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Has Thailand reached the top of the Covid curve?


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1 hour ago, ebean001 said:

here is a major count problem. many people get self tested at home. They get the virus but feel a little sick...sore throat, weak, little temperature.

They stay home, take a drug, get better. Many do this. they never show up in the numbers.  

Exactly that.Why would you want to broadcast it.I would do just the same.Close the doors and stay home

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I don't think we're near the top of the curve. Looking at the UK, their cases are still increasing and they have a higher vaccination rate than Thailand using better quality vaccines (No Sino Junk).


Even though Thailand theoretically has more restrictions than the UK, they are mostly useless and for show only (masks, stopping alcohol at 11pm, pretending that bars are shut because they now have a restaurant licence, pretending that massage places are not brothels etc.) so this won't stop the spread.


I think cases will continue to rise in reality, although the figures might not show that since like most things in Thailand, they are just for show.


Hopefully we don't lock down again. But I wouldn't put anything past this 'government'.

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2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

And do pray tell what scientific basis is there that children are at risk? I am pretty sure more children died of influenza in 2019 alone than died of covid-19 in the last two years. Nothing I have read that made any sense warrants children getting this particular vaccine. Let me be crystal clear. Anyone who brings one of these vaccines near my kids will end up with a fully vaccinated eyeball and a vaccine passport to boot.

I can appreciate your resistance in getting your kids vaccinated.


We went through the same thing, did the extensive research and saw the numbers of kids deceased being very low, however there were still deaths in kids 5-17 from Covid all over the world, naturally nowhere near as high as the older adult population.




We discussed it at length, there is no right and no wrong, it's a personal decision between parents to decide IMO.


Both of our 16 years old went 1st (parents already vaccinated), then the 11 year old some time later, as for the 7 year old, we couldn't decide, actually we didn't want that child vaccinated, we went through all of the emotions, anger frustration etc, and held onto to the very end, however that child also got vaccinated recently so everyone is up to speed, and we have no regrets.


At the end of the day, these kids will grow into healthy adults we all hope and as Covid is going to be around for a while, they will have some kind of protection from memory B cells via the vaccine we hope, so that is something to perhaps consider as we did.


One thing we took into consideration was, if one of the kids got infected at school, which is were most viruses come from, e.g. kids mixing and interacting, they could become ill, seriously ill, and maybe the worst case scenario, you know what vs them passing from the vaccine injection.


They could also bring it back home and infect others. 


The above said the 16 year old's, now 18, moved out for work in another province and both ended up with Covid, both knocked flat on their rear ends for a day, and struggled for at least 3 days after that to get their energy levels back to some kind of normality, i.e. mostly sleeping all day, no appetite etc, the symptoms of the flu.


The above said, we are glad they did get vaccinated as it could have been worse and now they have stronger immunity having been naturally infected as well.


Yes we are told that Omicron bypasses the vaccine, but we are also constantly told it can prevent severe disease and death. No parent wants the latter on their hands we took that all on board, we made our decision based on our research, it might not suit others, but might shed a little light to let you know your not alone in your thinking.


At the end of the day, it's up to you the parents as you have your kids interest at heart, no rights, no wrongs.


Good luck


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4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

What part do you disagree with?

Did I say I disagreed ? NO.

What I asked for is proof and I quote you

"but as Isaan is being hard hit now, ladies are coming down from Isaan to work bar, and carry the virus with them."

So do you have any proof of that ? 


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"Thailand now must focus on a plan to live with the virus, according to Pravit Rojanaphruk of Thai news site Khaosod English."

as good journalist as he is, it's just his opinion. Khaosod is not a medical journal.

His quotation doesn't answer curve question

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

91.2% have been vaccinated

Thailand has so far administered 127,061,065 doses of Covid vaccines. This means if every person needs two doses, then 91.2% of the country’s population have been covered.

Incorrect information. The actual percentage of people in Thailand, who have received 2 doses is 72.1%, which is definitely not bad. 


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3 hours ago, ebean001 said:

here is a major count problem. many people get self tested at home. They get the virus but feel a little sick...sore throat, weak, little temperature.

They stay home, take a drug, get better. Many do this. they never show up in the numbers.  

