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"Envious" Pit Bull called Nazi attacks - owner left in a pool of blood


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32 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

They are a working dog, not a pet. 


I totally disagree. Definition of a pet please? You've obviously never owned one. But you've read a lot of misinformation. So there you go.   :chitown:




Which animal is a pet?
Image result for a pet
What animals are considered pets? Dogs, cats, birds, and some other animals are kept as household pets. Reptiles and amphibians, when kept as pets, are kept in special glass enclosures. Many people keep fish as aquarium pets.


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39 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

And no amount of sanctimonious garbage will override the fact that they are temperamentally flawed, prone to jealousy and  are a physically very strong and capable breed. If you want a companion that brings back sticks or slippers, look elsewhere. I would suggest if you have small children, you do not consider them. 

They are a working dog, not a pet. 


Your suggestion and your reference to sanctimonious garbage noted. For your information I have two children and four grandchildren, all adults now, They have never had any problems with pit bulls, nor any other breed for that matter, during their lifetime to date.

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3 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Your suggestion and your reference to sanctimonious garbage noted. For your information I have two children and four grandchildren, all adults now, They have never had any problems with pit bulls, nor any other breed for that matter, during their lifetime to date.

Yet... ....

I am surprised you put them at risk if you did indeed own pit-bulls when they were young.

Note the very first word of this thread's title. . 

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:

Usually when you are looking for a vet to put the dog down legally.


Drom what I understand is that most Thai vets refuse to do it.

... yes, you're right of course/unfortunately, I forgot that slightly twisted 'logic' ... just hit the ground back from Eurotrip recently, obviously need to readjust, 5555 ... 


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13 hours ago, JonnyF said:

No my dog is not trained to attack or kill intruders. Thats all in your head. Most dogs protect their territory. It is instinct. So do mine. Not only the pitbull, all of them.


Using your logic... Humans kill. In fact they kill way more humans every year than dogs do. You haven't killed 'yet'. But you are a potential killer human. An accident waiting to happen. How long before someone flips YOUR switch? Shall we put you down? Or how about we do the stats on which 'race/breed' kills the most people and wipe THEM out? Sounds legit... Nature > Nurture and all that...


1940's style. Sieg Heil. Wipe out 'zee pitbull'. ????

Well after 25 years in the military, 58 years of legal driving and 78 years of age, I haven't killed anybody yet.


I suspect that you are trying to make a joke, and failing miserably.

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3 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:

... yes, you're right of course/unfortunately, I forgot that slightly twisted 'logic' ... just hit the ground back from Eurotrip recently, obviously need to readjust, 5555 ... 


There is a decree sponsored by a revered figure in Thailand, and referred  to several times already in these postings. The decree prevents any form of cruelty being inflicted upon dogs in Thailand. It appears to be widely observed, by both the veterinary services and by the public generally.

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6 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

I totally disagree. Definition of a pet please? You've obviously never owned one. But you've read a lot of misinformation. So there you go.   :chitown:

Definition of a pet ???..... 


A good start would be: An animal that doesn’t bite the faces of children off at a far greater rate of incidence than any other household pet. 

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9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Agreed... Most dogs would be territorial and protect their territory - the differences are that ‘most dogs’ have not evolved through a line of breading targeting their power and aggression. 

PitBulls were originally bred for Bull Baiting and Dog fighting - Attack and aggression is in their DNA, its not in a Golden retriever. 


Fundamentally flawed straw-man fallacy again....    comparing humans to dogs is ridiculous. 

Why do you not compare ‘rabbits to dogs’ instead, or kittens ?


Similar arguments to the ‘anti-PitBull' can be said of ’savannah cats’ - they’re dangerous. 


This line of argument comparing dogs to humans is desperate and pathetic.

Dogs are not self aware, sentient or self-conscious in the manner humans are.



Comparison of licensing and controlling Dangerous Dog breeds to the Holocaust is a wholly distasteful and extremely desperate argument highlighting that really do not have a valid argument. 






