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Makro Error


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39 minutes ago, grain said:

When I went to primary school we had a subject called Mental Arithmetic. So all my life, whether it's in restaurants, bars, shops, I can tally up the bill in my head faster than any of these cashiers & checkout people with their calculators and computers....and I'm actually not particularly good at math.

Yes and we still use mental arithmetic.  EG  6 apples at 4B = 24 B. I went to a place nearby that I often visit for a coffee. Coffee 40B cigarettes 70B and out comes the calculator , I like it when I have the right money while they are looking for the calculator.

My wife said the girl down the road is good at school with her maths. I said " How is she doing with her 12 X tables. ? "

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18 minutes ago, LittleBear57 said:

Missus got a couple of kilo's of rambutan and they were priced as beef.

That is first source of error. Weighing the fresh products. One wrong digit and apples turn to oranges. There is no way around checking yourself.

And I have a little suspicion that the problem from the OP is of the same nature.

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18 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Why would she notice, as she's not looking at the price, or the screen to see what was registered.


She points, pull the trigger, it beeps, she moves on to the next item.  If you had any meats in there, she would simply assume that was the reason for the amount.


Scan - collect money - give change ... job done and all I expect ????

Correct, add that to the fact she would not care...

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5 minutes ago, PJ71 said:

Correct, add that to the fact she would not care...

They do care, if they notice.  I've had a couple gals catch something I missed over the years.  Most simply aren't looking, or noticing, and possibly not even know what the price should or shouldn't be. 


If they are shopping at fresh markets, they know some of the Makro pricing is way OTT to what they are used to, so may think, 'damn that's expensive, they should shop where I do'.


Any western foods in the basket and total prices wouldn't surprise them.  Silly beef or cheese prices could easily add 1 or 2k to just a few items in the cart.


OP's example is way OTT, and if noticed I think anyone would pause and make the adjustment.


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Well you have to look if you can at what the price is coming up on the screen if it is possible to do so ( not only Makro , but also Lotus's and Big C ) have quiet often queried the prices with them at the checkout . Look out especially on Promotions and items that are reduced , as quiet often on reduced items they scan the normal barcode and not the reduced barcode .

As a final note always look over you bill before leaving the store , and especially look out for items that you might have bought quiet a few off ( as often they have recorded more than I have purchased )




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19 hours ago, worgeordie said:

That is why when I go shopping I have a list in a small book,

which I write down price of product any extra things are

added , total everything up and that is what i pay.


I have been doing this for years , and it's quite surprising 

the number of times I have been overcharged , from 20B

up to 685 B , But not once undercharged , I do this with all

shopping not just Makro , 


If you had bought a lot of stuff maybe you would not have

spotted this , many would not I am sure , just hand over

what is asked.

regards Worgeordie

What you describe is extremely tedious, if you have been doing for years I don't envy you.

But more importantly, it is also NOT going to be straightforward in some supermarkets, where the price on the label on the shelf is the official one, but then there are promotions such as 3x2 and membership discounts and you cannot really know until check-out. Or viceversa, the label price includes membership discount and if you don't have it you pay the higher small print price.


The mistake the OP was so enormous that it was obvious without any detailed personal notes. I am a bit surprised though that the check-out girl did not apologize (or whoever went to check the real price), but I have noticed that customer attitude might depend on the city. Places like Bangkok and Phuket are bad in that sense.

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3 hours ago, PeachCH said:

In a bar people spend hundreds of Baht with a smile on their faces, here they complain to get overcharged by a few Baht. Ridiculous. 

What ever are you on about! Reread the op again, then come back and tell us it wouldn’t bother you to get overcharged by almost 2000 baht on a relatively small purchase. Worry about some of you lot. The topic is as good as any other. The girl messed up by not spotting the error and never said anything because she’d already lost face… let’s not get all gushy and dive to her rescue. Strewth. 

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19 hours ago, peterfranks said:

When possible I always keep an eye on the screen while they are scanning, as I know very well the price of the items I have put in my trolley or basket.


