize how vulnerable you are now you have built the Chanel tunnel.........

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1 minute ago, sanuk711 said:

**Note to England , do you realize how vulnerable you are now you have built the Chanel tunnel.........

Yeah the French might slip in thousands of wheels of Camembert and crisps and invade while the troops are gorging themselves

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On 9/18/2021 at 2:50 PM, Rookiescot said:

Tip of the iceberg mate.

When Evergrande goes down it will start to take some of the huge Chinese banks with it.

Some of those banks have huge investments in things like loans and government bonds here in Thailand. They will start offloading those. Value of them will plummet. 

Thai central bank will be forced to start buying them up but will eventually run out of money.

Thailand starts printing Baht like its going out of fashion. Currency collapses.

China still wants its money back but will now accept goods and services rather than money.

Deep water naval port on the west coast? No problem.

We want a military airport there. No problem.

We want control of your water and electricity suppliers. Take them.

Still got some hardwood trees in those national parks. They are yours.

Hell China will probably take the few remaining wild tigers as well.

Thailand will become a Chinese colony.

Us westerners will be invited to leave at that point.


China is already doing these things in some african countries. They got themselves up to their necks in debt to China building railways and roads they didnt need but powerful people got rich from the brown envelopes involved.

Evergrande has half the market cap of Lehman Bros. The CCP have far more regulatory grunt than the Wall St watchdogs. 

Xi can't afford the only legit public protests [over money] to set China ablaze. They'll do what it takes. There will be damage, but no collapse, unless some Western banks go Tetons up across the border. 

This place almost certainly won't be occupied, it's a mugs game the west never seem to learn from the Roman epoch.

More recently, how many times have we been handed our butts in Afghanistan alone? Kalaland will be owned by China in other respects. Salim blood is Chinese blood from way back.



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24 minutes ago, shdmn said:

Yet another TV thread devolving into mindless anti-China rhetoric.  Who could have predicted.

No Friend of the CCP myself but the more tabloid-y comments are from the western version of the Chinese seafood buffet mongrels. They deserve each other. 

Edited by chalawaan
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4 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Yes without the new High speed train ...there's no way China could take over Thailand, even though their country borders Laos........

They only legalized Kratom last month, have you guys managed to get hold of it already...................................:coffee1:


**Note to England , do you realize how vulnerable you are now you have built the Chanel tunnel.........

Clearly no one in your family was a military engineer. They don't muck about when destruction needs doing. And take it from me, Kratom is milder than that coffee your emoji is sipping.

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On 9/18/2021 at 12:56 PM, fvw53 said:

Suppose one train carries 2000 passengers

How hours will be needed to pass the Lao passport and customs and then the Chinese border....all the time reduction of high speed may be lost

I prefer an airplane

One clears immigration before and after the trip, not at transit borders. Transit stations are sealed, so no jumping the border, and getting hundreds of transits on and off a train takes five minutes with allocated boarding, it takes at least that long to open a plane door once the jets are at shut down, airbridge has docked, and the first pax stumble off. Also less security theater than scareports and the train arrives smack in downtown, doesn't get stuck in holding patterns, or diverted by weather, violent drunks or unwell passengers.

Edited by chalawaan
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think in light of recent events like the us/uk/aus nuke sub agreement that china will be desperately looking around for "allies" to back them up...not necessarily in a war context but strategic financial and geographic. lets hope thailand dont sell themselves a bum deal here, they are better aligning with their asean brothers n sisters 

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On 9/18/2021 at 8:03 PM, JustAnotherHun said:

I hope, it will be the Chinese who do the routine maintenance of the trains and the rails. If it's done by Thais we will see horrible accidents.

They will sub contract it to a company called "Mao Pen Rai" for maintenance n repairs ...

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