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Move Forward Party’s Thai PM Candidate Pita Fails First Round of Voting


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If they fail to get Pita elected I would suggest that they say to who ever wins. "So, you want to play hardball, we can play hardball too. We will vote against every motion you put forward. Everything."

This would make the country ingoveranable and force them to hold another election.

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8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

How simplistic. The current Constitution that enables this rigged upper house can only be rescinded after a new, non-loyalist, coalition government is seated and manages to rewrite the Constitution. As sure as death and taxes, the current "caretakers" will still be in place and will renew the expiring 5-year "fixed" Senate with more of the same under the protections of the current Constitution.

Seems very moot what will happen to the current Senate at the end of its term, whenever that is. May or possibly March 2024 I guess. Will it continue on? Will there be elections? It doesn't get talked about much. PT and MFP must have plans for it. Shrouded in mystery.

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BREAKING: Pheu Thai & MFP leaders will meet at PT HQ at 1.30pm. A press conference room has been set up with a new message on the background: "Democratic Gov't Move Forward to Solve Problems for the People." Source said PT PM candidates Paetongtarn & Srettha will join.




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15 hours ago, mark131v said:

The deck is so stacked in favour of the establishment that I really cannot see any legal way to stop this latest miscarriage. The fact it is so glaringly obvious that it is a travesty buggers belief 


When any and all voices that speak against the gross corruption, nepotism and rampant thievery of the Thai establishment are silenced through the corrupt judiciary, the bought senators and so called law enforcement agencies what can the people do?


I can't see any other option than get out on the streets and express their displeasure because the hi-so's have completely fixed the justice system and without a full reboot change is impossible...

"it is a travesty buggers belief"
I would normally correct you on your grammar, but in this case your typo (or choice of words) is completely apt. 

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1 hour ago, Purdey said:

Better for Move Forward to go into opposition and a minority government take the reigns. Then do their best to force a re-election and win more votes so they don't need to rely on the Senate. 

Thaksin's political vehicle is on its third iteration. Thanathorn's is only on its second re-invention. When they = 3, maybe they will get another stab at abject failure.

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In Ukraine, an outsider force is attempting to subjugate the country. 


In Thailand an insider force, representing a minuscule part of the population, is attempting to subjugate its own citizens.

Does anyone in the outside world care about this silent coup?

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39 minutes ago, bradiston said:
57 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

How simplistic. The current Constitution that enables this rigged upper house can only be rescinded after a new, non-loyalist, coalition government is seated and manages to rewrite the Constitution. As sure as death and taxes, the current "caretakers" will still be in place and will renew the expiring 5-year "fixed" Senate with more of the same under the protections of the current Constitution.

Seems very moot what will happen to the current Senate at the end of its term, whenever that is. May or possibly March 2024 I guess. Will it continue on? Will there be elections? It doesn't get talked about much. PT and MFP must have plans for it. Shrouded in mystery.

If the caretakers are still clinging to power (and they will be), I am sure the Constitutional Court will rule favorably on them (as they are paid to do) should they invoke martial law (which they will) maybe 15 hours before that particular excreta is about to hit the proverbial.

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10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

If the caretakers are still clinging to power (and they will be), I am sure the Constitutional Court will rule favorably on them (as they are paid to do) should they invoke martial law (which they will) maybe 15 hours before that particular excreta is about to hit the proverbial.

I don't see where you get the idea the caretaker government will be around much longer. There is a majority coalition government agreed upon and readily elected. All this hoohah is about the next PM. And, considering PT is prepared to back him DESPITE the 112 issue, why can't the rest follow suit? PT doesn't back the 112 amendment, so all this about 112 getting in the way is rubbish.


I've commented elsewhere about the conflation of 112/PM. The 2 are separate issues. I can't see how MFP is going to get it's amendments past an anti reformist parliament. So it's a non issue.

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15 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

Even if a Democratic candidate won the tanks would be on the streets in BKK. Look what happened when the Red shirts tried it on. i remember 1 high-profile leader from BKK saying there's no way an ignorant uneducated person from Issan can think of leading us.

The last PM, "is he still there?"  The unelected Prayut only had a Military Academy education and he "led" the country.

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8 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

With 250 permanant seats held by military  his chances were 50/50 to get the job or votes

I agree. He didn't do badly in the end. There'll be a lot of negotiations ongoing I imagine amongst the MP abstentions. Need to bring them in from the cold. It should be made clear that a vote for Pita is not the same as a vote for 112 amendment. That is the huge misconception everybody seems to have. People aren't thinking logically. Pita as PM should herald progressive stability.


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(1/2) Pheu Thai Party leader Cholnan Srikaew said Fri it's possible Phalang Pracharath Party may try to nominate its PM candidate Gen Prawit Wongsuwan to compete on Wednesday's PM vote in order to form a minority gov't and it's a matter that the coalition must consider


(2/2) Cholnan said Pheu Thai Party still supports Move Forward Party PM candidate Pita as PM but whether #Pita's name will be resubmitted for a second vote on Wednesday or not is up to the party & discussion with other coalition partners




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7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

He became too much of a pop star to be taken for a serious politician anyway .

I am sure there are better candidates than him .

As i said earlier Monkey say Monkey do. Too many very rich Thais with their fingers in the Pie and if anyone tries to pull them out they are imprisoned or forced out of the country, the Junta forced out the last democratic PM and she was forced out of the Country. Failing that they have a pair of Concrete boots made for them for a swim in the Mekong. This is how it is we are the Military try it on and you will suffer the consequences. As a poster said before the Street Rd blocks will be in place on July 19 and a Decree will be issued to anyone thinking of turning out to demonstrate.

