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Mc Donald's Thailand crazy price increase


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22 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

Prices here are still cheaper than back in your home countries.  So why complain over a few baht. Unless you don't have it I guess. Time for a McDouble, 4 all beef patties of goodness 


Where do you get that crazy idea?  A Big Mac here is now 145 baht. In the US it is only $3.99.  When I went to school they taught us that "cheaper" meant something should cost less, not more.  Maybe words mean something different where you come from?


How about a cheese burger for $1 in the states, vs. 85 baht here.  In fact, you'll be hard pressed to find any food at McDonalds Thailand that costs less than it does in the states.  And don't even get me started on pizza.


I don't mean to imply western food should be cheaper here than in the West. Makes sense it would be more expensive in Thailand. I only responded because your statement that prices here "are still cheaper" is blatantly false. Prices here for the type of food under discussion in this thread are substantially more expensive than back home.


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12 hours ago, Monomial said:

Prices here for the type of food under discussion in this thread are substantially more expensive than back home.

Yes.  Interesting 50 cents is "substantial" for some.

I look at it as one is paying for a consistent western product that is mostly imported.

If a person does not like the prices, then don't go.


A "substantial" increase here is on cars.  A new Camry here is 500,000 b + over the cost in the US.

That seems substantial.


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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Yes.  Interesting 50 cents is "substantial" for some.

I look at it as one is paying for a consistent western product that is mostly imported.

If a person does not like the prices, then don't go.


A "substantial" increase here is on cars.  A new Camry here is 500,000 b + over the cost in the US.

That seems substantial.



Someone could probably use a refresher course in relative thinking and percentages. I try and teach my 9 year old children this, but they are also struggling with the concept, so I get it.


The difference on a Big Mac is 21%. The difference on a Camry is around 43%.  So certainly cars enjoy a larger markup, but I personally would consider a 20+% markup already substantial. However, you are certainly free to set your own threshold if you want to quibble over the definition of "substantial".


It doesn't really matter as long as we can all agree that Western food like McDonalds is no longer cheap in comparison to the West. In fact, taken as a percentage of per capita Thai income, it is now on the same level as a 4 star restaurant in the West. This was not the case a decade ago, when it actually was priced cheaper than the states, and trying to establish itself as a middle class, office worker type establishment. I believe this change in target market is why some people are reacting so strongly.  McDonalds trying to reinvent itself through pricing as a luxury, elite imported brand certainly does merit a doubletake.  I'm not sure how successful they are going to be with this strategy.





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On some of these shopping malls the amount of restaurants available I dont know where they are getting the prices from Im not being sticky but 800 Baht in ohisi for a buffet is too much I walk around the other day 75% of the places are empty

The only place I see busy in Central Phuket the new one is their own food court you can walk around pick what you want and how much you want and they weigh it, 

One place I saw 240 Baht for chicken fried rice do people really pay that? I guess tourist might

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On 12/27/2019 at 7:54 AM, Sticky Wicket said:

You'll have two heads if you eat too much of the salad here, absolutely dripping in chemicals!

For this you can get a year, or more, in jail ????

Section 423. Defamation Law. 

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16 hours ago, Monomial said:

McDonalds trying to reinvent itself through pricing as a luxury, elite imported brand certainly does merit a doubletake.  I'm not sure how successful they are going to be with this strategy.

Agreed. But the thought occurs that perhaps Thais see it as imported luxury Farang food and so justify the price. But I am sure all the ingredients are locally sourced. Ah, Thais and their image.


Unfortunately this and other junk food has done nothing for the Thai girl's figure. When did you last see a stunner?


As for me, I would not buy McDonalds at any price.

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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On 12/26/2019 at 9:00 AM, 4MyEgo said:

mature age student completing two degrees, had a 25 year career with a 6 figure salary and made my first million when I was 40, and retired at 55.



Oh no you didn't, but I guess pretending that you did is in some way good For Your Ego. Seek out a talented therapist.