And I'm quite sure that is what's happening in just about every country in the world. In other words, we're learning to live with it just as we do with flu and other endemic ailments.


Time to do away with all these stupid restrictions and get on with normal, not new normal, normal living. Starting with the MASK!

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3 hours ago, wealthychef said:

This fixation on cases instead of hospitalizations and deaths is wrong headed.

Serious COVID hospitalizations have been rising almost daily and set another record high for the year on Wednesday at 1,496. Daily deaths reported on Wednesday hit 80, which is down a bit from Monday's record yearly high of 88.


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Take a little look at South Korea. 600k at peak, 356k today and crematoriums at capacity with 6 straight days of 300+ dead. 


Asia sits well behind the recovery curve to many other parts of the world, Thailand included.

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3 hours ago, sungod said:

For starters the booster campaign is very slow, I see complaints daily of people not having access to it here in Pattaya. Yesterday on Facebook people were complaining that the 500 doses that Bangkok Pattaya Hospital had were booked before it was advertised. Many elderly I know have not had a booster yet, but they are administering doses to healthy kids.

There is plenty of access in and around Pattaya, if you qualify. All you have to do is look for it, and master the Thai way of doing things. Mrs G and I had our boosters at Royal Garden last week, walk in no appointment. Yellow passport updated on the spot, Mor Phrom within 20 minutes, and told I can collect the certificates today from PCH. (not sure how that will go!).

I believe their are walk-ins at Central, Royal Garden, Wat Yan and several other wats.

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Serious COVID hospitalizations have been rising almost daily and set another record high for the year on Wednesday at 1,496. Daily deaths reported on Wednesday hit 80, which is down a bit from Monday's record yearly high of 88.


Why are you telling me this?  I'm not asking for the latest figures, that's easily available, although you wouldn't know it by reading thaivisa or any other news source, all they talk about is case numbers, because those are big and scary and sell advertisements for their bloodsucking corporate masters.  My point is that the mortality is not related to these ridiculous measures they have in place.  Neither are the hospitalizations.  Am I a wrong?  

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1 minute ago, Karma80 said:

Take a little look at South Korea. 600k at peak, 356k today and crematoriums at capacity with 6 straight days of 300+ dead. 


Asia sits well behind the recovery curve to many other parts of the world, Thailand included.


Thus far, Thailand looks relatively good compared to several other countries in Asia with major COVID problems right now, including South Korea, Hong Kong and even Malaysia... Both in raw numbers but more importantly in per capita comparisons for cases, hospitalizations and deaths.


Thailand's cases and hospitalizations have generally been rising slowly since the start of the year. But all the major stats in places like South Korea and Hong Kong have exploded upward like a rocket in recent weeks.

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6 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

My point is that the mortality is not related to these ridiculous measures they have in place.  Neither are the hospitalizations.  Am I a wrong?  


This fixation on cases instead of hospitalizations and deaths is wrong headed.

You didn't want to focus on COVID case counts and instead wanted to focus on hospitalizations and deaths... So I helped you focus on those...


But apparently confronted with Thailand having record high serious COVID hospitalizations for the year right now, now you want to change the subject again....


Serious COVID hospitalizations are an inconvenient truth, I guess...


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Thus far, Thailand looks relatively good compared to several other countries in Asia with major COVID problems right now, including South Korea, Hong Kong and even Malaysia... Both in raw numbers but more importantly in per capita comparisons for cases, hospitalizations and deaths.


Thailand's cases and hospitalizations have generally been rising slowly since the start of the year. But all the major stats in places like South Korea and Hong Kong have exploded upward like a rocket in recent weeks.

I agree. I think that alone should be pause for thought for those who scream ditch masks, health measures, all entry controls and testing. Usually from another country that has already seen the peak of the latest variant.


We're all fed up with this mess. I'm sure it could be better balanced, but that doesn't change the reality of where Thailand is and what it could be facing.

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4 minutes ago, Karma80 said:

I agree. I think that alone should be pause for thought for those who scream ditch masks, health measures, all entry controls and testing. Usually from another country that has already seen the peak of the latest variant.


