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FLIP-FLOP: Immigration backtracks on mandatory COVID-19  testing for visa/extension of stay renewals


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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Once again different immigration offices issuing different stories. I swear the word coordination is just not understood here.

For long term expats, who have not traveled anywhere, this makes absolutely no sense.

If sense slapped them in the face, it would go unnoticed.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

The only way to stop this madness of having more and more requirements for foreigners every year is when the iron bowl of the top civil servants are affected. 


Right now, these civil servants don't realise the damage that their increasingly difficult requirements have done to normal people's lives.



You reckon? I wouldn't be at all surprised if they realise perfectly what they've done, they just couldn't care less...

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What a silly thing to request for a coronavirus that, for the majority, lasts 2 weeks in the system and is least likely to be found in Expats extending their visa.  Why not similarly require Thai's to come in and test once a year.  its equally mindless.  Yet another piece of paper that must be obtained as though everyone has endless time to devote to obtaining their visa extensions. ????  

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I wonder just how many of us may test positive, and then be taken forthwith to the hospital for isolation until we test negative, even if just Asymptomatic.  Will we then be placed on overstay while hospitalized, fined, and upon being discharged will we be then escorted to the airport and forced to leave since we had tested positive, were on overstay, and did not meet the conditions set forth in the ministerial order of prohibited diseases and thus not allowed to stay in the Kingdom.  Is this not another way to ensure that all of us Falangs go back to where we came from regardless if this is our home or not?  Slippery slope folks, a very slippery slope.

Think positive, it helps.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

This is ridiculous 


for 364 days a year I can shop walk around do whatever just like anyone else and yet on just one day to visit one place (immigration) I need to get a covid test - how stupid is that 


Jesus Christ - who thought that one up

There must have been a lot of thought put into it, its taken ten months just to get this far.

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Apply for visa extension, come up positive!. Most countries are now insisting on negative test before boarding plane to your destination. Country you want to travel to will not give you clearance if positive. What does Thai Government do.? Leave you at immigration at airport? Needs clarification as whole deal sounds half baked not unusual in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, redwood1 said:

However, it is not clear why........


And that just about sums it up folks.... 

At 4000+ baht a test, it makes complete sense. It's a money making scheme. It has no health merit whatsoever (you could test negative then positive the next day). And it testing positive, then what? It's no as though they can put you on the next plane out of here. Or is it to IDC until you can get a flight. 


I bet this doesn't take off on an official level. 

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Don’t know or don’t care what they dream up. I’m enjoying the weather and the pollution from the comfort of my backyard hammock. Seems odd that they would want a Covid test when the AZ vaccine is not available until June earliest ... and none of us TVF are on the priority list.  They have not even given consideration/arrived at a decision to let those vaccinated outside of Thailand in without quarantine.  

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Feeling the LOVE use dirty Farangs!!! I just do not comprehend how anyone would even consider retirement in Thailand.  When you get older the most important thing for you is security but in thailand you never have that. One minute all is ok and the next a new law, a new regulation or even someone connected falling out with you and your out! 

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2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They are flip flopping on this now due to outrage on social media. Wait and see what the interpretation of the rules is going to be.

It won't make any difference.

Each Immigration Offie will do as they please based on the budgetary requirements of the guy at the top at THAT particular time!

If he's going for a long, dirty weekend with his Mia Noi, then test the dirty farang!!

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2 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

Gawd, stop winding yourself up into a frenzy.


i just rang Phangnga Immigration who said it was BS, not required.


Ring your local immigration and get back to us. 

I suggest everyone ring their local immigration and ask the same question before posting here and feeding the fake frenzy before some of the nervous old members go into cardiac arrest.

This is just another wind up.

As is your post if, as you say we all ring the Immigration office. How long before some twit thinks its a good idea?

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4 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Where do you see an indication for these assumptions?

The ministerial order doesn't say anything about Covid testing related to extensions.

In case he understood it, this would mean he made up fake news to scare people.

In case he didn't understand it, this would mean he simply made a mistake.

Do you have any other explanation?

Edited by jackdd
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BANGKOK — A spokesman for the immigration police on Tuesday walked back on his announcement that a negative COVID-19 test result will be mandatory for every foreigner who wishes to extend their stay in the kingdom.



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