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On 12/26/2019 at 5:58 PM, ThomasThBKK said:

Yeah and in Poland its 80 cents, is Poland not the West????

ho lee <deleted> what a dumb discussion,



No, Poland is not the west. It's Eastern Europe, an underdeveloped and poverty-stricken former Communist country. If it was the West, people would not have left Poland in their millions to go and find work in richer Western countries like the UK...

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On 12/28/2019 at 9:06 AM, BTB1977 said:

Prices here are still cheaper than back in your home countries.  So why complain over a few baht. Unless you don't have it I guess. Time for a McDouble, 4 all beef patties of goodness 

Not sure about other countries but now McD's is more expansive than it is in Australia.


Still, do drop in once a month, and if you buy using your rabbit card, you get 10% off.. I'm sure that deal is still active.

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Here’s a comparison.  A Big Mac set had a price of 129 baht, 139 baht with a small upgrade to larger fries and a 22 ounce soft drink.  This was a promotional price from late October through early December.  

Now the base price for the same set is baht 215 at the McD in Bangkok. 139 baht roughly equals $4.65. At 225 baht for the same upgrade you’re now paying about $7.50 US.  This is a big jump in price, especially when you consider the recent promotional cost. BUT...


Although we’re comparing a promotion vs. a full price it’s easy to see the value in the current Thai price vs. the going rate in the USA. The USA price is currently $6.99.  You may see slightly different prices at McD depending on location.  You’re paying a price pretty close to the price in McD’s home base. And if the Baht vs. USD gets a little weaker, you could pay less in real terms. 

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12 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:



I don't have a million, I have half, but I came penniless to Canada at 19, studied a useless degree until 25 and made on average 40,000 Canadian per year (before tax).


The fact that you made a 6 figure salary for 25 years and have only 1 million at 40 is a serious money mismanagement. 


Even if you lost half in a divorce which I'm sure is your next excuse.



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12 hours ago, Pravda said:


I don't have a million, I have half, but I came penniless to Canada at 19, studied a useless degree until 25 and made on average 40,000 Canadian per year (before tax).


The fact that you made a 6 figure salary for 25 years and have only 1 million at 40 is a serious money mismanagement. 


Even if you lost half in a divorce which I'm sure is your next excuse.



Every now and again a keyboard warrior comes along and sticks his nose into something that has nothing to do with him, and tries to have a go, and then I have to waste my time, on this occasion, on New Years day replying, why, because they just urk me.


I can understand why you only have half a million, which probably came from an inheritance, if I believe you have that at all, and you earning 40,000 per year before tax is because you probably didn't finish your degree, or were just plain lazy when you completed it. I can also see that your math is quite poor.


You see, I never said I only made a million, those are your words, these are mine, " and made my first million when I was 40, and retired at 55, go to page 17 if you like and read my post.


I don't need to make an excuse that half of what I made, that's 50% if you don't know what half of something is, did go to the X, that is what I call reality, suffice to say, if you do the math i.e. 25 years x a 6 figure salary, live in one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in, pay your taxes, child support, mortgage, and all other living expenses, then you would realise that you would be lucky enough to have 10%-20% saved from what you earned, i.e. if you were a good saver and watched your money, fortunately for me, I wasn't lazy and could explain how I made my money, and how I live her for basically nothing through my tax free investments, but then again, people such as yourself would only want to be typing away at their keyboards to to try and discredit that, which would never happen, because I am living the life off of my hard work and investments, no inheritance here, just plain laziness now while my money works for me, so get over it and try to have a..........


Happy New Year ????  




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On 12/26/2019 at 11:24 AM, possum1931 said:

I was going to give you a like till I read your last paragraph.

What upset you in the last paragraph? Is McDonalds a staple food item for you? If it is, then the 50 baht price increase will surely ruin your budget. The point was, most people would only eat McDonalds from time to time and paying a little more when they do is neither here nor there. If McDonalds is a staple food item for anyone, then the least of their worries should be the price increase.

