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Thailand to increase speed limit to 120kph


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The sham military government realizes the peasants are revolting, although occasionally quite fragrant.


This speed limit increase is a natural cull along with the covid "no test no have policy"  and should significantly lessen the numbers of insurgents.

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10 minutes ago, pattjock said:

120km/h for cars with LESS than 7 seats and 100 km/h for cars with MORE than 7seats.


What about all the SUVs, like Fortuner that have 7 seats???

Choose your own rules like most folks do.

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Me, my family and all of their friends already thought the 120kph was already in effect up here in CM. For some reason while driving on our super highway I will always slow down to the before speed limit for where the well known radar is at. Guess I was right. 80kph for motorcycles under 400cc is BS. So many CC tv camera, other live feed camera in CM now it is sickening. Latest addition was an onslaught of live feed camera all over specifically for helmets, and now I would presume 10,000 radar camera will be added to ever street or road.  In a sense it feels like they are emulating China and zero privacy rights for all.

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On the plus side, may increase deaths at scene of accident, which are counted in traffic stats, rather than later at hospital, which aren't, unless I missed that changing... so we could finally get the official worst drivers in the world award. "We're #1!"

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1 hour ago, Phuketshrew said:

Most drivers


let me stop you right there. 


when i went to get my thai license i looked around the ministry and thought to myself....there is no way i would give 95 % of the people here a driving license. i really mean this too. 


the stats speak volumes. thai are pretty much the worst there is. 

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To quote a guy who just completed the new license renewal format a few days ago:-



 Don't know if the questions are changed but for mine the right answers were: 80% of the accidents in Thailand are caused by driving too fast; #2. How many driving "techniques" are there: 5 (outlined in detail in the video) and #3 How many seconds are there for reaction time: 5-8 seconds. Then at the end they asked me the same questions.


Says it all.

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The new speed limit will apply to vehicles with less than seven seats but the speed limit for other vehicles will also increase, the minister said.


The new speed limits are as follows:

Vehicles with more than 7 seats but less than 15: 100kph

So what about those vehicles with exactly 7 seats (as almost every SUV)?

Edited by thecaveman
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2 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

It's not just the speed that's the problem. Most drivers here have no concept of safe distancing or stopping distances and most are incapable of performing an effective emergency stop. 

They are good at the "Rabbit caught in the headlights" Freeze ,when the unexpected happens though.

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In line with increasing speed limits to reflect the actual speed many drivers observe, may I suggest increasing the blood alcohol limit to reflect seven or eight beers, and also reduce the legal driving age to ten. This will clear up the need to waste time prosecuting drivers for such offences, whilst maintaining a healthy death rate on our roads.

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20 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

Good news,  about time! .

Nothing more frustrating than plodding along at 90 kmph on a perfectly big and open road.  Thai highways are built for speed and should be  fully utilized.

t increase from 90kmh is understandable but to increase to 120kmh is another kettle of fish.

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Vehicles with more than 15 seats: 90kph
Tow trucks: 65kph
Motorcycles: 80kph
Big bikes 400cc or above: 110kph
School buses: 80kph
Vehicles with more than 7 seats but less than 15: 100kph

Too simple!

What about haircut and sex of the driver and the color of the car?

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

This so-called government have come up with some crazy ideas before, but this surely takes the prize for sheer stupidity.

Roads here are crazy enough with speed limit of 90, but 120 absolutely stupid.

Can you give me a pass Cole not because I actually do it but my bike does more than 120 kph in 1st gear. ????????

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5 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

What is the point of speed limits here. Pretty much everyone drives at a speed that suits them, rather than following any official rules.

So right. With minimal enforcement  it's pretty much a free-for-all on Thao roads. The death and injury statistics attest to that.

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47 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Pointless, they do exactly what they want most of the time anyway. There is little to no enforcement and no real consequences.

As mentioned by another, lane discipline would be a better result, couple that with proper driver training and a realistic road test to obtain a licence.

But that is never going to happen. When you have poorly trained drivers in a no blame culture and predominately the very immature male ego, then nothing much will change. Just like possums on the road in New Zealand.

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As a bike rider I find this somewhat disconcerting. Why make bikes 10kph slower than the massive chunks of metal which surround them? Much safer if the big bikes can move at the flow of traffic and not someone assuming everyone is doing ‘110kph”.

Do these dingbats actually use their brains....oh....hang on.....sorry about that folks. My bad.

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40 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Can you give me a pass Cole not because I actually do it but my bike does more than 120 kph in 1st gear. ????????

Frankly the problem of major road deaths could be minimized if vehicles that could travel no faster than 250 KPH were removed from the roads entirely ????

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