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SURVEY: Do Thai women prefer foreign or Thai men?


SURVEY: Do Thai women prefer foreign or Thai men?  

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2 hours ago, rumak said:

The charm factor is also quite a plus...... and in that area I think thai men have it over most farangs that I meet here.   So many farangs think that talking about how things should be in the world are what impresses Thai ladies. 

They always seem to appreciate me singing a few verses of 'Rak Quai Quai"

Failing that, for the older fashioned lady I can sing along to a selection of Takatan songs.

Edited by BritManToo
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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They always seem to appreciate me singing a few verses of 'Rak Quai Quai"

Failing that, for the older fashioned lady I can sing along to a selection of Takatan songs.

Oh,  is that you ?  I thought you were the guy that looks serious and just shows them a photo

of you dusting off your BMW.  

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You must be confusing me with NCC1701.

one more guess.............   think bigger,  like 2 more wheels bigger


motorcycles do not impress 

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On 2/16/2020 at 12:49 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously most Thai women would chose a Thai. Otherwise we all would have lots of Thai women competing to capture us all the time.


And I am sure most Thai women do the right thing when they chose Thai men. Because they grew up in the same country with the same culture and understand each other (more or less).


Farang-Thai relations are obviously possible. But they "work" often very different from Thai/Thai relations.


And obviously all that was discussed here many many times.

Depends... Cultured and independent Thai women will prefer cultured Thai men...and it will take all the necessary time to found it. Non-cultured Thai women is competing to death all the time to get a ``farang´´ sponsor, any kind, any age. Own experience, even at 70 years old and not rich. 

Edited by Muzarella
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Statistics tell you that most Thai women stupidly opt for Thais because there are not enough farangs. But my wife and all her girlfriends would not look at a Thai man. They say they are drunken, stubborn, useless layabouts who beat their women and cheat on them. Further in my assessment of their comments, Thai men obsesses about having a big face even if they haven't 'a pot to <deleted> in' and have to use public transport, is what these clever girls say.

Once you go farang, you never go back, as the saying goes.

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On 2/17/2020 at 12:07 PM, 448glb said:

This subject is so stupid. Most Thai women of course prefer Thai men for language and culture. Only the stupid farang would think different. Mostly whores prefer Farang and they are only thinking of money and the funny thing is they usually have a Thai on the side. My neighbor is a Brit married to an ugly Thai and she convinced him that her boy friend is her brother but she tells all the Thai women neighbors it’s her boy friend.

An old story from a Stephen Leather book.

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On dealing with women, (provided there is no financial interest involved of course), Freud said that after a lifelong in studying them....what the f*c*** do they want utimately ?  ????


Thai women are perhaps no different then western women when it comes to live it on the red side, you know it happens monthly !!


It's more a matter of education and social well being.


An educated Thai lady, financially independant, socially satisfied,  tuned to modern patterns of life, (obviously the one that is never in the favorite girlie bar), would be more open and look rather if the guy makes her mental boat rock, rather then to stimulate her bank account or if the guy is Thai or not.


Just as any other lady anyplace in the world would. ????. IMHO of course....:jap:



Edited by observer90210
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On 2/16/2020 at 3:49 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously most Thai women would chose a Thai. Otherwise we all would have lots of Thai women competing to capture us all the time.


And I am sure most Thai women do the right thing when they chose Thai men. Because they grew up in the same country with the same culture and understand each other (more or less).


Farang-Thai relations are obviously possible. But they "work" often very different from Thai/Thai relations.


And obviously all that was discussed here many many times.



if 2 men of the same status then they would choose thai unless there are a whore and see a quick payments from the idiot farang

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Hi-So Thai women wouldn't be seen dead with a farang.


Different story for the non Hi-So's. A farang (you?) offered her an opportunity to escape from the drug and alcohol abusing, penniless, women-bashing Thai men. That's why she will lub you long time. Just keep the money coming honey. 


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28 minutes ago, Nemises said:

Hi-So Thai women wouldn't be seen dead with a farang.


Different story for the non Hi-So's. A farang (you?) offered her an opportunity to escape from the drug and alcohol abusing, penniless, women-bashing Thai men. That's why she will lub you long time. Just keep the money coming honey. 


There's middle-class Thai women. You never met any?

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


The type of guy who mentions such [Hi-So Thai women wouldn't be seen dead with a farang] are generally so lacking in game they can only ever envisage being with a substandard tart and is only possible of conceiving the notion that everyone else is in the same boat, they’re genuinely unaware that they are not very bright people !!! ????



i got banned for stating this, 

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I'm probably not the best to weigh in on this, since my wife is Thai, but grew up in America so has an American mind.


For sure there are a range of reasons why Thai women are 'attracted' to farang men.


Of course the poor 'Maiden of Issan' working in a bar in Pattaya is attracted to the old fat farang because of money, which is on a par with Melania Trump being 'attracted' to The Donald. Thats Universal.


But then you get down to a whole world of different reasons. Women often look for a man who will take care of their children. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the difference on how farang men view taking care of children to Thai men.


Then is just physical attraction. 


Why in many western countries are white women attracted to black men?

Walk down any street in San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego and half the couples will be a white guy with some version of Asian women. In those cases the financial aspect doesn't even come into it.


It's complex and multi faceted

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45 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'm probably not the best to weigh in on this, since my wife is Thai, but grew up in America so has an American mind.


For sure there are a range of reasons why Thai women are 'attracted' to farang men.


Of course the poor 'Maiden of Issan' working in a bar in Pattaya is attracted to the old fat farang because of money, which is on a par with Melania Trump being 'attracted' to The Donald. Thats Universal.


But then you get down to a whole world of different reasons. Women often look for a man who will take care of their children. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the difference on how farang men view taking care of children to Thai men.


Then is just physical attraction. 


Why in many western countries are white women attracted to black men?

Walk down any street in San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego and half the couples will be a white guy with some version of Asian women. In those cases the financial aspect doesn't even come into it.


It's complex and multi faceted

Western mind is worse. Complete gold diggers. Middle class Thais way better. The hi so pretenders and low class drunks are best avoided.


Maybe the black men have big feet.

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24 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Western mind is worse. Complete gold diggers. Middle class Thais way better. The hi so pretenders and low class drunks are best avoided.


Maybe the black men have big feet.

I dont know about western mind though. Never met a thai woman who is not a gold digger. Thai woman along with her family are bunch of gold diggers. 


Offcourse there may be some nice thai women who are not gold diggers. But I am yet to meet one 

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7 minutes ago, lovethai123 said:

I dont know about western mind though. Never met a thai woman who is not a gold digger. Thai woman along with her family are bunch of gold diggers. 


Offcourse there may be some nice thai women who are not gold diggers. But I am yet to meet one 

You must be mixing with bad people.

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'm probably not the best to weigh in on this, since my wife is Thai, but grew up in America so has an American mind.


For sure there are a range of reasons why Thai women are 'attracted' to farang men.

Thai women (and Asian women in general) in America are basically white women in an Asian body.  They bear little resemblance to Thai women in Thailand.  Their attitude and preferences are completely different.  So to use your wife as an example would be the same as if your wife was a farang.

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