We're all fed up with this mess. I'm sure it could be better balanced, but that doesn't change the reality of where Thailand is and what it could be facing.

 Elsewhere for example (via Johns Hopkins):


"US health officials are watching the situation in other countries, including the UK and France, for clues about how the BA.2 subvariant might impact the US. In the UK, new COVID-19 case numbers have doubled in the past 3 weeks, and hospitalizations also are rising. Case numbers also are rising in France, where most COVID-related mitigation protocols were recently lifted. "


It's never done until it's really done.




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Here's a recent comparison on per capita rates country to country including Thailand and various others in Asia: (yesterday's update from the Thai MoPH)


COVID deaths in the past week per million population:


Hong Kong -- 242

South Korea -- 42

Malaysia -- 17

Thailand -- 8

Japan -- 8

Vietnam - 5




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My son has it, currently self-isolating at his GF's place, as she is in the next district.

He's 22. Pestering his mother;s phone all the time.


Anecdotal gives a better picture than numbers imo.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Why is it useful to look at weekly changes in confirmed cases?

It keeps the plebs scared and off-balance?  And it allows the government to maintain iron-fist control under the auspices of a Covid Emergency while other countries across the globe return to normal.
Those who wield power don't willingly give it up.

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." - Henry Kissinger

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10 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

That calculation might be right in terms of mathematics, but it's wrong in terms of reality, because it doesn't figure in the fact that a lot of vaccine doses have been administered lately as 3rd shot booster doses to people who already had two.


So, the actual share of Thailand's population that's received TWO doses is about 72% overall...


But even that doesn't mean a lot because really THREE doses are recommended to best protect against the current Omicron variant and counteract waning vaccine effectiveness over time since the first two shots. And the three-dose share of the population right now is only 32%.


It's not about the number of shots only but the effectiveness.

The Chinese vaccines are <deleted>, so you have to count only those by Astra, Moderna and Biontech-Pfizer.

So we are far away from a sufficient protection.

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9 hours ago, Swampy999 said:

And where does the World Health Organisation get the figures from ???????? They get the figures from a health department in each country, certain countries have a rather unique way of correlating their figures ????????

The spike will have the false positives that made the brown envelopes bulge by throwing vac’d tourists into hotels they didn’t need “;0)

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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

China’s attempt at water- tight containment was working….  But the dam is about to burst and as the rest of the world moves on China is about to realise it could never stop covid anyway…. 

A massive outbreak is about to hit China, numbers are exponentially rising.

The dam has already burst, their delaying tactic worked for a while and now they will have an Omicron surge instead of a Delta surge which will likely make quite a big difference but it will still hit like a sledgehammer and wipe out large numbers of the very elderly / ill.


They don't admit this 'bursting of the dam' yet but it's coming, give it a month or two for the reality of the situation to set in over there.


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9 hours ago, Excel said:

Did I say I disagreed ? NO.

What I asked for is proof and I quote you

"but as Isaan is being hard hit now, ladies are coming down from Isaan to work bar, and carry the virus with them."

So do you have any proof of that ? 


You’re right. Isaan is Covid-free, and besides, no ladies ever go from Isaan to Pattaya to work bar.

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4 hours ago, Millcx said:

The spike will have the false positives that made the brown envelopes bulge by throwing vac’d tourists into hotels they didn’t need “;0)


It is virtually universally agreed among health experts that official COVID case counts here in Thailand and elsewhere, as well as officially reported COVID deaths, are a significant UNDERCOUNT of what's really occurred/occurring.


And, the tourists you refer to getting put into quarantine "hospitels" are getting put there because they've tested positive for COVID, so their cases would be counted as legitimate and official case stats regardless of whether they end up in hospitels or stay in their own hotel or even just get sent on their merry way to go out and infect others.


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22 hours ago, kohorca said:

…same it happen everywhere else, Omicron will hit, lot of peoples ( Thailand always late, even for that..). But everything gonna be alright as it is very virulent but not deadly as was the basic one.


Thailand has had Omicron since December, and it should have spread more than the numbers indicate, what also may be happening is that BA.2may be causing a spike as it displaces BA.1 , that is happening in other countries but Thailand does not seem to define which variant is the most dominant.

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