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3 hours ago, tropo said:

What upset you in the last paragraph? Is McDonalds a staple food item for you? If it is, then the 50 baht price increase will surely ruin your budget. The point was, most people would only eat McDonalds from time to time and paying a little more when they do is neither here nor there. If McDonalds is a staple food item for anyone, then the least of their worries should be the price increase.

A 50Bt increase in any McDonalds burgers or whatever is way over the top, and I have not been in a McDonalds in ages.

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On 1/2/2020 at 11:15 PM, possum1931 said:

A 50Bt increase in any McDonalds burgers or whatever is way over the top, and I have not been in a McDonalds in ages.

Too bad you're missing out on your McDonalds fix over a few lousy baht.



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On 1/1/2020 at 8:48 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Every now and again a keyboard warrior comes along and sticks his nose into something that has nothing to do with him, and tries to have a go, and then I have to waste my time, on this occasion, on New Years day replying, why, because they just urk me.


I can understand why you only have half a million, which probably came from an inheritance, if I believe you have that at all, and you earning 40,000 per year before tax is because you probably didn't finish your degree, or were just plain lazy when you completed it. I can also see that your math is quite poor.


You see, I never said I only made a million, those are your words, these are mine, " and made my first million when I was 40, and retired at 55, go to page 17 if you like and read my post.


I don't need to make an excuse that half of what I made, that's 50% if you don't know what half of something is, did go to the X, that is what I call reality, suffice to say, if you do the math i.e. 25 years x a 6 figure salary, live in one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in, pay your taxes, child support, mortgage, and all other living expenses, then you would realise that you would be lucky enough to have 10%-20% saved from what you earned, i.e. if you were a good saver and watched your money, fortunately for me, I wasn't lazy and could explain how I made my money, and how I live her for basically nothing through my tax free investments, but then again, people such as yourself would only want to be typing away at their keyboards to to try and discredit that, which would never happen, because I am living the life off of my hard work and investments, no inheritance here, just plain laziness now while my money works for me, so get over it and try to have a..........


Happy New Year ????  





What nonsense. 


Now I really doubt you have any money in your account at all. 


My money came from inheritance? Yes it must be from my rich ex-Yugoslavian parents making 200 euros (or back then Deutsche marks) a month. 


How about I bought a property, paid it off and now the property alone is worth half a million? Yea... Kinda makes your 3 paragraph analysis pretty useless now. 


Did you graduate from Trump University? 


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25 minutes ago, Pravda said:

How about I bought a property, paid it off and now the property alone is worth half a million? Yea... Kinda makes your 3 paragraph analysis pretty useless now. 

On a 40,000 Canadian (before tax) salary, you purchased a property, paid a mortgage off, while at the same time paid for all of your living costs etc etc, and now that property is worth 500,000, the maths don't add up, even if you ate, rice and eggs, because you couldn't afford to eat McDonalds.


Like I said before, Happy New Year, I have moved along because in this world, you just can't convince jealous people of what is reality ????

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

On a 40,000 Canadian (before tax) salary, you purchased a property, paid a mortgage off, while at the same time paid for all of your living costs etc etc, and now that property is worth 500,000, the maths don't add up, even if you ate, rice and eggs, because you couldn't afford to eat McDonalds.


Like I said before, Happy New Year, I have moved along because in this world, you just can't convince jealous people of what is reality ????


Like I said at the beginning. Serious money mismanagement here. Bragging to others about his 1 million by winning a first world birth lottery. And the best you could do is retire in Thailand? Winning! 

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OK, back on topic. 


Has anyone else noticed how napkins are a precious commodity at McDonald's Thailand ONLY. 


You spend 250 baht on the set and they give you 1 napkin. I noticed this trend at most McDonald's branches except perhaps some very touristy area. 


This is why I'll always support Starbucks over McDonald's in Thailand. At least you don't have to beg for napkins and condiments. 


Absolutely pathetic.. 

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