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Video: Is there any hope for Thai education?


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this fat guy with glasses is just repeating the rhetoric they used to teach us at uni in all the ed programs... but no one has ever come up with a method to implement these DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS. every time they try to change the program they end up messing the kids. only thing needed is good classroom management, a supportive admin not afraid to take action if the kids need to repeat a year, and teachers who know their lasagna.

unfortunately, none of that here in thailand

Edited by Pouatchee
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5 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Going by some the intellect expressed on this forum, old school systems in US/UK/EU/AU fail and excel just as good or as bad in TH.


Ouch.  True, but Ouch.


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9 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Compared to what? My kid got and is getting a much better education than he would ever have gotten at most schools in the US. 


Does he know if he's a dude, and that being skint that day doesn't make it okay to rob the 7/11?


I think a lot of the guys here have fond memories of an education system back home that doesn't exist any more.  At least not in the same form.


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8 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Compared to what? My kid got and is getting a much better education than he would ever have gotten at most schools in the US. 

Same, my daughter did fine in Thai schools, applied herself, especially at Uni, now has the job she wants & likes (pay not so much), along with her online business, makes as much as her salary, and started RE investing.   All of 24 yrs old, only 2 yrs out of Uni.

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16 minutes ago, impulse said:

I think a lot of the guys here have fond memories of an education system back home that doesn't exist any more.  At least not in the same form.

Agree, and my High School is an excellent example.   Rated #2 in the state, when I went, couple years later, merged with 2 other towns, to form a 'district/bussed in' school, and a decade or less later, and it was rated #2 ... from the bottom in the state.


Now, 30 yrs later, I can't imagine how far it's fallen.   Gangs run it now.  

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Just back in the new year and my kids are off already for teachers training day ! Hopeless education system. That said, I have to say the results of Thai education are about the same as the uneducated idiots I met in blackpool uk during covid !

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Far too long covid schooling from home, which started and stopped several times for many schools, and the endless retarded masking which seems to be happening to this day in government schools won't have had an effect right?  They had no hope before, now it's the hub of poor education... I honestly ponder what they learn in the 10-12 years of schooling, before a few years in fight school technical college before heading to the factory, it certainly isn't math or science - a calculator for the most trivial of sums, it isn't history that's for sure - ww2? romans?, and geography nope - flat earthers have a better idea...

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9 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

You are missing alot. They need to actually discipline without violence. They need to follow through with assignments and have grades reflecting actual work done.

Should the grades not reflect what has been learned? 

9 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

They need to get rid of the stupid values classes Prayut began. The Thai teachers need to stop teaching rote and allow the kids to be creative with their learning. Then they need to stop using tutoring as a means to collect cash by withholding information in classrooms causing the less apt kids problems. The parents need to stop using school as a babysitter during the day and actually hold their kids accountable. Many things need to change but never will. 

What does letting students be creative with leaning mean? 



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34 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

You are missing alot. They need to actually discipline without violence. They need to follow through with assignments and have grades reflecting actual work done. They need to get rid of the stupid values classes Prayut began. The Thai teachers need to stop teaching rote and allow the kids to be creative with their learning. Then they need to stop using tutoring as a means to collect cash by withholding information in classrooms causing the less apt kids problems. The parents need to stop using school as a babysitter during the day and actually hold their kids accountable. Many things need to change but never will. 


see, thing is, taught in everything here from uni to primary to gvt schools to international and lest not forget the classic english program. they usually dont get violence from us and still fail to put in any effort. be it noted, i have had some very bright and amazing kids over the years... and there are always a few in every class. 

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6 hours ago, JoePai said:

Nothing will change while the entrenched fossils are in charge of the country

Yet, there appears to be an ever entrenched [if not subliminal] championing and romance of the same mentioned fossils. Tradition.

Revolutionary practices are never really acted upon and non sequitur notions tend to be a weak substitute. 


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5 hours ago, stoner said:


Are those cases a reflection of the whole system or individuals.

These stats are misleading when you talk about the poor pure government schools they arent the ones winning these awards. Many of these winners come from well to do family having money so their child can attend these event. 

Thats my two baht!

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26 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

These stats are misleading when you talk about the poor pure government schools they arent the ones winning these awards. Many of these winners come from well to do family having money so their child can attend these event. 

Thats my two baht!

I'm guessing not just TH.  Helped raise 2 kids in the USA (only other experience), and public schools there are a joke.   Took them out and placed them in private (Catholic  of all thing) school.  Now a whole lot better, but at least the safe.  That was in suburbia.  Forget inner city schools, stay home, stay alive.

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4 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

Well, instead of hiring pot smoking backpackers they should recruit only teachers who are fully vetted in their country of origin.  

agree .....  but that's only part of the reason it's a big failure ... 


I blame the parents as #1 responsibility to instill in their kids that education and high grades are paramount or the family will look down at you as a useless nobody.   If kids have proper responsible parents the kids grow up to be responsible,  if the kids have pot head drunk parents every night then the kids will grow up sleeping on the streets. 


I also blame the top dog of the education system .... he has obviously failed in teaching his managers, principles, supervisors, hired teachers, staff and anyone else ..to explain and instill in the kids that a good education is an absolute must and the reasons why.  


And third,  I blame the government for not doing the same through TV and mentor principles. 


It's a big mess,   and as long as the kids sleep on their desks while in class it'll always remain a mess .... 


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