Then when everything is done, I pack and pay my goods, then stay near the checkout while i go over the receipt.

I always watch the screen while they are scanning, that or the wife is, that said, we have been overcharged on many occasions, when we double check the receipt before leaving.


My Mrs will take the item to the counter and ask for a refund, which she gets, i.e. we won't pay more for an item that s advertised for a different amount.


The biggest one for me was 900 baht, they charged me for two boxes of beer, and I was by myself and didn't notice, the guy who checks your receipt and trolley picked it up and sent me to the counter where they refunded me the 900 baht as I only had one box and they charged me for two, I shook the guys hand on the way out and slipped him 100 baht, he was trying to give it back, but I was adamant he keep it and just waved him off, after all, he saved me 800 baht so to speak and noticing it when I got home an hour later would be hard to convince Makro that I only received one box.


I check every receipt before I leave stores, Lotus is another, they always overcharge, no big laws here to deter them, back in my home country they would have to refund you te money and give you the product as well. 

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20 hours ago, wharria said:

surely the girl should have noticed that the potatoes couldn't be that price

surely YOU should have noticed that the potatoes couldn't be that price

when putting them in your trolley......????‍♂️

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Once in the UK, while shopping at a large Tescos store, I was a bit surprised at the size of the bill.   Having loaded everything into my car, I then checked the bill carefully and found that they had charged me twice for a large bag of dog food costing 18 pounds.


I went to the "Customer Service" counter and explained the problem.   She asked where my trolley was and I explained that I had already loaded everything into my car in their car park.


Without any further checking, she gave me 36 pounds.  I explained that I had in fact taken one pack of dog food but had been charged for two, so she had overpaid me, at which she pointed to a sign above her head which said that if a customer is overcharged, they will repay TWICE the amount of the overcharge.   The repayment was accompanied by an apology for the mistake.   Now, that is service! 

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Assuming this was an individually weighed item, seems like she's keyed in the weight instead of the price, although usually a barcode is printed out with all the details on it when weighed. The fact she disappeared for 10 minutes suggests the price was somehow hidden, so maybe the sticky price label got messed up and she's had to go and get the bag reweighed and repriced, all at no extra cost to you! But my point would be, this is your item, it's you who gets it weighed, it's no sweat to check the weight and price when you pick it up. Sometimes you can be surprised at the price and might not even want the item. But who knows? Always check the weight and price label. My ¢20 worth, allowing for inflation. Yes, the cost of a ¢2 comment has risen steeply in line with the CPI and RPI and now stands at ¢20.

Edited by bradiston
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2 hours ago, arithai12 said:

What you describe is extremely tedious, if you have been doing for years I don't envy you.

But more importantly, it is also NOT going to be straightforward in some supermarkets, where the price on the label on the shelf is the official one, but then there are promotions such as 3x2 and membership discounts and you cannot really know until check-out. Or viceversa, the label price includes membership discount and if you don't have it you pay the higher small print price.


The mistake the OP was so enormous that it was obvious without any detailed personal notes. I am a bit surprised though that the check-out girl did not apologize (or whoever went to check the real price), but I have noticed that customer attitude might depend on the city. Places like Bangkok and Phuket are bad in that sense.

No its no tedious at all, it also means I have my money ready at the checkout,

what is tedious is when the customer in front of you starts to get their money

out when the check out girl ,tells them how much, if its some small trader and

they start pulling out bundles of 20 Baht notes to pay a 2-3000 baht bill.

Regards Worgeordie

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21 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I don't buy much when shopping so i have a good idea how much it should cost

Yes. Living in Pattaya I would be the same, but when your about 60 Ks from the likes of Makro, Big C, Lotus, you would be buying quite a bit as that is why I use a calculater.

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22 hours ago, wharria said:

surely the girl

at the EXACT moment you saw the price, why didn't you notify the CIA????   Internal affairs!!!  Forensic team of investigators!!!


