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Foreign Man Threatens Vlogger on Soi Pothole

Mr Meeseeks

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

But even Google maps now blurs out faces, those sitting in-front of MPs likely appreciate that. People inside these bars certainly  do not want filming.....if just one lady happens to watch one of these videos and spots her friend's hubby fraternizing......

I agree but there are so many videos coming out daily and ladies generally aren't watching them to find their husbands so I think it's very unlikely, I've not seen one reported case. Beach road is a similar with daily videos of farang trawling

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1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

I agree but there are so many videos coming out daily and ladies generally aren't watching them to find their husbands so I think it's very unlikely, I've not seen one reported case. Beach road is a similar with daily videos of farang trawling

Well, when the internet gets as big as the Thai gossip grapevine, I may need worry!

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8 hours ago, balo said:

So the video has been deleted ?  I am surprised he did that , I think it was his most popular video. 

I had to check, nope it's still there, 15000 views now, If I was filmed in a bar like that  I would have reported it to Youtube.


It's his most popular video by double.  It probably got him a lot of new subscribers, and maybe earnt him a few quid, or took him a lot closer to monetizing his channel.  


I suppose he offers something the other youtube channels don't, and that's footage pointing into the bars, and even going into the bars.  This can be viewed in two different ways, one is, my bar is busy and his footage is a good advertisement for my bar, or two, my bar is quiet, and his footage is a bad advertisement for my bar.  I would say the bar owner involved viewed it like the latter.   

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18 hours ago, PAWNEESE said:

2) The vlogger then walked up Soi Pothole. Many many girls were getting annoyed he was pointing the camera in their faces and rear ends. They were the bait girls outside the bars. He also pointed the camera into the bars.


So they are shy for a youtuber, but have no problem having their photo all over their bar's website.  ????





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9 hours ago, balo said:

So the video has been deleted ?  I am surprised he did that , I think it was his most popular video. 

I had to check, nope it's still there, 15000 views now, If I was filmed in a bar like that  I would have reported it to Youtube.

I watched the video again .. well I skimped through it trying to get a screenshot of when he was filming quite a while INSIDE a bar .. to show the resulting screen dump ( blurring faces ) on here.  But I either missed it or he has edited it out. 


Hey Ho.


I am surprised You Tube allow all the swearing on his videos. F word and C word common. I swear but dont tape it and post it on You Tube.


He was taking a chance video-ing a group of lady boys. His childish laughter was not at the LBs but could have been misconstrued (?) and he get mashed.


The level of his immature stupidity was shown in another video when he walked into Soi 9 Police Station with his cam on a stick filming. He was very surprised to be soon told not to film. Bless.


The bit earlier when he was nabbed for no helmet riding his bike, in WS ... when the Policeman rode away with the vloggers keys  .. made me laugh. The vlogger to be fair was very confused ... but reasonably laid back.  I would have probably been a bit more of a drama queen.


I am not sure his filming outside Jomtien immigration with/interviewing an agent was very discreet.


The agent was Indian and the crazy vlogger was saying no need to have the right documents, just see this guy and gave his contact details.  Huge queue of those doing it correctly in background.


At the end he said .. the agent has just gone off on the back of a Policeman's bike (if I heard it right).  I guess these arrangement not exactly a big secret.


He did say later on that video he should maybe stop vlogging in red light areas. Eureka .. the penny has dropped. 


He is off now I believe on a small motorbike, heading to Chaing Mai.  What could possibly go wrong.  I think he should rename himself Captain Chaos



Edited by PAWNEESE
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Just now, JonnyF said:

Last thing I want when I'm out enjoying myself is someone pointing a camera at me, it's a massive invasion of privacy.


This 'vlogger' guy is gonna get laid out if he carries on like that. Hopefully sooner rather than later. 

Does it ever happen then?

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2 hours ago, RAZZELL said:

The YouTuber is a total idiot. The bar owner not much better.


Seen his video where he walking around the bars in Sukhumvit Soi 7 in Bangkok.


Will meet a sticky end soon!


