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has the west gone woke?

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Just now, BritManToo said:

It will end when the religion of peace takes over the decadent western world. 

Unfortunately that is not within human beings make-up so its the asteroid cure that will work.

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11 minutes ago, Excel said:

Unfortunately that is not within human beings make-up so its the asteroid cure that will work.

Either going the way the dinosaurs did or maybe the good lord needs another flood to wash away the ungrateful, but then who would be aloud to cut trees and build an ark in this day and age....we are so forked.  I always wanted a cabin up high on a mountain where I could be completely off the grid and never have to deal with anyone ever again, then I realized that was unattainable, so I decided I needed a self sustaining underground bunker........it is a crazy world we live in.

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I have little personal contact to the west - or anywhere else outside of Thailand.

But I watch the news, look at videos, etc.

I don't know how bad the situation is in everyday life in many different countries, I guess many people won't be affected at all.

But laws change and attitudes of people in charge change, i.e. in many (all?) universities in North America.

And people with "the wrong" opinions are cancelled, fired from their jobs, or oppressed.

I saw this video today and it is sad to see what is happening. 


Just in case people want to comment on the title only and don't watch it: This is not about the existence of transgender people in general. If adults make an informed decision and want to change that is fine, no problem. The problem is much earlier and deeper. Watch!





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I see the odd politically correct thing in my life.

One minor light hearted example is in lots of advertisements in Australia there is always a young pretty black curly haired girl - don't see many more broadly - just a way of corporations to show a sense of fun and  inclusion - or so they think - to make a buck. Who cares.

At work, meetings often need to start with thanking the original custodians of the land, i.e. indigenous Australians.  A nice gesture, that  might make sense at one meeting a year, but at every meeting? No big deal though.

But most of the things you mention are not mainstream, or likely affect your life, and are just extreme examples picked by tabloid newspapers and sites to keep you concerned and keep you coming back.

Don't think too much. 

It's often the young who want change. In my lifetime you see more extreme students and others making good and bad arguments to change society and over time the good ideas stick, such as fairer treatment for women, gays and blacks. Other ideas may fall by the wayside.

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2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

The use of the word 'woke' as an adjective is Orwellian. It's a linguistic corruption which encourages mental laziness, and discourages thought processes. It's a shorthand label to discount and cut off consideration of ideas deemed to be subversive or unwelcome. The way this word is used is almost non-verbal, more of an expletive, like an inarticulate grunt or a harumph.




Using "woke" as an adjective is a modern day example of how language can be intentionally corrupted in order to control people's ability to think and articulate thoughts. It is the very same process Orwell describes in his novel '1984.' In the novel, the fictitious language NEWSPEAK is used to reduce everything to simple thoughts in order to control the ability to think and articulate thoughts. Furthermore, I'm convinced this corruption of language, through the introduction of words like "woke" and "cancel culture" is being done intentionally for the very purposes described above, i.e., in an attempt to lay the ground work for totalitarianism.


Introducing Ron DeSantis. He's the poster child for weaponizing this 

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23 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Personally I didn't bully anybody for centuries or millennia. We are all not responsible for the past before we were even born.


And a lot has changed to the better over the last decades. I.e. when I was young calling someone gay was about the biggest insult possible. I used that word maybe when I was 10 years old without knowing what it meant. It was like calling someone an idiot or something like that.

Later, maybe when I was 20, I knew the meaning and I continued using it at an insult. That's what everybody did.

And then, maybe around the time when I moved to Thailand, I learned by experience that some people are different and that is no problem. Gays, lesbians, tomboys, ladyboys, they can all be reasonable people. I see some of them in daily life and there is no problem. So I stopped using that word as an insult. 


The big problem with being woke, or at least this aspect of woke, is that the woke don't allow any other opinions anymore. I.e. a couple of years ago we could openly discuss if same sex couple should be able to marry. Some people had this opinion, and other people had that opinion. And maybe we talked about why it would be good or bad. And then came the woke who insisted that obviously same sex couple must be allowed to marry, and they must be allowed to adopt children, and nobody is allowed to have any other opinion. That is the problem!

I.e. I oppose that same sex couples should be allowed to have children because I think that is a big disadvantage for those children. In Thailand, and with my "old" friends, I am still allowed to say this. But with the woke? Traitor, Nazi, and and and. That is very sad.


This is very strange logic..


Why should anyone be able to dictate who can marry who or sleep with who that want? 


Think how you feel if some white nationalists where having debates in public about if you should be allowed to marry an Asian woman.  You would be annoyed, I hope, and rightly so.  


If people you meet with your Thai wife starred making an issue about your relationship are you saying you don't care?  And then saying nice race children are bad or they should take your kids off you as they might be bullied or its not natural..


Come on!



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8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That is unfortunately not so much the case anymore. Many students feel the need to censor themselves and don't argue according to what they think. Because if they argue a standpoint which is not woke then the woke will cancel them. 

Talking about new ideas and having arguments is fine. Not being allowed to have other ideas is a real problem, especially in western universities. 

The reality is that most students, including myself back in the day, are just looking to get laid and to find out where the good parties are and to get sufficient study done.

The students that are political lefties join the political lefty clubs and right wingers the same and they mainly debate separately amongst themselves.

On the odd occasion if a political or controversial person might visit there might be a protest or something. Most lecturers in say the arts faculty would be a bit lefty and preach to the converted. Not ideal but nothing new. 

Most other students just do their thing and politics is not at the forefront of their mind.


But now the minority of students that are political have a social media megaphone to do what they always did but get noticed whereas before they talked in their own little student world.  They had time to develop their ideas before but now they are taken to task before they may have thought things through. I have said this before.

I am sure there are examples from time to time where political correctness gets out of hand and Fox News and those in the videos above will be there to tell people when it does. Let's hope they present it realistically and not as though it's a massive threat to society as a whole. . 

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14 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

This is very strange logic..


Why should anyone be able to dictate who can marry who or sleep with who that want? 


Think how you feel if some white nationalists where having debates in public about if you should be allowed to marry an Asian woman.  You would be annoyed, I hope, and rightly so.  


If people you meet with your Thai wife starred making an issue about your relationship are you saying you don't care?  And then saying nice race children are bad or they should take your kids off you as they might be bullied or its not natural..


Come on!

Men and women are different and children learn different things from their father and their mother. A child who grows up with only one parent has deficits and a child who grows up with two mothers or two fathers is handicapped.

The problem with marriage is that a lot of things come attached to that status. I.e. a married partner can decide about his/her partner in a hospital. That is an important aspect and IMHO gays and lesbians should have those rights.

But with marriage come also (often? always?) the right to adopt children. Because 100 years ago nobody thought about married men. The laws are old and it would be an enormous amount of work to change the parts which make sense and to restrict the parts which are not good. As far as I know that is why civil partnerships exist.

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