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"Thai Women don't feel Love"

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

On the contrary, women should not feel that they want to please you and make you happy with sex - they themselves should want sex and enjoy it happily themselves.

If they are doing it solely to please the man... disaster is not far off IMHO

Applies to all women, NOT only THAI

Given that most women seem to like sex at the start, how does one know if they will decide to not like it a few years later? My wife was great in bed till we moved to the family home and it stopped. When I insisted we move far away we resumed a sex life, but it was never the same, and in the end she just stopped again. How could I possibly have known that would happen?

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that most women seem to like sex at the start, how does one know if they will decide to not like it a few years later? My wife was great in bed till we moved to the family home and it stopped. When I insisted we move far away we resumed a sex life, but it was never the same, and in the end she just stopped again. How could I possibly have known that would happen?

Because it appears to be normal female behaviour.

Provide enough sex to snag a husband, then stop once you are settled in.

I've even encountered a few nymphomaniacs who stopped having sex with their husband but were rampant with every other man.


Normal but inexplicable.

It's not as if providing the sex takes them much time or effort or costs them money.

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On 4/18/2021 at 4:29 PM, GinBoy2 said:

Well, thats the dirty rotten truth about many Farang/Thai relationships.


one can strike through the <Farang/Thai> in that statement
My European experience is not better.
No money Honey, I helped to spend it all already,
so said the not-for-money Honey.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Because it appears to be normal female behaviour.

Provide enough sex to snag a husband, then stop once you are settled in.

I've even encountered a few nymphomaniacs who stopped having sex with their husband but were rampant with every other man.


Normal but inexplicable.

It's not as if providing the sex takes them much time or effort or costs them money.

I've never understood why people that loved doing something decided they didn't like doing it anymore for no apparent reason eg I used to hang out with a group that loved going dancing, but after they got married they just stopped. Perhaps they never really loved it and were only looking for a partner, but they did seem to love dancing at the time.

I guess I'll never understand people, no matter how long I know them.

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've even encountered a few nymphomaniacs who stopped having sex with their husband but were rampant with every other man.

that is to proof the husband is a Very Important and Special person, worthy of preferential treatment.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've never understood why people that loved doing something decided they didn't like doing it anymore for no apparent reason eg I used to hang out with a group that loved going dancing, but after they got married they just stopped. Perhaps they never really loved it and were only looking for a partner, but they did seem to love dancing at the time.

I guess I'll never understand people, no matter how long I know them.


I used to love playing golf....  I no longer like the game !... 


Perhaps it has something to do with having children. I’d rather spend a Saturday or Sunday with my Wife and Son than on a Golf course.


I used to love going out partying with friends, to the pub, to bars, clubs etc.. I would now much prefer to go to a restaurant with friends and accompanied by my Wife and Son, they may go home earlier at my Son’s bed time and the guys carry on. 


Things change... If I change and want to go to the pub more often with my friends, I will do that, if I want to play golf again, I will do that. I still play football and spend time in all day tournaments etc (about once per month) otherwise football just takes up a few hours per week.. ok sometimes (most times) with a few beers afterwards !...  But its the football I enjoy, not the fact that I am away from my Wife and Son. 










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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

The long Con.....perhaps

No, it wasn't that. I think it was something to do with a hook ( not a hooker ). Makes sense though, they hook a guy like a fish using sex as bait, but once he's committed too far financially, mortgage, children  etc to leave easily they think they can become the person they really are.


My wife did the long con on me.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, it wasn't that. I think it was something to do with a hook ( not a hooker ). Makes sense though, they hook a guy like a fish using sex as bait, but once he's committed too far financially, mortgage, children  etc to leave easily they think they can become the person they really are.


My wife did the long con on me.

+1 on that as well.

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Just now, richard_smith237 said:


I used to love playing golf....  I no longer like the game !... 


Perhaps it has something to do with having children. I’d rather spend a Saturday or Sunday with my Wife and Son than on a Golf course.


I used to love going out partying with friends, to the pub, to bars, clubs etc.. I would now much prefer to go to a restaurant with friends and accompanied by my Wife and Son, they may go home earlier at my Son’s bed time and the guys carry on. 


Things change... If I change and want to go to the pub more often with my friends, I will do that, if I want to play golf again, I will do that. I still play football and spend time in all day tournaments etc (about once per month) otherwise football just takes up a few hours per week.. ok sometimes (most times) with a few beers afterwards !...  But its the football I enjoy, not the fact that I am away from my Wife and Son. 