When all restrictions on entry and nightlife end, for sure many return tourists will be trying to cash in on the demand for this content. 


Closed borders, due to covid, has shown there clearly is a big demand for this content.


This guy makes no secret of the fact he is filming, but many will take it a step further and be filming covertly, possibly on the request of a subscriber, who may just like a bar, or who may fancy a girl in a particular bar or gogo, and is willing to pay for the footage from a particular establishment with that girl. 


Private investigator here have been doing it for years, but youtubers will take a quid off the requesting subscriber, and the thousands of other viewers, and the footage is so easy to make and publish.


It was happening pre covid, here's just one example.  This guy does the soapies.


38,000 subscribers, and this video gets 456,000 views.  Cha-ching.  




Bar owners and customers will not be able to fight every youtuber walking down a soi looking to push the boundaries and make themselves a quid.  


Many bar owners started youtubing as a means to financially surviving covid.  Maybe they have started a trend that will see some confrontation in the bars and soi in near future.  

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It should be a criminal offense in some case these ebegging vloggers invading peoples privacy. Lots of idiots ending them money for what?  They are mostly arrogant and disgusting I think and should be banned.

Edited by bkk6060
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13 hours ago, balo said:

So the video has been deleted ?  I am surprised he did that , I think it was his most popular video. 

I had to check, nope it's still there, 15000 views now, If I was filmed in a bar like that  I would have reported it to Youtube.

The video is still up on Youtube.

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4 hours ago, Leaver said:


When all restrictions on entry and nightlife end, for sure many return tourists will be trying to cash in on the demand for this content. 


Closed borders, due to covid, has shown there clearly is a big demand for this content.


This guy makes no secret of the fact he is filming, but many will take it a step further and be filming covertly, possibly on the request of a subscriber, who may just like a bar, or who may fancy a girl in a particular bar or gogo, and is willing to pay for the footage from a particular establishment with that girl. 


Private investigator here have been doing it for years, but youtubers will take a quid off the requesting subscriber, and the thousands of other viewers, and the footage is so easy to make and publish.


It was happening pre covid, here's just one example.  This guy does the soapies.


38,000 subscribers, and this video gets 456,000 views.  Cha-ching.  




Bar owners and customers will not be able to fight every youtuber walking down a soi looking to push the boundaries and make themselves a quid.  


Many bar owners started youtubing as a means to financially surviving covid.  Maybe they have started a trend that will see some confrontation in the bars and soi in near future.  

Most of these Channels and videos get de-monetised.


YouTube are also changing the rules again in Feb - so these guys who take close ups of women "exercising" on Beach Road in Pattaya will probably not be making any more money.


Community Guidelines

  • [February, 2022] Changes to our Unwanted Sexualization (UWS) policy: As of January, we're strengthening our Unwanted Sexualization (UWS) policy to increase protection for victims. UWS is sexualizing content shared or taken without a person's knowledge or consent. Learn more about our harassment policy.
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14 minutes ago, RAZZELL said:

Most of these Channels and videos get de-monetised.


YouTube are also changing the rules again in Feb - so these guys who take close ups of women "exercising" on Beach Road in Pattaya will probably not be making any more money.


Community Guidelines

  • [February, 2022] Changes to our Unwanted Sexualization (UWS) policy: As of January, we're strengthening our Unwanted Sexualization (UWS) policy to increase protection for victims. UWS is sexualizing content shared or taken without a person's knowledge or consent. Learn more about our harassment policy.


Sure.  Youtube currently has a monopoly.  I get that. 


Facebook shares have just dropped billions of dollars. 


Youtube can do what they want, but if hundreds of millions of people, all around the world, don't want youtube's sanitized version of things, off to Tik Tok. and other platforms, they go.   

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5 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Recording someone without their permission is unwise, possibly illegal, definitely impolite, somewhat voyeuristic and can get you a slap, deservedly so if you are asked to desist.

