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Thai government defends foreign land ownership plan


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Sadly I believe the most Thais that show concern are the rich & Hiso's that want the cream for themselves and have little or no concern for the average poor Thai people. Of these hypocrites many own property abroad yet dont want to let similar foreign ownership in their country. Personally I believe its a good idea but with realistic & practical restrictions in place. Maybe 2 of those words dont belong in Thai vocabulary but one can only live in hope,  they will get there eventually!! 

Those eligible should be citizens from countries that have similar land ownership laws and have relatively stable governments as a starting point!!

Edited by paul1804
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Rich wealthy foreigner will need more than 1 pathetic rai for landscape alone.

I wonder how many 10s of gullible people would accept with the high risk attached.

Imagine if they change rule after a year or 5 and one must sell and pay tax on the proceeds ,haha

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8 hours ago, 2baht said:

The real xenophobes are now showing their true colors! Careful, we'll buy the entire country from under your feet! ????

The Chinese are going too and place their own to farm the plots they buy around the new bullet train in Nong Kai.

It's the new Cambodia soon enough for them.


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7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Good to know ... but Thailand is still xenophobic . In , for example , France , Thais can buy and own just a as a french person .

Never heard anyone ( french ) complain about this .

Open - minded society against narrow minded society ...

Likewise in the UK.

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8 hours ago, Robert Tyrrell said:

Good Morning,


What a Big joke !! For 1 Rai of land !! 

Im American ???????? And Thai Nationals can freely buy as much land as they want ???? That’s why they call it The Land of the Free !! Sounds a little xenophobic Thailand when you say we are not selling Thailand off to Foreigners !! 
Apparently your ok allowing Chinese Government  to infiltrate Thailand, Be careful with that or soon you will be fully owned by the Chinese Government !! 

Better the Chinese Government than the American Government I say.

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6 hours ago, Gknrd said:

Wish they would do the same in the US, I have a Thai family living across from me that is dragging down the property value by thousands of dollars.. ugggg

I got one like that here in Thailand!????

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Give that little sweet heart a passport and let her travel to foreign lands to see, what kind of zero impact Thai real estate investors have had on the GDP of any EU country. 

Non-Thais will be kept out of the race as much and long as possible by the oligarch elite. The latter has been looting its mostly poorly if not completely uneducated citizen of any real estate deal. So much property and land is being passed on by inheritance, new business models (mainly agricultural) are being not understood by the 19th century farmer background. Loan sharks etc. are the answer, apart from daughters and sons plying their illicit trade in the Walking Streets of Pattaya, Hua Hin or Phuket. It is an endless circle. 

“In the future even though our children live in Thailand, it is in terms of… renting… with the village group headmen and the village headmen being foreigners." is not only utterly racist but shows, that Former MP Pareena Kraikupt is scared s....t; if non-Thais would be in the real estate business, her cheating and encroachment would have resulted in a proper jail sentence - if the scores are dealt among Thais only, a hug and huge "wai" is sufficient to enjoy the absolution of the fellow oligarchian establishment and in not too distant future she will be carrying on. 

Thailand's biggest problem is their own people but ...... as the saying goes ....... somebody voted for these people. If the electorate sold their votes, did not understand the system or have no clue about  how a democracy works, remains their issues. What a joke the whole story is .......... ???? 

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3 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

All 4 groups of people that qualify are  people that wouldn't live in Thailand. With that much money you can retire in a much better country.  And have a much better lifestyle 55555

What are you on about. I live in Thailand, I have a LTRWP visa, and if I wanted could buy land, but for 40 Mthb they can stuff it. I own a home and condo here already. 

Edited by ThailandRyan
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14 hours ago, webfact said:

Pareena. who was earlier this year deprived by court of her MP status and banned for life from politics due to deliberate encroachment upon a forest reserve in Ratchaburi, posted a message saying that people do not want to exchange land in Thailand for foreign investment.


“Sacrifice money to spur the economy, sacrifice even life to protect land in Thailand for our children and grandchildren similar to what our ancestors did,” she wrote.


“In the future even though our children live in Thailand, it is in terms of… renting… with the village group headmen and the village headmen being foreigners. 


Well Ms Pareena - pity you didn't think of that when you were deliberately encroaching on the same land in Thailand you want to preserve for your children and grandchildren - similar to what your ancestors did.


Where was your concern then?

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My wife questioned me about why I wouldn't invest in property in Thailand last week, even in a condo, I simply stated that what the thai government says THIS WEEK, the SAME THAI GOVERNMENT, would simply, IMPLEMENT SOMETHING ELSE THE WEEK AFTER. Honestly, going on holiday for a few weeks to thailand is expensive nowadays... I still love the place and truly think its the place ill retire but the thai hoverment doesn't make it easy.


I'd be happy to see reciprocal treatment for thai citizens in other countries the same as "falang" in Thailand. See how "kun prayut" likes it

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I think the scheme will see few takers as it is too restrictive. And the current Thai policy protects HIso greed. On the other hand, i do think that foreign land ownership (and landlords with many properties) causes land and house prices to spiral upwards, and the poor end up renting.


This has happened in the UK. 40 years ago, practically anyone could buy property if they had any job and were not a spendthrift. Now we have an entire generation of those under 40 who have little chance of doing that - those with money buy up a lot of the property that comes on the market, pushing prices up, and then rent it out. Because they cannot buy houses, younger people have to rent - and then the rents keep going up as well. My son has just rented a room in London - he wanted a flat, but prices were a joke. How much 1400 GBP a month for a ROOM. That's over 60% of his net salary. how the hell will he ever save enough to buy? Last year, he was paying under a 1,000 GBP.

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17 hours ago, scorecard said:

...And has it be published in the Royal Gazette?...

"Edict", likely in the form of a Ministerial Regulation, approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday, it was probably published in the Royal Gazette on Wednesday or Thursday.

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On 10/31/2022 at 7:07 AM, Purdey said:

Whenever I have met Thais (not often) owning land abroad, they give the feeling that foreigners are idiots for allowing them to own land. 

The concept of land ownership is relatively new in Thailand. The Land Promulgating Act was only established in 1954. Still not easy to get a mortgage, yet many Thais will go into comparable debt to own a new car.

I would at this stage happily trade my 75 rai farm in AZ for one rai of land in my wife's name... she gets it all anyway when I "move on".

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On 10/31/2022 at 3:09 AM, webfact said:

Sacrifice money to spur the economy, sacrifice even life to protect land in Thailand for our children and grandchildren similar to what our ancestors did,” she wrote

Says the forest encroacher!!

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