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Trump does not plan to concede any time soon, aides and allies indicate


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I recall an election in the Philippines in Marcos days, supporters making a big deal about poll tampering etc. when it was themselves running the martial law regime.  And of course they fixed it.  Seems nothing is original with this guy. 

I suspect DT is listening to Steve Bannon today.



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12 minutes ago, Opl said:

"President Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story: Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign."


I wonder how much of the debt he has had to guarantee personally. The vultures are circling.

I've never contributed to any political party, IMO anyone who does that is either corrupt or crazy.


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5 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Hopefully everybody agrees the election result must be seen as legitimate. Proper investigations into Trump's claims must be made, and fast. If, as he claims, there is enough fraudulent/irregular activities to swap tightly fought state results from Dem to GOP then he could be elected President. More than a few dozen instances of fraud then a full audit of every vote nationwide must be done to ascertain the scale of wrongdoing. After the Russia fiasco we know the left take alleged election interference seriously enough to waste many years over. A full audit now would only take a few days.

 Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

Says Putin

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4 hours ago, cmarshall said:


Evidence or even winning the court cases are not part of Trump's strategy.  The strategy is through recounts and court challenges to delay the certification of the electoral votes until the deadline of Dec. 8.  If by that date there is not certified count in some of the states with Republican-controlled legislatures (WI, MI, PA) the legislature could conceivably step in and declare that to avoid disenfranchising the entire state, they will pick the electors, who will then cast their votes for Trump.  So then the Democrat governor exercises her authority to certify the Democrat slate of electors per the popular vote, and Congress on Jan 6 faces two competing slates of electors for the state.  In that case the Senate and the House separately vote which slate to accept.  If, as is likely, the Rs still control the Senate and the Ds the House, then they do not agree and there is no way to reconcile the discrepancy.  If this scenario plays out in enough states to prevent Biden from getting the necessary 270 majority of the EC, the House elects the president with each state getting one vote and Trump remains president.


If you imagine that a state legislature wouldn't dare steal the vote in this manner, you might note that the Republican legislature in Florida was in the process of doing exactly then when the Supreme Court stole the election for them.


This strategy looked a lot more plausible for Trump when it looked like the EV count would be very close.  Now that Biden is probably going to get 306 EVs, it's looking more difficult to pull out.  But, and this is the important point to remember, Trump is still actively pursuing this strategy.

That, if it were to happen, would set off the constitutional crisis to end all constitutional crisis!


Imagine, Congress being manipulated to overturn the results of the election!


It would utterly destroy any claim by the United States to be a democracy, and quite possibly lead to widespread protests and civil disobedience which would make the country ungovernable.

That would in turn require using the military to maintain order. Since the military takes it's oath of loyalty to the Constitution, would they be prepared to play?


Before that happens however would the Republican Party as a whole be prepared to take such a step? For the scenario you outline to succeed Mr Trump would need total control of the party; and the long term political risk to the party (and the careers of many, many aspiring office holders) would be immense!

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7 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

sore loser.... his legacy will be one of the worse in the American history, he was impeached , had ONLY 1 term full of contradictions/arguments, lost of allies and refused to accept defeat, that's a great legacy or CV to add to his previous bad deals and bankruptcies, 3 words..... Lock Him Up

"Super Trump" piece of Legacy - hadn't he been POTUS, maybe he wouldn't be planning rallies, so Trump is a very lucky person, in fact. 


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26 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

it's all a game for him ...





Explainer: Can Trump pardon his associates — or himself?

In 2018, Trump even said he had the "absolute right" to pardon himself



Trump can and will pardon all of his loyal associates from his own kids to Manafort, Flynn, etc.  A self-pardon can't be trusted since his lawyers will explain to him that it might well be overturned in court.  The safer option is for Trump to resign and accept a pardon from President-for-a-month Pence which will make him immune for all federal crimes he has ever committed, bullet-proof and can't be revoked.  Worth having for sure.


The pardon from Pence is the best outcome for the Biden administration since they neither want to prosecute him nor to let him off the hook.  They will be outsourcing his prosecution to the NY Attorney General Tish James who will send him to prison, unless he has fled the country first.

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50 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Trump has no interest in conceding, he just wants to do as much damage as possible before he’s going to have to vacate the WH in January. He’s like a kid who’d rather break his toy than let anyone else play with it. 

the Trump family  will not vanish from the political arena with the election,  the "kids" will stay in orbit with an inheritance of 70M followers    

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20 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump has lost the election.  But the Republican Party mustn't let Trump's behaviour now, damage them anymore.  They owe it to the republican voters to steady the ship and distance themselves from the petulance and manic ravings of the ex POTUS. 

Almost all of them are still afraid of him as confronting him could kill their future in politics.

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