Unwise, impolite, voyeuristic and definitely disrespectful IMO. Don't film ladies, bars or customers. Just don't do it. Many will be very unhappy as seen in the film. Go and film beaches and temples instead. Me personally I don't care and was even featured, unknowingly, walking down Soi Buakhao (spotted by a friend's partner online) and not a problem for me. For others it may be a major issue and they will not be happy. 


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1 hour ago, champers said:

The vlogger left Pattaya yesterday and was heading for Hua Hin. If he thought Pattaya was a bit quiet he ain't seen nothing yet.


I'm sue he will manufacture something  his viewers will find interesting, even though it it's not real.   It's all about entertainment, not the facts.  ????  

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1 hour ago, PAWNEESE said:



His videos are funny. I guess because he is a bit crazy. 





Yes, he is a bit of "character".


I think he has some sort of personality disorder or mental illness! ????




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2 hours ago, PAWNEESE said:

I found his road trip to Hua Hin very funny.  Well except the bit a fellow motorbiker he had for a time, travelled closely with,  in a traffic jam .. was much much later seen dead in a body bag after an accident. The upset Vlogger said he recognised the bike lieing near the body.


Captain Chaos had a new SatNav app on his phone .. it took him the wrong way along dual carriageway many times. He was going round the same route for a long time ... round a big loop.


Cue much cursing and swearing.  He just carried on .. the wrong way (on the hard shoulder) ... with trucks passing very close, that were going in the right direction. 


Mucho F words. Unbelievable.


He said normally in Thailand, he justs asks people for directions. Not 1 mention of using a map.  (You just get on say route 7,  then look for next route number. He did not have a map or know the route numbers).


On the outskirts of Bangkok he kept going the wrong way. Eventually he asked someone, for directions to Hua Hin.  The guy started to give them but then pointed out a bus going to Hua Hin and told the Vlogger to follow it.


Which he did for a long way. But it was very often in a stationary traffic jam. So he had to abandon that idea.


He is scared going over high bridges.  No idea why his panic got me laughing. 


I am not sure how he got to Hua Hin, not knowing the road numbers or having a map. The SatNav app had stopped working.


I had skipped forward a boring bit of him eating in a rest area and he suddenly was in Hua Hin.


Sorry ...  this is off topic but it is a very funny video. I am hooked now ....  I should get a life / and need therapy. 


His videos are funny. I guess because he is a bit crazy. 





I saw that too. He is an accident waiting to happen. 

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3 hours ago, PAWNEESE said:

I found his road trip to Hua Hin very funny.  Well except the bit a fellow motorbiker he had for a time, travelled closely with,  in a traffic jam .. was much much later seen dead in a body bag after an accident. The upset Vlogger said he recognised the bike lieing near the body.


Captain Chaos had a new SatNav app on his phone .. it took him the wrong way along dual carriageway many times. He was going round the same route for a long time ... round a big loop.


Cue much cursing and swearing.  He just carried on .. the wrong way (on the hard shoulder) ... with trucks passing very close, that were going in the right direction. 


Mucho F words. Unbelievable.


He said normally in Thailand, he justs asks people for directions. Not 1 mention of using a map.  (You just get on say route 7,  then look for next route number. He did not have a map or know the route numbers).


On the outskirts of Bangkok he kept going the wrong way. Eventually he asked someone, for directions to Hua Hin.  The guy started to give them but then pointed out a bus going to Hua Hin and told the Vlogger to follow it.


Which he did for a long way. But it was very often in a stationary traffic jam. So he had to abandon that idea.


He is scared going over high bridges.  No idea why his panic got me laughing. 


I am not sure how he got to Hua Hin, not knowing the road numbers or having a map. The SatNav app had stopped working.


I had skipped forward a boring bit of him eating in a rest area and he suddenly was in Hua Hin.


Sorry ...  this is off topic but it is a very funny video. I am hooked now ....  I should get a life / and need therapy. 


His videos are funny. I guess because he is a bit crazy. 





If he comes to Chiang Mai hopefully we can get a meet and he can come for a ride with my local bike group. That's if he doesn't get killed on his way.

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