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"Please help me get my brother home": A family's desperate plea after 44-year-old dies suddenly days after arriving in Thailand for winter holiday

Jonathan Fairfield

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52 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

I have also made it very clear that after my demise I don't want her spending money wining and dining the locals for three days.

We have a local crematorium not far from the house where I am quite happy to be disposed of without an audience.

Well if you're going to take that attitude then I won't bother coming. ????


On a serious note I've said it's up to my wife what she does assuming she outlives me of course. It will also depend on where I am at the time. I'm not sure how easy it would be to pile up some logs, bung me on top and set fire to it if I'm in the UK? How multicultural is the UK? To be honest if I'm dead then I won't have much say. If I'm in Thailand and my son and daughter or my sister want to come that's up to them and I know that's what my wife would want. I'm sure they could afford it if they wanted and my son could probably pay for all of them if he wanted. If I'm in the UK and my wife isn't there's enough money for her to travel over. If she wants of course. Which I'm sure she would. Wouldn't she??

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44 minutes ago, kimamey said:

Those of us from the UK who still qualify for NHS treatment just aren't used to the idea of paying for medical bills. I don't know why those from the US complain although they will probably have paid out a lot already for health care they can't receive when abroad so maybe that's the reason.


It does seem odd that he seemed to travel a lot but wasn't covered for this but there are many facts we don't know. Was he covered for medical bills but not repatriation? If he travelled a lot then insurance would cost more than for a couple of weeks away but I don't think it's that expensive. As others have said if he had a heart attack at 44 then there's the possibility that there were pre existing health issues that would affect insurance. It's possible that he was someone who just lived for the day and didn't worry about what might happen tomorrow which is fine until something goes wrong and your family is left with the consequences. He may have been happy with the idea of cremation in Thailand but if he didn't tell anyone that's not much help.


A sad case for the family but so many unanswered questions.

"A family member of the deceased confirmed that Mr Skipper took out only Covid-related cover for two months and was thus totally uninsured when he fell ill."




So the main reason he wasn't covered for medical issues, or pre-existing conditions, or repatriation alive or dead,, etc. is that he didn't have any insurance except for Covidd-19 related issues

Edited by jerrymahoney
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21 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

"A family member of the deceased confirmed that Mr Skipper took out only Covid-related cover for two months and was thus totally uninsured when he fell ill."




So the main reason he wasn't covered for medical issues, or pre-existing conditions, or repatriation alive or dead,, etc. is that he didn't have any insurance except for Covidd-19 related issues

Thanks for that. It doesn't mention that in the link in the OP. 


I wonder if the reason he only had Covid insurance was because he had to have that to enter Thailand but didn't have any insurance above that for medical bills or repatriation possibly due to cost and maybe pre existing conditions. It seems he was a frequent traveller and even if he had insurance for his first trips possibly he became complacent.


A sad situation for his family and a lesson to us all.

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Looks “desperately” sick in that photo. More 64 than 44……prematurely aged, organs worn out…..Heavy smoker & drinker judging from the skin ……”free spirited” enough to self abuse then rely on hospitals and cheap insurance to bail him out ……known that type all my life …..then the free loading family “plea”……hardly any surprise for them…….sad but inevitable …….

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51 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Looks “desperately” sick in that photo. More 64 than 44……prematurely aged, organs worn out…..Heavy smoker & drinker judging from the skin ……”free spirited” enough to self abuse then rely on hospitals and cheap insurance to bail him out ……known that type all my life …..then the free loading family “plea”……hardly any surprise for them…….sad but inevitable …….

You know so much about a person who you know so little. 

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2 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

"A family member of the deceased confirmed that Mr Skipper took out only Covid-related cover for two months and was thus totally uninsured when he fell ill."




So the main reason he wasn't covered for medical issues, or pre-existing conditions, or repatriation alive or dead,, etc. is that he didn't have any insurance except for Covidd-19 related issues

Knowing Thailand's overreaction record, this could be a bad news. Thailand Pass may now require a more rigorous check of insurance papers upon applying or entry. The insurance requirement might be expanded to Travel Insurance with Covid Cover that cover the whole period of intended stay. It could be bad news for anyone over 75 should this becomes the new requirement since it is already difficult for over 75s to get insurance.   

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10 hours ago, ChC1 said:

Knowing Thailand's overreaction record, this could be a bad news. Thailand Pass may now require a more rigorous check of insurance papers upon applying or entry. The insurance requirement might be expanded to Travel Insurance with Covid Cover that cover the whole period of intended stay. It could be bad news for anyone over 75 should this becomes the new requirement since it is already difficult for over 75s to get insurance.   

