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Are you happy living alone ?


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6 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

No, what is her story?




6 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

No, what is her story?


She is 80 or 82 years old her son moved back to Switzerland 3 years ago and stopped paying for her upkeep and helper which he did the first few months how does she feel ?

Edited by Meat Pie 47
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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Solution is easy make friends if you need human contact. Join a club whatever. Being alone is a choice.


I have friends, but they are all too busy with their own lives to have me hanging around with them all the time.


No interest in joining the clubs where I live, and the ones I would join are far away in the city. Losing most of one's wealth to the wrong woman does not bode well for one's social life, given the price of petrol these days.

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4 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

I hate it. Liked it in my 20s for 6 months. Most expensive. More chores. Of course some people hard to live with.

I am hard to live with as i do my own stuff. I love being alone. I got a GF now but love my alone time. Lived alone for a over a year no problems. 

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5 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Though I am married , I'd be more than OK to live on my own if it came to it. I think growing up as an only child you get used to your own company. I struggle more being married with family than being on my own !




I like being around 20yo hot women


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I have friends, but they are all too busy with their own lives to have me hanging around with them all the time.


No interest in joining the clubs where I live, and the ones I would join are far away in the city. Losing most of one's wealth to the wrong woman does not bode well for one's social life, given the price of petrol these days.

Then its your own choice being alone as you don't really want to do anything about it only if it suits you.


As for your friends of course they don't want you around all the time. Nobody likes that. You might have a problem that you need to hang out with people all the time. Your not suited for being alone but on the other hand don't want to do anything about it. 


The clubs are there for social contact, if they don't suit you you could at least have social contact. 


I have friends, i used to go to a gym but prefer to workout in my home gym. But I am suited for living alone. Not everyone is.



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I was single for a long, long time. Married now. Happily. But, she is unique. And I met her when she was young. So, she did not already have alot of bad habits, she was not insufferably stubborn and set in her ways, nor highly conventional, and she was open minded and open to new ideas. 


Nearly every friend I have in the US and here, is single. For a man in the US, who is past the age of 50, unless he is willing to get with a woman at least his age, his prospects are dim for finding love, or companionship. Some guys like me, simply prefer younger women. Not kids, but women who are 5, 10, 15, even 20 or 25 years younger than us. For a dozen very valid reasons. I could break them down, but why bother? The PC crew will jump on this and say it is not right. You should not be able to have this kind of life, without jumping over ridiculous hurdles! Means nothing to me. I do not do PC. Why be with a woman our age, if we do not need to? Nothing wrong with it, if it works for you. But It is virtually impossible for a 60 year old man in the US, to hook up with a 36 year old woman, unless she is very fat or very ugly, or he is a centi millionaire, or is famous. Period. It just does not happen in this day and age.


Here it is possible. Some of my friends here are single because they prefer the lifestyle. Some cannot afford to have a woman. They are expensive to have around, no matter how you break it down. You have to be able to spend alot more than you would if you were single. And make some sacrifices and compromises. We all determine if it is worth it. Many prefer rentals. 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

I was single for a long, long time. Married now. Happily. But, she is unique. And I met her when she was young. So, she did not already have alot of bad habits and she was open to ideas. 


Nearly every friend I have in the US and here, is single. For a man in the US, who is past the age of 50, unless he is willing to get with a woman at least his age, his prospects are dim for finding love, or companionship. Some guys like me, simply prefer younger women. Not kids, but women who are 5, 10, 15, even 20 or 25 years younger than us. For a dozen very valid reasons. I could break them down, but why bother? The PC crew will jump on this and say it is not right. You should not be able to have this kind of life, without jumping over ridiculous hurdles! Means nothing to me. I do not do PC. Why be with a woman our age, if we do not need to? Nothing wrong with it, if it works for you. But It is virtually impossible for a 60 year old man in the US, to hook up with a 36 year old woman, unless she is very fat or very ugly, or he is a centi millionaire, or is famous. Period. It just does not happen in this day and age.


Here it is possible. Some of my friends here are single because they prefer the lifestyle. Some cannot afford to have a woman. They are expensive to have around, no matter how you break it down. You have to be able to spend alot more than you would if you were single. And make some sacrifices. We all determine if it is worth it. Many prefer rentals. 

If you can afford it and want to pay for it why not. I don't see the problem. I only see the problem of old guys moaning when their paid for woman leaves them with money ????


But if that does not happen and your happy i don't see the point to judge. 


To each his or her own.

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I would have thought that most foreigners living in Thailand were comfortable being alone. I mean by moving to a strange country that has a different language that most of us don't really speak you put yourself in a position where being alone is something that has a high chance of happening.


If you stay in your own country its much easier to keep friends and relatives. I knew that coming here and fully accepted it. 


Now some of us might adapt really good get a load of Thai friends but that does not happen to everyone, I would say its a minority.


In the village i lived I had some Thai friends and I moved and now i have less friends. But if someone wants there are always ways to have friends and do stuff. Its just easier to do in your home country (in general)

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I couldn't live alone, after all, who would cut my toe nails, and pluck the hairs from within my ears, then there is the need to colour my grey hair.


What about breakfast, lunch and dinner someone has to make that for me. Then there's the washing up afterwards.


Oh dear, the clothes washing and ironing, house cleaning and so on.


Living alone can have it's benefits for some, but you can still be with someone, and be alone at the same time when you choose too, i.e. not be in each others pockets, but finding the right partner is not easy, but when you do, it's perfect.


Each to their own, whatever floats your boat, but on this boat, It's been very smooth sailing for 15 years, besides, I love my Tiruk, she take care me muk muk.