I do understand that children change things, but I was talking about BEFORE they had children, and in some cases not even getting married. I invited a girl to go to a jazz night once and she said she loved it, but she never wanted to go again ( nothing to do with me as we were still friends after ). If she didn't love it why would she say she did, and if she did love it why would she not want to go again?


I never stopped wanting to do the things I loved, like dancing, but when I moved to a different country the opportunity was no longer available.

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Just now, ThailandRyan said:
5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, it wasn't that. I think it was something to do with a hook ( not a hooker ). Makes sense though, they hook a guy like a fish using sex as bait, but once he's committed too far financially, mortgage, children  etc to leave easily they think they can become the person they really are.


My wife did the long con on me.

+1 on that as well.


Was it a con??.... 


Did the female enter the relationship with the specific intention of defrauding the male from his money? or to set up some longer term security?


Or, is it more likely that the woman also fell in love, that the love and respect were mutual but over time feelings wained and diminished as they sometimes do in relationships?


Of course, when feelings change someone will feel aggrieved, when there are financial implications that feeling is obviously exaggerated. 


The key question: At the beginning of the relationship, was one party a cold, calculating actor/actress or did they enter the relationship because of their feelings ?... perhaps in some cases because of a combination of feelings and calculation?...  people enter relationships for a spectrum of reasons, some of them pure and honourable, some of them not so pure and honourable and sometimes those reasons change, develop, improve, worsen etc etc.. 


There are no hard and fast rules.... 


From my perspective, I had a set of rules and would only entertain a relationship with a female if:

- Her English was fluent (educated fluent not BF fluent)

- She was from a similar socio-economic-educatoinal background

- Financially independent

- Similar hobbies or had her own hobbies

- Intelligent

- Humorous

- Obvious physical attraction

- Of a similar age 


I suspect many females of similar status to ourselves will have similar set of unwritten rules.







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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

From my perspective, I had a set of rules and would only entertain a relationship with a female if:

- Her English was fluent (educated fluent not BF fluent)

- She was from a similar socio-economic-educatoinal background

- Financially independent

- Similar hobbies or had her own hobbies

- Intelligent

- Humorous

- Obvious physical attraction

- Of a similar age 


My wife was all of those except the last, but it didn't mean she was prepared to discuss the obvious problem between us.

Had she loved me she would ergo have wanted to save the marriage, but she didn't. The only reason she was happy at the end was when I "loaned" her a substantial sum, and after she realised the ATM was empty it was really the end.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

My wife was all of those except the last, but it didn't mean she was prepared to discuss the obvious problem between us.

Had she loved me she would ergo have wanted to save the marriage, but she didn't. The only reason she was happy at the end was when I "loaned" her a substantial sum, and after she realised the ATM was empty it was really the end.

 How old was she?

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I do understand that children change things, but I was talking about BEFORE they had children, and in some cases not even getting married. I invited a girl to go to a jazz night once and she said she loved it, but she never wanted to go again ( nothing to do with me as we were still friends after ). If she didn't love it why would she say she did, and if she did love it why would she not want to go again?


I never stopped wanting to do the things I loved, like dancing, but when I moved to a different country the opportunity was no longer available.


People change... I know I have. I party a lot less than I used to !!! 


I can’t even imagine being in a crowded noisy nightclub - I’ve no idea what I used to see in it, but I do recall having greatfun at the time. 


I used to wakeboard an awful lot (3x per week) - I no longer do that. Yet my Wife still wakeboards and wake-surfs when she has the opportunity. 


Golf, horrible game, used to love it. 


My Wife and I used to go to the Cinema a lot, I never really liked the cinema but would go because she liked it. We used to go out for amazing high end meals... now I’m happy with a decent steak and chips !!!


I used to love higher end cars, now I’m happy with a Mazda !


Change is inevitable, in what we do and with our feelings for each other. My Wife and I have been married for 12 years, my feelings have changed, over those 12 years my respect for her has increased 10 fold after watching her develop has a doting mother and wife. She puts up with me yet seems not to even recognise she’s putting up with me...  and all round awesome lady.... 


One day she may wake up and not want to be with me any more, or I not want to be with her any more. I can’t imagine that happening. But if she does I won’t feel that she has cheated me or ‘gone for the long con’.... She could have married a wealthy Thai guy (there were definitely enough extremely wealthy suitors) and she settled for me, I have a decent career but by no means am I as wealthy of some of the guys her friends married. Why did she choose me?... simple answer is because I am me... I still am. 










