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No Smart Phone

Grumpy Old Man

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2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

What does getting a car driving licence have to do with either owning a mobile phone or

not ?

   I cannot see the connection 

@robblok  will no doubt scoff again at my "conspiracy" theories...but it's all to do with the big push towards a total surveillance state...cashless society and "vaccine passports" made "simple"    just by using your personal tracking device..AKA smartphone. ????   

(notice smily emoticon meaning that it is said in jest  but remember what they  about many things said in jest)

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4 minutes ago, topt said:

Ok I may accept that for Thailand but it is not general yet thank goodness. :thumbsup:

Up to you if you want one or not I mean if you don't use it then don't get one. Simple. But this topic was in response to Thailand mandating the app. (not sure how strict they will be and if they can even check it)

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3 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Don't have one, don't want one, have no use for one,

People seem more and more controlled by smart phones,

when you see people aimlessly walking around head bent down 

looking at a little screen, couples out at a restaurant ,first ting

they do when they sit down is get their phones out .


My wife is a great example how they control you, it just has

to make the little sound that a message has arrived, she's

straight there , she likes to watch people swashing spots,

blackheads , Elephants, Chinese people eating huge plates

of food, that kind of mindless stuff, for a lot o people today,

smart phones have a bigger hold over them, than most drugs.

I am not really a Luddite, I embrace technology , have a 

collection of 9 mini PC's , but I don't feel the need to carry

one around with me. 


Regards Worgeordie



wordiegeorgy, can tell i tell you a secret, your wife can watch those things also on tv. There are even people who watch sports on TV (not me) and seem to like it. Not sure why one would look down on what other people view. I find watching sports mindless (i find a debate about tv or movies as unproductive as one about what foods taste good its all personal)


How you use your phone is up to you i love to kill time with it when i have to wait or to have it guide me to where i need to go on the bike or car. I love it that it helps me pay things. I like reading the forum if i have to wait for something i take my phone. 


I do agree that some people are not really sociable but that is not a phone problem but a person problem. I don't see it much with the people im around now. They use their phones also when others are there but not overly.


You wont see me walking and looking at my phone at the same time..far too dangerous.

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3 hours ago, hioctane said:

For the first time, I just scanned a QR code at a food stall with my  bank app and paid for a couple of drinks. No change nor touching filthy money. Very fast and convenient!

Yes and you lose your wallet with its filthy money and its really no big deal, you lose your smartphone and its a big big problem. Some folks have all their pictures, banking and credit card info, emails, passwords etc!!

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On 10/28/2021 at 6:29 PM, ezzra said:

Unfortunately a smart phone is not a luxury item to own anymore,i't's become like your data bank/I.D card and payment's gate, so young or old and whether we like it or not, we're stuck with it...

LOL. Never had one, don't want one, don't need one.

You can submit to being tracked wherever you go and your information being sold to advertisers, but I'll pass on that.

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5 minutes ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

Yes and you lose your wallet with its filthy money and its really no big deal, you lose your smartphone and its a big big problem. Some folks have all their pictures, banking and credit card info, emails, passwords etc!!

That is definitely a valid point. That is why you need to secure your phone and make sure you can whipe it from an computer.


On the other hand I havent lost a smartphone yet, but yes I would be far more worried about the data then the value of the phone. However i would wipe the phone quickly after having searched a bit.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Never had one, don't want one, don't need one.

You can submit to being tracked wherever you go and your information being sold to advertisers, but I'll pass on that.

100% your right and choice and others make other choices.


But if Thailand says you need one to enter for the app (and if they check for it) then its a different story. Then your excuse of not owning one will be a problem. (or not as there are so far no cases known of people having been turned back)


But this is kinda like the 20k that you needed to have on you some got send back others were never asked. 

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

Amazing skills you have there.


Talking of books  can I recommend one for you ? 

It's called 1984  written by George Orwell.


Well what more can I say !!!   if they track you for a virus it's not much of a stretch of the imagination to  wonder what else they want,can and will track you for is it ?

Your already being tracked if you have the phone. I would not be surprised if they would use it too if you murdered someone to prove where you were. I doubt that they won't use it if the need arises. Its the same with a non smart phone they can be traced too.


Personally I don't worry too much about it unless i kill someone that is. 


So what kind of shady business are you involved in that you are so worried. 


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49 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

What does getting a car driving licence have to do with either owning a mobile phone or

not ?

   I cannot see the connection 

The connection  is a length of electrical cable with a small plug thingie on one end and a big plug thingie on the other.....

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Your 'smart' phone is the key to future transhumanism, allowing you

to upload the contents of your brain and exist in an ideal virtual world.

You will become Droidbot. See Meta.

I tried to upload my brain already, but was stamped 'rejected'.

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50 minutes ago, robblok said:

So what kind of shady business are you involved in that you are so worried. 

In my opinion no shady business at all !

But others may have other ideas as to what is "shady" or not,  for example until quite recently it was considered in many countries and still is in quite a few to be "shady"  if you are gay. ( no I'm not gay)


It may be "shady"   to go out to a bar or massage parlour and have sex with someone  other than your husband or wife. ( no I don't do that either)


Would it be "shady" to do a few days work  "off the books"   now and again ? (no comment)


Is it "shady"  not to use your real name,age,date of birth etc  when signing up to social media sites ? (definitely "shady")


Who decides what is "shady"  and the "shades" of the "shadeyness"

and what mechanisms are there to  prevent the misuse of the detected "shadeyness"  ?    who's to say that something not "shady"  today  is something "shady" tomorrow  :w00t:

You will of course point to the data protection laws

which Edward Snowden's revelations  have proved to be totally useless.

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Just now, johng said:

In my opinion no shady business at all !

But others may have other ideas as to what is "shady" or not,  for example until quite recently it was considered in many countries and still is in quite a few to be "shady"  if you are gay. ( no I'm not gay)


It may be "shady"   to go out to a bar or massage parlour and have sex with someone  other than your husband or wife. ( no I don't do that either)


Would it be "shady" to do a few days work  "off the books"   now and again ? (no comment)


Is it "shady"  not to use your real name,age,date of birth etc  when signing up to social media sites ? (definitely "shady")


Who decides what is "shady"  and the "shades" of the "shadeyness"

and what mechanisms are there to  prevent the misuse of the detected "shadeyness"  ?    who's to say that something not "shady"  today  is something "shady" tomorrow  :w00t:

You will of course point to the data protection laws

which Edward Snowden's revelations  have proved to be totally useless.

Ok you lost me a bit, the things your mentioning have nothing to do with the government. So how would government tracking have any impact on the situations you mentioned.


Would the Thai government care if you are gay ?, Would the Thai government care if you go to a massage parlour ? The few days of book work maybe (if you were working here). I used my real name on this forum.


Point being the stuff your talking about has nothing to do with government tracking. (except maybe the  working off books)


Sorry but you really got some strange thought processes in your ind to think the government would be interested in those things.


Could you come up with some realistic examples of what the government would like to know ? All that you mentioned are mainly things government don't care about. 

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