Edited by 4MyEgo
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Living alone has its pros and cons, it's all good while the pros out number the cons but when this thing called loneliness creeps up on ya from here to melancholy and feeling of unloved and left behind is not far... 

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1 minute ago, ezzra said:

Living alone has its pros and cons, it's all good while the pros out number the cons but when this thing called loneliness creeps up on ya from here to melancholy and feeling of unloved and left behind is not far... 

That reminds me about the thread from yesterday about the balconies... 

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Yes I love living alone and enjoy my own company. I have found a few compatible people during my life whose company I enjoyed almost as much as mine and there were pros and cons to living with them that about evened out but I much prefer to live alone. Although I do get very rare bouts of loneliness that come and go, triggered by certain events usually.

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No need to live alone. There are plenty of lovely looking, middle age, Thai ladies out there looking for an old farang to look after. Just sign the marriage papers so they get your possessions when you pass on. You can't take it with you. ????????


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Most of my friends in Australia are married to women of a similar age. Some are happy, some not.

I don't know a lot of people here, I prefer it that way. Two or three friends, the rest are acquaintances.

I am happy with my own company. If I want someone to talk to or in my bed, I go to my GF's house in the village. She gets my laundry done and cooks for me, takes care of me while I am there. I cook for myself in the condo, or get takeaways. Can't be bothered going to bars, full of drunks wanting to bend anyone's ear.

I live alone as much as I want to, and with someone as much as I want to. I am comfortable with the lifestyle I have.

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I live alone and have done so since arriving 10+ years ago. A studio is too cramped in my view. I like being alone as I prefer changing my women as I wish although as one ages I understand that this perspective does change. I find Thai girls very flexible in this regard as long as they are treated with respect, honesty and some reward. 

People who need someone to stay with them are... well... needy. I am not but each to his own.

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1 hour ago, elena edwards said:

I've lived alone in Chiang Mai's Sansai district since my husband died six years ago from complications of alcoholism. Lived in the same small Sannameng moo baan since arriving in 2006 - but now its general ambience has changed totally as the new arrivals are all relatively wealthy and don't want to know about a resident who's living on far less than are they. Additionally, a former next-door neighbour who I believed was a genuine supportive friend is now mostly unapproachable. I can't remember the last time I had a meaningful conversation or even a brief 'hello, goodbye'.


Several years ago I tried to get back to the CM Expat Club - have been a member since I arrived in CM, but found it a depressing experience as I was simply ignored. Don't know what to do next - the only answer seems to be to sell my property and relocate to Chiang Rai or maybe leave Thailand altogether. Sad, so much wasted time at this late period in my life.

I would say Thailand is a lot more difficult for an older foreign woman than an older foreign man, that is just a fact of life here. Plenty of young Thai women wanting to hook up with an older foreign male, can't say I have ever seen an obverse example.

When I lived in a condo in CM, there were several older women there who seemed quite bitter about their situation.

I can't say much about the Chiang Rai expat social situation, I'm not interested in it myself. Google Chiang Rai Ties if you want more information.  I can say Chiang Rai is cheaper in terms of purchasing condo accommodation, and condo rental cost. PM me if you would like more information.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

I was single for a long, long time. Married now. Happily. But, she is unique. And I met her when she was young. So, she did not already have alot of bad habits, she was not insufferably stubborn and set in her ways, nor highly conventional, and she was open minded and open to new ideas. 


Nearly every friend I have in the US and here, is single. For a man in the US, who is past the age of 50, unless he is willing to get with a woman at least his age, his prospects are dim for finding love, or companionship. Some guys like me, simply prefer younger women. Not kids, but women who are 5, 10, 15, even 20 or 25 years younger than us. For a dozen very valid reasons. I could break them down, but why bother? The PC crew will jump on this and say it is not right. You should not be able to have this kind of life, without jumping over ridiculous hurdles! Means nothing to me. I do not do PC. Why be with a woman our age, if we do not need to? Nothing wrong with it, if it works for you. But It is virtually impossible for a 60 year old man in the US, to hook up with a 36 year old woman, unless she is very fat or very ugly, or he is a centi millionaire, or is famous. Period. It just does not happen in this day and age.


Here it is possible. Some of my friends here are single because they prefer the lifestyle. Some cannot afford to have a woman. They are expensive to have around, no matter how you break it down. You have to be able to spend alot more than you would if you were single. And make some sacrifices and compromises. We all determine if it is worth it. Many prefer rentals. 

Yea they are all unique... lol

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1 hour ago, elena edwards said:

I've lived alone in Chiang Mai's Sansai district since my husband died six years ago from complications of alcoholism. Lived in the same small Sannameng moo baan since arriving in 2006 - but now its general ambience has changed totally as the new arrivals are all relatively wealthy and don't want to know about a resident who's living on far less than are they. Additionally, a former next-door neighbour who I believed was a genuine supportive friend is now mostly unapproachable. I can't remember the last time I had a meaningful conversation or even a brief 'hello, goodbye'.


Several years ago I tried to get back to the CM Expat Club - have been a member since I arrived in CM, but found it a depressing experience as I was simply ignored. Don't know what to do next - the only answer seems to be to sell my property and relocate to Chiang Rai or maybe leave Thailand altogether. Sad, so much wasted time at this late period in my life.

Do you mind me asking how old you are?  it does make a difference - I'm assuming 60+ and that could be a difficult thing with no husband etc. but if you are financially bereft hopw to move?  the only thing id suggest is moving into a condo in the city? good luck 

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2 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Who is there for you though to really care if you get sick or need hugs?

I don't think about it as I am not sick and I get my hugs when I want them.

Maybe when I am older and feeble I will feel differently.  I do have friends mostly golf buddies and some female friends.  But, the question was living alone currently at this time which I am very happy to be doing.

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