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No lift of alcohol ban


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5 hours ago, superal said:

Seems it has fallen out of favour as regards alcohol permits and bookings for this high season will have been made elsewhere already . 

That's the idea... Pattaya overhaul , no Riff Raff or sex tourists . They imagine there's better things to attract people to Pattaya ... They will get a rude awakening I hope. Pattaya ...." It's Disneyland for old folk ! " 

I know ... I'm old and I'm enjoying it right now .... lol .

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On 11/8/2021 at 9:44 PM, tomyami said:

Its a 24 hour curfew on people who drink socially whichs pretty much shuts down a local economy.

It has been a success in pattaya

You mean all those people who were on the beach drinking alcohol, dancing and not wearing facemasks during the Music Festival was a success ??

7/11 can't fill their drinks fridges quick enough.

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57 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Not in the past. Quite the contrary.

Agree, in the past. Now policy is dictated from the top. If it was up to to the mayor I think bars would now be open, but it isn't so they aren't.

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15 hours ago, animalmagic said:

????, as many businesses will be forced into bankruptcy I wonder if lots of leases and land are starting to become available for 'other businessmen' to snap up and then redevelop?

It's happening already the large bar complex soi made in Thailand has closed for good and is going to be redeveloped.

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On 11/8/2021 at 10:49 PM, pixelaoffy said:

The fact that there's o real representative democracy in a country where what the people want makes not a god damn difference..  failed country 

Thailand is a Banana Republic ruled by an unelected soldier posing as a PM with probably about the same low IQ as most of the Thai people. He was mixing with real politicians in Glasgow last week, I don't know what his English is like, but I would bet that if he even opened his mouth, he would be getting laughed at behind his back.

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19 hours ago, chilly07 said:

Begs the question why is Bangkok a blue zone when infection rates are higher than Pattaya. Someone is applying paid for influence!

 I know there are many members of this forum who are expats living in Bangkok.

I wonder what their experiences living with this Cvirus are, do they live a normal life apart from the closures of the bars, pubs etc?

Do some of them go about their business worrying if they will catch the Virus? With a population of I think about 12 million, what is the daily statistics of the Bangkok people catching the Cvirus today? I guess maybe about 500?

That would say the normal adult under 60 who is not obese, not a heavy drinker or smoker, and with no major health issues would have very little chance of catching the Cvirus.


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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The stupidity continues. A march off the economic cliff, right into nonsensical madness. 


The CCSA continues to prove on a daily basis how lost in space they are, how out of their element they are, how in over their heads they are, and how extreme their denial of science based facts is. 
Beer does not cause Covid. Neither does wine. But, prohibiting acholol sales does sabotage an industry and contribute to the continued destruction of the nation's economy and deepen the hole tourism has been placed into by the insane and crazed fools. 
Nobody has ever defined the danger of alcohol intelligibly, as it relates to Covid. I can understand crowded bars, and clubs, where you have to shout to be heard, and in the process you release alot of spittle. But a restaurant? Why? It only appears to be an additional hardship for hundreds of thousands who are only trying to make a living, and patrons who are only trying to let off a little steam and enjoy some much needed recreation.
If anything, allowing drinking in restaurants brings down the national crime rates!
At this time, the nation would really benefit if there were some intelligent and compassionate adults in the rooms, where these decisions are being made.
Wow is Thailand with leaders like Prayuth, Anutin and Phiphat. Where do they find these clowns?



Well certainly not from a circus, I have never heard of any in this Banana Republic, but I would think that the Thai army would be top of the list for clowns if following this unelected soldier posing as a PM is anything to go by.

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