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Health minister denies Thailand rejected 1m dose Pfizer vaccine donation offered by US


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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

saying that protocol dictates

Protocol ! does this idiot even know the meaning of the word, hey you Nut In government is discrimination correct protocol to foreigners ? Answer yes if in Thailand. I am still interested to know is there ANY other country in the world that kept foreigners at the back of the queue ????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Appalling, donations again of ‘ready to go’ Pfizer for the needy Thai citizens ( and foreigners ) under his watch being delayed, carry on Mr A you’ve lost another tourist high season anyhow ……….

Edited by CANSIAM
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scandalous. Which ever way you look at this it is scandalous. Either Anutin and his cronies are so disorganized that the offer of a million doses does not reach him (highly doubtful). Or they are so inept they cannot complete paperwork to enable the importation of the vaccines (also highly doubtful). Or, he simply  doesn't want to accept the donation. Hmmm now I wonder which it could be.

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2 hours ago, paul1804 said:

IT is beggars belief what goes on in LOS with their elected ( supposed to be ) leaders, 1 million Pfizer doses waiting to be sent but cannot because paperwork not completed by Thailand! If this is true it is treasonous given the current situation, why is this tolerated by the General and people of Thailand! 


Because by default the general is complicit and the general public are possibly not fully informed or are aware their thoughts are of no importance. 


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22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Nothing this incompetent could do or say would mean anything, at this point. The saying "all credibility is lost" was invented for you Anutin!


Nobody believes anything he or Prayuth say. Thailand desperately needs policy, competent ministers with experience in the fields their ministries are in charge of, and at least a tiny amount of vision and planning. Prayuth and Anutin lack every pre-requisite. So do most of the ministers. Likely the two least qualified and least effective of the lot. One would think during a national emergency, a skilled and talented tourism and health minister would be considered important.

He does not inspire confidence, as he has no follow up in his game, is highly insincere, and is grossly incompetent and under qualified for the job. One would think after 7 plus years he has had time to learn. That does not appear to be the case. He is a terrible health minister. This kind of national emergency is real proof that Thailand should never allow another coup to happen. With a civilian government that is democratically elected, and a truly representative body in the senate, Thailand at least has a chance of qualified ministers being appointed based on merit and talent.

With Prayuth and this army, there is little chance of this ever happening. They are re-defining the words cronyism and inept on a daily basis.




You only need 2 words to fully describe it, cronyism - inept,  that's fully descriptive of the situation. 

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17 minutes ago, Hawaiian said:

Approximately $20 million or more worth of vaccine at no cost.  Too proud and/or stupid to touch bases with the U.S. Embassy?  Never mind we can always buy  more from China.

The second option seems to fit perfectly - stupid.... 

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18 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

Is this just Thailand doing what China wants and says?


Or is that too sophisticated a theory and the Thai Ministers just can't get their sh*t together and know what the left hand is doing. 

I think the old saying is applicable to Thailand.


Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence.



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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Nothing this incompetent could do or say would mean anything, at this point. The saying "all credibility is lost" was invented for you Anutin!


Nobody believes anything he or Prayuth say. Thailand desperately needs policy, competent ministers with experience in the fields their ministries are in charge of, and at least a tiny amount of vision and planning. Prayuth and Anutin lack every pre-requisite. So do most of the ministers. Likely the two least qualified and least effective of the lot. One would think during a national emergency, a skilled and talented tourism and health minister would be considered important.

He does not inspire confidence, as he has no follow up in his game, is highly insincere, and is grossly incompetent and under qualified for the job. One would think after 7 plus years he has had time to learn. That does not appear to be the case. He is a terrible health minister. This kind of national emergency is real proof that Thailand should never allow another coup to happen. With a civilian government that is democratically elected, and a truly representative body in the senate, Thailand at least has a chance of qualified ministers being appointed based on merit and talent.

With Prayuth and this army, there is little chance of this ever happening. They are re-defining the words cronyism and inept on a daily basis.




Ooh look at my ribbons and medals!!

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My take is a little different. Despite the US embassy denying that there were strings attached to the first 1.5million doses, there were, remember one of the many generals standing up at some gab fest and saying 10% had to go to expats and so much to health care workers etc, well I have had that fact confirmed by 2 different doctors, thank you USA by the way as I benefitted. I feel that Anutin or one of his cohorts did not like being told how to distribute the windfall so decided to treat the US to some Thai bureaucracy for the second batch. Now just a face saving exercise as it has become public. Truly despicable actions though, and I hope one day to see the karma delivered for it.



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13 hours ago, thailand49 said:

I would think the first donation made by the U.S. showed what an insult as to what China has been doing and giving since the pandemic. From my interaction with Thais they might feel the same no one unless they have a choice want the the useless stuff the leaders can't answer the call find the paperwork or complete it unless they have a bit of light and that isn't going to happen when they got their head up the butts of the CCP????


The goal has always been to monopoly with the use of AZ, accepting more would of Pfizer would only reduce the profit of making AZ, reason they didn't want to join Covax? in the beginning.

Yes, China complained when Thais refused their vax and waited for the western ones, they were progressing toward Chinese hegemony in Thailand nicely until that reality presented itself. The khakis are ready to play ball but the rest of the people are dragging their heals until they get an incentive to sell out also, like Chinese paying retail prices to buy up the property. The trainline from China to BKK should be ready by then...


In the end, Thailand will find it finally has become a colony, or at least China's Florida????

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