Actually, the ancestors of PitBulls were bred for aggression towards dogs and bulls, not people. Aggression towards humans was an undesirable trait since in the days of dog fighting and bull baiting the dogs lived with the family of the owner, often in cramped conditions. Similarly, they had to be handled by humans during the fight and the handlers did not want to be turned on. Such dogs that showed human aggression were not considered ideal for breeding, so aggression towards humans is NOT in their DNA, unlike other breeds of dog that were bred to control human beings.   


As for humans being self aware, sentient and self conscious you may want to look at the atrocities being committed in the world right now, and over the past 100 years before you start bigging up the humans. They've done far more damage to each other and other animals than dogs could/would ever do. That is not my opinion, it is a simple fact. If in doubt, you could start by looking at the genocides in Cambodia and Rwanda, then draw a comparison to dog bites.


As for my comments regarding the holocaust, your faux outrage is wasted on me. There are clear ideological (allow me to repeat for clarity, ideological) similarities between the Nazis wanting to wipe out a specific race of people and ignoramuses on here wishing to wipe out specific breeds of dog. If I suggested wiping out the black population in the USA because they commit more crimes per capita than other ethnic groups you would be horrified and rightly so, yet you advocate the same thing based on the same flawed logic for a breed of dog that you dislike.

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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Its the same for dangerous dogs - there are too many people who let the side down such that I believe Pitbulls (and a couple of other breeds) should be stringently controlled and if thats not possible, then banned all-together. 



On par with Thai drivers Pit Bulls are insignificant with regards to being a danger to others. Do we ban all Thais off of the roads because of statistics? Of course not. We implement a stricter training regime where by Thais hopefully conform. The same could apply to dogs that fall into a danger category. My belief it'll be easier to get the Pit Bulls to conform.    bananaman

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1 minute ago, josephbloggs said:

No, I am sure he encourages his son to play with soi dogs.  What a weird and pointless comment.

It was a question which was obviously leading to the response... 

... "So its all dogs you want eradicated from the planet”  !!!... so I chose to ignore. 


Its an interesting debate - but the reality is, just like gun owners, Pitbull owners see things so differently - ultimately (my thoughts is) they have Pitbulls because they want want, for whatever reasons...   people may allude to inner attitude etc and wanting to look tough etc, but I don’t agree... it may be they just like the breed and thats that... 


But...  Pitbulls are more dangerous than any other dog - they are banned in the UK (American Pitbull, as are some others such as the Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro etc)...   They are banned for a reason... just like guns !... 


Soi dogs - a different matter, they are a pest, they are annoying, they cause accidents etc and yes, they also become territorial and attack children - they should be removed from the streets.


Other dogs - Should all have an owner, a collar identifying the owner who is accountable for those dogs. 


I also support the licensing of dogs above a certain size - I see far too many owners not looking after their dogs properly, keeping large dogs in tiny apartments or townhouses... thats just not on. 


People should respect their animals, train them well, look after them properly in an environment with the necessary space etc if they can’t do that, don’t have a dog - too many people give into their want rather than think what’s best for the animal.


I see so much cruelty to animals here because people will not make the right choices so the government should legislate.

One of those legislations really should be controlling who can have these highly energetic and powerful breeds. 


But we are in Thailand and they can’t even enforce helmet wearing - so enforcement of who can have a powerful animal ????.... no, everyone is safer if we have a blanket rule... its disappointing for those who would be excellent owners of such breeds,  those people can thank the selfish ayholes who have these dogs, fail to train them properly and let the side down. 


They shouldn’t up upset at people like me with a strong opinion about these dogs - they should be upset at those who provide me with the reasons to have developed this opinion. 






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All the pitbull lovers just can't deny the statistics.


You can defend them all you like, but the numbers don't lie


https://www.warriorsforjustice.com/dog-biting-statistics-by-breed/#:~:text=Pit Bulls%2C Rottweilers%2C German Shepherds%2C Presa Canarios%2C and,statistics for bite attacks. Others worth mentioning are%3A


The figures of attacks and deaths compared to the next dangerous breed, Rottweiler, are staggering.


To the apologists there must be an awful lot of folks not training their killer animals!

Edited by GinBoy2
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