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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

(1/2) Pheu Thai Party leader Cholnan Srikaew said Fri it's possible Phalang Pracharath Party may try to nominate its PM candidate Gen Prawit Wongsuwan to compete on Wednesday's PM vote in order to form a minority gov't and it's a matter that the coalition must consider


(2/2) Cholnan said Pheu Thai Party still supports Move Forward Party PM candidate Pita as PM but whether #Pita's name will be resubmitted for a second vote on Wednesday or not is up to the party & discussion with other coalition partners




If that were to happen and they obtained all of the Votes that Pita did not get, then Prawit would definitely win the seat.  Should that happen then there will be major chaos in Parliament as any type of bill or funding program will be stagnated for the next 4 years, and the government will be at a standstill with nothing getting done.

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19 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Unfortunately, this was predictable.



I think they'll find something to have him removed (Pita) like they did with the Future Forward Party.


This senate handpicked by the previous Junta.  It's beyond mind numbing corruption.


Disgusting really!


Currencies should go up versus the baht with the political instability, that's the only silver lining. 

"Disgusting really!"


REALLY disgusting! That the military junta/Government can change the Constitution to install 250 of their hand picked cronies as Senators to decide the present and future of the Thai people.


Democracy? - Disgusting facade, and it's just a pity that the World's business "partners" don't make it more clear in any trade negotiations as IMHO that would appear to be the only way to change things - the threat of losing TRILLIONS of baht in lost trade deals would make "them" a bit "twitchy"!   

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10 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

then... it certainly not be a democracy, but tather mob rules.now is a time for cool heads not fihhting in the streets

Sometimes democracy only comes through violence/uprisings/revolutions. Seems your knowledge of history is not so good. If the ruling, minority, undemocratic forces will not heed to the will of the people, the will of the people have but one choice. Overthrow the minority controlling, self intersted forces. Unfortunatelty here in Thailand the will of the people will be supressed by the military through coups. Again this is historical fact. This is Thailand's chance to advance into a progressive country. Sadly this can not be allowed hence the junta senators, the junta EC and the junta CC.

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11 hours ago, soalbundy said:

So what difference is it going to make to us, pray tell. The problems that Thailand faces at the moment are mostly caused by external events, problems that every country suffers from. China, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, supply chain disruption, internal debt, lack of discretionary money etc. Don't be so naive as to think that corruption will suddenly cease in Thailand if Pita takes the reigns or that the establishment will lose its power and sunny uplands will bloom, it could even get worse, money is as shy as a deer on an open plain and Thailands fat cats could send their money and head quarters elsewhere as has happened in the West. Democracy is a flowery word, like love, or equality and they all fall prey to pragmatism. In America government policies are made by big company lobbyists not the people, in the UK it is similar with the added civil service and wealthy establishment, in mainland Europe it is no different, a government is there to give a face that people can blame without harming the roots of true power.

Democracy is not 250 senators planted by the junta to stop any progressive party voted in by the popular vote from forming government. This is a very simple concept. The senators blocking the way to progression were NOT voted in to their positions by the people of Thailand. They were put there by the military. Yes, democracy is not a clear cut thing but what's happening is not democracy at work.

Edited by Pink Mist
Speculatory comment on Royalty removed
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3 hours ago, sambum said:

"Disgusting really!"


REALLY disgusting! That the military junta/Government can change the Constitution to install 250 of their hand picked cronies as Senators to decide the present and future of the Thai people.


Democracy? - Disgusting facade, and it's just a pity that the World's business "partners" don't make it more clear in any trade negotiations as IMHO that would appear to be the only way to change things - the threat of losing TRILLIONS of baht in lost trade deals would make "them" a bit "twitchy"!   

Or go totally to China and Russia.


Fine lines. 

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7 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Democracy is not 250 senators planted by the junta to stop any progressive party voted in by the popular vote from forming government. This is a very simple concept. The senators blocking the way to progression were NOT voted in to their positions by the people of Thailand. They were put there by the military. Yes, democracy is not a clear cut thing but what's happening is not democracy at work. It is a self interested elite determining the future of a country.

I think that is pretty obvious, Thailand, beyond the words it has to describe its institutions, has never been remotely democratic but it seems to function for the vast majority. Thailand does remarkably well when compared to its neighbouring countries. Thai people don't leave Thailand in droves to live in other S.E. countries but the opposite does happen. They have a reasonable living standard (even in my rice farming village) and atrocities such as those happening in Mayanmar don't occure here. They have a 'middle way', like their religion, not too much oppression and not too much democracy, they can sleep easy in their beds and leave the country if they so wish. I don't think that the democratic powerhouse India has any advantages for its citizens over Thailand. In fact I can think of many poor working class people in the West who would love to live here under this system. It is as it is, no it isn't democratic but it isn't dreadful either and has a charm of its own and for the most part people are happy. When I told my wife Pita wont be PM she just laughed and said,"No, probably not", she voted MFP. 

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As I said yesterday, if him at the top of the ladder says no, which lot of people think but will not say, Pita will not be pm and he knows it, that is why he is trying to change things, but it is like pushing s#@t up hill .it will not happen. Another sad episode for Thailand.

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

If that were to happen and they obtained all of the Votes that Pita did not get, then Prawit would definitely win the seat.  Should that happen then there will be major chaos in Parliament as any type of bill or funding program will be stagnated for the next 4 years, and the government will be at a standstill with nothing getting done.

I think if this happened nothing would get done in Parliament for several months and there would be a no-confidence vote a few weeks before the senators complete their tenure. (senators don't have any say in a no confidence vote BTW). This would force a general election and next time round, if the timing is right, there will be no senators to block the way for a progressive government to take power.


Of course, all the other obstacles will be in the way (EC, Constitutional Court, interfering serial complainants etc) but that would be one major hurdle out of the way.


Could a year with the fat, sleepy general in charge be worth it?

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