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How many of you that had bad marriages to Thai women would try again but do things differently if you had a time machine?


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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:


I gave her the deposit on a house (300kbht), make the repayments (9kbht/month).

Wording here eludes me.  Does that mean you drew up actual legal contracts and loaned her money?  in which she has to repay you monthly?

I'm taking notes 555.

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6 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

Wording here eludes me.  Does that mean you drew up actual legal contracts and loaned her money?  in which she has to repay you monthly?

I'm taking notes 555.

As far I remember, they took out a mortgage in her name and he pays the monthly instalments.

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4 hours ago, mokwit said:

Superficially, Thai women are the most attractive I have ever come across - they have this energy and vivacity - they're like humming birds.


Advice I was given very early on: "You can spend 3 years trying to work through the issues, but at the end of 3 years she will be the same and you will have wasted 3 years of your life"


...and that is exactly what I did - the terrible sadness of it was that we were able to work out many issues, but the biggie was the irrational fear of infidelity and trying to keep me under house arrest.

that .”fear” and resultant behaviour would have violated my successful very strict  “zero tolerance”” policy immediately …..and she’d have been cut right there…….unless it came late on in the relationship and she deserved a “ concession” , especially if she had been cheated on………

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Just now, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

that .”fear” and resultant behaviour would have violated my successful very strict  “zero tolerance”” policy immediately …..and she’d have been cut right there…….unless it came late on in the relationship and she deserved a “ concession” , especially if she had been cheated on………

I sometimes think my mistake was not ending it after two weeks when the behaviour started, but I felt with time she would see that her fears were irrational..............................you know the rest.

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“ teachers and govt. people” are “monied” ? seriously ? poverty level yes is 2k month.

 my lady’s sister is a thai govt worker on 12 k month. same for teachers in her town…..

lets call them employed rather than monied ? so begs question which thai demographic  earns less than basic govt. workers…? even the sidecar food sellers & local stall holders are pulling down min. 30-40 k arent they ? farmer types hard hit I believe by low friut * veg prices so stopped farming ?

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6 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

sympathise mokwit but mistake right there to believe they will ever change, by recognizing western logic or any other event …. what flaw is presented is permanent…..get rid at once ! thats my zero tolerance in action ……served me so well over my time here…..



It has been my policy ever since - dump at the first bad mood/acting up, coz it's all down hill from that point. That said, I had an on off relation for 14 years. I'd cut her off and after a few months/couple of years take her back.......

Edited by mokwit
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“supporting family” or “moving to her village” or “ assets in her name” or “ building/ buying  her a house” ………ARE  YOU CRAZY BOY OR JUST PLAIN STUPID ? ( said to Forrest Gump when he’s enquiring about buying a Shrimp Boat…… with his entire savings ……because his dead buddy says do it…..after shrimps gone ten years before …….) 

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1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

Isaan villagers like to talk about sharing....as long as it is all one way. And in any case they usually have nothing you would want to help yourself too. I think we pass too much of this behavior off as cultural. In general it is not acceptable at all to go and take someone else's stuff in a village or anywhere in Thailand.

My family is sharing, but not village people beyond that...


Hey, sort of the hippy dream of communal living... and my family definitely understand boundaries.. 

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

They are usually trying to step up the timetable.

This is one of the things that baffles me; why do you hear about so many guys getting hitched after a matter of weeks ... the vast majority of the cases ending up as the "nightmare" cliche.

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13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

but if you are in a hurry, if you need me to start supporting you and your family NOW, I am NOT YOUR GUY

Oh Captain, waxing a bit poetic today, and then veering into some Motown,,, Supremes You can't Hurry Love and then was it Mary Wells w/My Guy? 2 favorites - what have you been listening to lately? 

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