How many minutes were wasted finding out about this error?


OMG, I have my own Makro scanner and I pay a manager to follow me and we double-check everything, even at night to make sure!!!!


LOS.     Once I bought two dumbells and the ladyboy only rang me up for one, thinking the price was for both.  It wasn't, saved like 70 baht!!!!  Amazing Thailand.  Also got overcharged for fruit, bought rotten fruit, never ends...


please, head back to Makro and talk to Saul the manager.  He'll put this on a super special corporate ticket for a company overall!!!


no worries, I just started a thread equally as interesting.  lol.  We get bored.  

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21 hours ago, proton said:

I used to like Foodlland as they had all items price stamped, not these days. Lot of places used to have a get item free if the wrong price, they all stopped that as they make so many mistakes, must be at least 20% of the time an idem is not the same as the price on the shelves, they are all as bad as each other.

I find my local Lotus mini market very bad at that, I regularly summon the checkout girl to an items correct price to point it out, though I am careful not to blame her personally.

There are also two 7-11's in my village and I do not recall anything like that happening there.

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7 hours ago, rwill said:

I mostly shop Makro online now.  60 baht delivery fee is less than what I would spend for fuel to get there and back.  Plus no waiting in line.

That's interesting, but I bet you are not about 60 Ks from your nearest Makro.

As a matter of interest, how do you keep note of all their items and prices?

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Got to know the price of goods before paying at register. A 200THB massage, as was displayed on the shop window, ended up costing me 2000THB at the register. Beautiful young girl, we got along well. She said she really liked me. One thing led to another. The lady at the cashier however interpreted our spontaneous and unplanned gesture of love and passion as a business transaction. Horrible woman.

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Well you win some, and you lose some. Yesterday in Lotus's in the cheese fridge there were 2 plastic jars of Australian grated parmesan. Usual price is 179 Bt a jar, and these were reduced to 53 Bt. Only 2 left and at that excellent price I took them both. When I got to the checkout and the gal scanned them they showed the price of 7 Bt a jar. No complaints from me. I won that one. 

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21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

And now at my Makro here in Bangkok, all but 1 register are for paying by QR code.



Several years ago I wrote Makro a letter pointing out that their "cash only" policy put them at risk for armed robbery. I always thought it must have gotten tossed in the circular file, but maybe it didn't.

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

the guy who checks your receipt and trolley picked it up and sent me to the counter where they refunded me the 900 baht as I only had one box and they charged me for two, I shook the guys hand on the way out and slipped him 100 baht, he was trying to give it back, but I was adamant he keep it and just waved him off, after all, he saved me 800 baht so to speak and noticing it when I got home an hour later would be hard to convince Makro that I only received one box.

Those receipt checkers at the exits are the one thing I dislike the most about Makro. I was surprised to read your story about them actually finding an error as I have never experienced or observed them catching any errors with me or any other shoppers. I've long been convinced that it's a charade done largely to deter shoplifting, and I resent being forced to stand in place while they paw over my purchases.

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5 hours ago, luckyscruff said:

but also Lotus's and Big C ) have quiet often queried the prices with them at the checkout . Look out especially on Promotions and items that are reduced , as quiet often on reduced items they scan the normal barcode and not the reduced barcode .

Makro really doesn't use reduced price bar codes, but what you say is really true about Lotus's and Big C. If you're buying stuff on sale, you really need to double check that the yellow sale bar code code matches the item you're after. Sometimes they'll have a yellow on sale bar code under an item you want and if you're not careful you only find out the sale price doesn't apply to your item. Also, a lot of those on sale prices at Big C and Lotus's have fine print expiration dates, and sometimes they're slow to take down the yellow sale tags down even though the expiration date has passed.

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Garbage in = garbage out. 

I was at the other end of the stick, getting a kilogramme of excellent grapes which were tagged at 8 Baht. The sticker was affixed by somebody, the loser is Makro and hence I take it as a compensation for many electronic deviations such systems tend to have. 

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