People are always on my case when i say that these kind of people make it harder for us all and that people should get health insurance. I guess they will still think the same and nothing will ever change their minds.

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29 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

I would include people who sponge off the govt also, benefit this benefit that, benefit Britain, these people expect other people to fund them

Depends a bit on what but yes I agree. I mean if someone has worked for a while and is receiving unemployment benefits then I don't see that as sponging. Same goes for state pensions and other pensions. Welfare different thing. I can only talk about my country but there should be a bigger gap between minimum wages and welfare. A lot of people just decide not to work as it does not increase their income enough to give a toss.

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17 hours ago, Chris.B said:

Up to you! but why then come on to a public forum and tell everyone?  ????


It was on the public forum that I found out about it and found the link to make the contribution.

Why do so many get on this public forum and explain at length about why they didn't give anything?

Up to them, why do they find it necessary to explain?

And I gotta wonder, why does my post bother you?

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13 hours ago, Kadilo said:

You know so much about a person who you know so little. 


13 hours ago, Chris.B said:

Yes it is! They made it public!  ☹️

This man have no insurance, does he live in a mortgage free property in the UK, does he own a car, the only thing is known is that he came to Thailand and died, niw the family wants a go fund me, the cause of death needs to be made public before I would put my hand any place near my pocket, smoking, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, sorry family you are on your own, if it was as reported he was in Los for  2 months, where is his holiday money, speak to the British consulate they will sort it and make the tax payer pay or take it from the man’s estate.

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52 minutes ago, robblok said:

Depends a bit on what but yes I agree. I mean if someone has worked for a while and is receiving unemployment benefits then I don't see that as sponging. Same goes for state pensions and other pensions. Welfare different thing. I can only talk about my country but there should be a bigger gap between minimum wages and welfare. A lot of people just decide not to work as it does not increase their income enough to give a toss.

State pension isn't sponging if you've contributed, in UK paid NI, but if you are always getting benefits and tax credits due to poor life choices then you are a sponger and it's dragging countries down like Benefit Britain

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Take away the (journalist inspired?) hyperbole and it sounds much like an updated "pass the hat around" thing primarily focussed on family, friends, colleagues, and I can't see any harm in that, c.f. the strong tradition in Thailand of giving envelopes of money to help with funeral expenses. If complete strangers do give, it's a bonus I suppose, though I don't understand why anyone would do so, but it's on them.

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12 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

State pension isn't sponging if you've contributed, in UK paid NI, but if you are always getting benefits and tax credits due to poor life choices then you are a sponger and it's dragging countries down like Benefit Britain

IMO it's the western disease. Too many grow up in benefit households and think they are entitled to other people's money. IMO it's because governments bribe the unemployable to vote for them.

It's ironic that people will travel to countries the far side of the planet to work, and those countries have many capable of working that won't.

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1 hour ago, Almer said:

If you are in ICU I doubt anybody is pressing him for funds, the family don’t want to pick the tab up by the sounds of it

I would bet the hospital would.... might not even get in there.

Anyhow, too late now.

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Slightly off topic.

I live in Thailand, however on last visit home an elderly friend was telling me of company that pics deceased up from morgue and does the cremation. No need for attendance and delivers urn back to your loved ones. All up package price. Very cheap.

Got me thinking about laws surrounding postage of deceased remains. Both domestically and internationally.

Seems very straight forward and far less costly than I had imagined.

Given the number of expats and tourists living in Thailand made me think someone could start a niche business. 

Something like..."Burn & Return".

Added extras available such as condo clean ups etc. 


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17 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

I live in Thailand, however on last visit home an elderly friend was telling me of company that pics deceased up from morgue and does the cremation. No need for attendance and delivers urn back to your loved ones. All up package price. Very cheap.

If you mean the UK it is called 'Pure Cremation'.

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12 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

If you mean the UK it is called 'Pure Cremation'.

Not familiar with that term.


I was referring to city in Oz 110k people. The company I mentioned is couple hours in another town.

As most of us know by now... organizing funeral etc at a stressful time can be challenging.

To have an Urn delivered to your family and have private get together (or not) seems to me the norm in future.

Obviously very much a private call and up to the folk concerned.


Back to the OP ...To repatriate a body, imo serves what purpose.

The gofundme element I just take as a wind up and almost laughable. 

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