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20 hours ago, ravip said:

What I meant was not to splash around ones wealth in attracting a partner - you will obviously attract one for your wealth and not to yourself, per se.

A woman (or a man for that matter) who chooses a partner for what he is and not for what he has, has a higher chance of having a successful long term relationship.

I agree

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20 hours ago, ravip said:

What I meant was not to splash around ones wealth in attracting a partner - you will obviously attract one for your wealth and not to yourself, per se.

What if you have nothing to attract a woman apart from your (relative) wealth?

Should you just stay single?

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What if you have nothing to attract a woman apart from your wealth?

Should you just stay single?


Of course not... nothing wrong in doing what you are doing and paying for company with someone who has no issue agreeing to such an arrangement. 


But, don’t make the assumption that all other relationship are similar because one that didn’t rely on money failed and the only relationships you had that don’t fail are the ones you are in financial control of, for that is not a relationship* but a business agreement.


(* relationship in terms of this subject, love).



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

What if you have nothing to attract a woman apart from your (relative) wealth?

Should you just stay single?

I now understand very well why many people are complaining!

Absolutely nothing wrong with the Thai people! Especially the beautiful Thai ladies. ????

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7 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

short time/long time - past love lingers like a mist of perfume in the air... new love awaits around the corner

Someone said that nature never leaves a 'blank' space! 

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I always wondered why women who profess to love you always end up restricting the sex.

You'd think if they loved you, they'd want to please you and make you happy (sex makes most men happy).


A woman loves you, so you marry her, then the sex stops ................... inexplicable!

sex isn't love - it's sex... 


inexplicable? people change - people get bored... Bill Maher said women like shopping/buying shoes - not because they don't have shoes, they want new shoes... 


and isn't there an old joke - just before walking down the aisle, the groom tells the best man - I am so happy, I just had the best bj of my life!! And the bride tells her bridesmaid - I am so happy, i just gave the last BJ of my life... 

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's not just a Thai thing. None of my non Thai friends ever asked me about my life in Thailand.

in my experience, with non thai people, I get a much much much lower % of women that I have that sort of bat<deleted> boring, one way conversation , in my sample size its about 25%

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Just now, hellohello123 said:

in my experience, with non thai people, I get a much much much lower % of women that I have that sort of bat<deleted> boring, one way conversation , in my sample size its about 25%

I've never been all that interested in talking to women, that's not what they're for.

Come to think of it, I'm not all that interested in speaking with foreigners either.

British English are the best people in the world.

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6 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

Dear house brick... maybe juice up the level of your conversation rather than accuse them... 


Thai love to laugh, try having a fun conversation, not a quiz show... 



thats a fair comment

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5 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:



I might have to agree--i'll add a few

What are you doing?

Did you eat today?

Why no sleep?

hello....5 hrs pass.....

Whats your job--usually the 1st Q.

You have wife?

Do you have a thai gf?


Currently chatting up a thai gal in BKK..shes over 30 and an artist so has talent, but seems to be constantly painting and again , lives at home, and claims to have never kisses a male.....getting ready to say goodbye as im tiring of being the first to say hello, I said nothing for days to see if she would start the chat....still waiting......

I remember one girl, whom I sent a intro msg, that was a few lines long x 3,


that went soemthing like


me:Hey my name is Housebrick nice to meet you,

your profile is really nice, and you seem like a nice girl,

it would be great to chat with you
me: how has your day been? anything exciting?
me: I had just had one of those days where everything went wrong ????

Her: goodnight


1 month later

her: why you not send message? are you not interested in me?


I let her know what I thought.... didnt get a reply......surprise surprise

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2 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

I remember one girl, whom I sent a intro msg, that was a few lines long x 3,


that went soemthing like


me:Hey my name is Housebrick nice to meet you,

your profile is really nice, and you seem like a nice girl,

it would be great to chat with you
me: how has your day been? anything exciting?
me: I had just had one of those days where everything went wrong ????

Her: goodnight


1 month later

her: why you not send message? are you not interested in me?


I let her know what I thought.... didnt get a reply......surprise surprise

and on the opposite side of the spectrum, ive been speaking to a european girl recently,,

her first msg to me was:

"hello House brick!, nice to meet you to!  thanks for asking, I saw that you can speak XXXX language,

I know a few words, they are bla bla blah, sorry if my spelling is wrong, dont be to offended,

I hope you have a great day and dont work too hard"

what a great first message, in my personal opinion,

makes me want to actually put some effort in


like I said, maybe its a cultural difference or language barrier

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