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Social Distancers, will you return to the bars?


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8 minutes ago, frantick said:

Anyway, when the bars, (pubs if you're not here in Thailand), open up will you be going? This under the most likely scenario that they open before a vaccine is available.

I will be licking the poles! But I need to buy a duck...

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2 hours ago, champers said:

I think Thailand will be very picky about who they let into the country. As things stand anyone from the US and Europe can forget coming for a while. China? First ones back.

Quite a few of us are already here, but getting back in if we visit home, could be problematic.  

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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I suspect the bars will still get their regular customers, but I don’t think the tourist traffic will pick up anytime soon, only when people are convinced that the virus is no longer a threat.

More likely, IMO, when they can afford it. If you are in LOS, you may not realise just how screwed western economies are. Business as usual is not returning any time soon.

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9 hours ago, moe666 said:

will defiantly not hang with people from europe or GB

Who's gonna hang out with you though, surely not Thai people?


If they did not like farangs lately, watch and see what will happen in regards to xenophobia in Thailand, encouraged by mother China's rhetoric, in reference to covid-19.


Suits uncle P well also, more anti westerner ammunition. As if Ai Anutin's  remarks were not enough.

Edited by lkv
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44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'd go back tomorrow if I could. I always wanted to die in LOS, though I wasn't intending it to be soon, but we all die sometime of something, and I'm likely to die of sadness being far, far away from the country I loved so long.

You sound desperate the world has many amazing spots but u cry about Unable entering thailand .. weird While i’am glad for not being stuck there.

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Sure, they will return.

They want to go now even w/o SD.

Just read all the past posts from the drinkers who think booze kills the virus. They seem to actually believe it.

It would all be one big crowded party if they had their way and probably will be with any relaxing of the restrictions.

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7 hours ago, champers said:

I think Thailand will be very picky about who they let into the country. As things stand anyone from the US and Europe can forget coming for a while. China? First ones back.

Who gets in and who won't will depend on certain income streams, and yes, it will probably be the Chinese as the Thai government is not interested in their own people, more interested in buying submarines while people who lose their businesses could find it hard to survive.

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19 hours ago, moe666 said:

I will cont. to play it safe no boxing matches or large clubs only out with people i know. It may look good but this will not be over until they have a vacine. will defiantly not hang with people from europe or GB. China lowered entry rules and immediatly had a uptic in cases mostly from new arrivals

Chinese arrivals!

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I actually bumped into the owner of the bar I used to frequent pre Covid-19 shut down, suffice to say I told him that I haven't had a beer since 20 March, he looked at me as if to say, are you feeling ok, then he told me he couldn't buy any alcohol, anywhere and was running low on stock for himself.


When he does re-open, I will be there as I enjoy the local catch up and BS 3 nights a week, unfortunately no girls at the bar, it's one of those, if I allow girls in here I will lose all of my customers because the wives will be kicking up a storm. 

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I think that if one has been "religiously" practicing social distancing (SD), then I kind of think that the habit will tend to stick, even after a health authority declares the "all clear".  Not such a bad thing, in my opinion.  It means what it says, not that one must continue wearing masks, latex gloves and swabbing everything down.

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