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U.S. Supreme Court swiftly ends Trump-backed Texas bid to upend election results


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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, IMO you are correct that if the senate remains GOP majority, Biden is in for a hard time ????.


I agree that the Democrats having the trifecta is NOT good for American politics... but probably not for the same, narrow reasons as you do. Their retention of the Senate would be the best outcome. However, if they abuse the will of the people and instead of holding the Democrats feet to the fire on policy and law and decide to pursue a rancorous, petty and baseless witch-hunt on Biden just because "That's what they did to our guy", then they better make the most of their two years of 'power' before the US voters kick them into touch at the mid-terms.

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1 minute ago, bobbin said:

Soon to be former President Trump, his former Administration officials, sitting members of the House and Senate who by their public support or silence, should be held to account for an unprecedented effort to deny the votes of the American people.


Their actions should be examined. They should be named, shamed and censured in the Congressional Record to deter any any similar actions in the future..




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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

But it's still disturbing to see how many people over there are willing to destroy democracy for that <censored> Trump.

They 'd rather burn down the whole house only because they hate it to live in the basement.

All people are to blame about this situation: the expendables as well as the people, who allowed this big rift to widen only for a few more percentage of margin.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

True enough, Kamala Harris is the Republican Party's worst nightmare. I suspect even Trump is wary of her, referring to her as a "nasty woman" is actually a compliment from him.

Yes and most democrats would prefer her to be president rather than Biden. So make our day Republicans!

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I don't think anything from the GOP at this point could be considered 'payback'. They've done pretty much everything they wanted in their wilding over the past four years. It would just be the more of the same rubbish from them. Payback is the wrong word.


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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If the GOP still hold the senate they might even impeach and convict Biden.

Sigh. Did you even read my post before launching into a reply? Obviously missed "if the GOP wins a majority in the house come 2022, expect some large payback. If the GOP still hold the senate they might even impeach and convict Biden".


Two reasons Biden won't be impeached. 

He's an honorable man. If explicitly impeachable offenses are revealed he will resign for the good of the country. 

Secondly. Kamala Harris!

In what bizarre universe would the party of Mr. Trump hand the presidency to her on a platter.

You're right about Biden.  That's the advantage the Dems have of having someone like Biden as President.  The senior Republicans all know him.  This is what Lindsey Graham really thinks of Joe Biden...



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27 minutes ago, riclag said:

Have faith my friend ! We are not licked yet!imop

Yes....faith....I have faith that The Trump vs The State of New York trials are going to be highly entertaining and satisfying...and seeing as the Trump legal team is currenlty on a 60 case losing streak. Yes, faith...here Ric, you will love this and it kinda describes where Trump is right now:


“And our faith changes us. I know it’s changed me. It renews in us a sense of possibility. It allows us to believe that although we are all sinners, and that at times we will falter, there’s always the possibility of redemption. Every once in a while, we might get something right, we might do some good.”  -  President Barack Obama

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and most democrats would prefer her to be president rather than Biden. So make our day Republicans!

IMO most democrats would have preferred Bernie Sanders, they were just too worried Trump would beat the socialism drum. Bernie seems to be very quiet lately.

I'm just wondering what BS Trump is going to tweet after effectively being told to get lost.

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