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Success registering for vaccine, Mor Prom app


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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

My nephew and his wife had their 2nd AZ some weeks back and a few days ago both tested positive for covid.

What were their chances?


Being vaccinated doesn't stop someone catching, and passing on , the disease it simply mitigates serious symptoms that will require hospital admission.

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

You are talking average, in their case it was 0% effective in preventing infection. It's fingers crossed on how ill they get.

Averages do not apply to individuals, only probability.

Yes, but you asked what their odds were of having this happen. At least that is how I understood your question. When an event is an actuality (has already occurred) then odds of it happening don't apply.


With a vaccine that is 76% effective in preventing infection their odds were 0.24 * whatever the risk of infection was  for people in their locality at that time.

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1 hour ago, Pawpal said:

Just for the record, I tried to register just now with my Pink ID card and was also stymied by the letter/numbers on the back of the ID (one letter followed by 8 numbers) not matching the "required" format of two letters followed by 10 numbers.


Mine doesn't either but could still register yesterday.


From reports today it seems foreign ID numbers may no longer be accepted (they did some "maintainance" on the site last night).  However this should yield a "foreign ID not accepted" message not a "details incorrect" message

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9 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:


Being vaccinated doesn't stop someone catching, and passing on , the disease it simply mitigates serious symptoms that will require hospital admission.


Not quite correct.  The vaccines do reduce (but do not "stop") the risk of being infected. They reduce the risk of serious disease to a much greater extent, close to 100% in some cases.


Recent studies also show that if someone who is vaccinated does acquire the virus the risk of their transmitting it to others is substantially less than among unvaccinated people (but not zero - just comparatively less).

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5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Yes, but you asked what their odds were of having this happen. At least that is how I understood your question. When an event is an actuality (has already occurred) then odds of it happening don't apply.

I wasn't asking.

It was a rhetorical question based on a statement that included misrepresented odds.

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11 minutes ago, maddermax said:

Just can't do it cause everything is in Thai.  HELP !!!!


An English version for foreigners is "in the works". 


The current version does need a Thai speaker to help - but may not be worth the effort to find one as reports today suggest that the system has now been modified to reject foreigner ID numbers (which are easily recognized as they all begin with the  same number). Might still accept people with permanent residency, no reports either way on that. But the ID numbers starting with 6, which is what those of us here on visas/extension of stay, are now reported to produce a message saying foreign IDs not accepted at this time.

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

When my wife entered my ID my name and details were already there, nothing had to be entered.

It said I was eligible for vaccination and to book appointment.

Different scenarios, different problems.


Was that today or yesterday? If today - do you have permanent residency or citizenship?



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7 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

 I believe it is limited to the Chinese Sinovac at the moment, and maybe AZ.  


The current phase, limited to people over 60 or with chronic diseases, is limited to AZ.

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22 hours ago, khunpon said:

After numerous tries, I have managed to get my appointment with my Pink Id card. I've used "Mor Prom" Line app.


What were your "numerous tries" like? All I ever got was a message in Thai saying, "Please enter your data correctly," with an "agree" button. Did you do something a little different on your last try that allowed it to work? 

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4 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


Not quite correct.  The vaccines do reduce (but do not "stop") the risk of being infected. They reduce the risk of serious disease to a much greater extent, close to 100% in some cases.


Recent studies also show that if someone who is vaccinated does acquire the virus the risk of their transmitting it to others is substantially less than among unvaccinated people (but not zero - just comparatively less).


Just that people look at Efficacy figures and believe that a vaccine with a higher number is naturally better when one with a lower number may be just as effective against preventing serious illness requiring hospitalization. 

People have been being vaccinated against yellow fever without question for years and there are no efficacy numbers for the Yellow Fever vaccine.

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10 minutes ago, LawrenceN said:

What were your "numerous tries" like? All I ever got was a message in Thai saying, "Please enter your data correctly," with an "agree" button. Did you do something a little different on your last try that allowed it to work? 


the issue may just be that he did it yesterday and that the system has since been modified. Not 100% sure but reports on this board seem to indicate this.

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3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Must be something else.

I have tried so many permutations now without success.

(first name) (middle name)

first name

middle name

(in Thai as on card)

number from the back with/without spaces, with/without leading letter...

x-times checked ID number (starting with "6" for "temporary alien") and birthday


Clueless and before I kill PC or mobile I postpone the topic.

Let's wait and see whether more reports come in.

Same Same!

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On 5/1/2021 at 1:34 PM, Sheryl said:

Could you please guive the link where you found the app? I can't find it via Line


Also as it is only in Thai, it would be very helpful if you could give instructions in using it!

It's not an app.  It's a Line Official Site.  People call it an app for the same reason people call extensions of stay visas; people are very imprecise. ????  

Attached is a good summary of the mor prom Line Official Site.

COVID Vaccination Registration Information-02-05-2021.pdf

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On 5/1/2021 at 1:34 PM, Sheryl said:

Could you please guive the link where you found the app? I can't find it via Line


Also as it is only in Thai, it would be very helpful if you could give instructions in using it!

Use the opener next to "the week that was", scroll down there's a bar code which puts you right on it, all in Thai though!

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5 hours ago, Naroge said:

Same here. The app requests a number on the back starting with 2 letters, which the Thai ID card has. The pink card I have seen has a number starting with only 1 letter, so is not accepted by the app.

Not sure, what you do or what app you are using.. my number on the back starts with "B" followed by all numbers and was accepted by the app... nothing about 2 letters...

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6 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

Not sure, what you do or what app you are using.. my number on the back starts with "B" followed by all numbers and was accepted by the app... nothing about 2 letters...

When did you register? Today, or yesterday?


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51 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


the issue may just be that he did it yesterday and that the system has since been modified. Not 100% sure but reports on this board seem to indicate this.

I registered yesterday and booked the appointment today.

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20 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Unless I have missed it, not a single report of any foreigner  able to register today,


I suspect  the "maintianance" done last night included tightening the program  it so that ID numbers beginning with 6 are not accepted.

I registered successfully yesterday but was unable to book an appointment.

Today we (Thai wife) tried again and successfully made an appointment for 24th June at our local government hospital.

I do not have a pink ID card but have a yellow book.

My ID no. in the book starts with an 8 (not a 6)and has 11 digits and I entered this same number twice which allowed me to continue and complete the application.

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3 minutes ago, Tmoney said:

I registered successfully yesterday but was unable to book an appointment.

Today we (Thai wife) tried again and successfully made an appointment for 24th June at our local government hospital.

I do not have a pink ID card but have a yellow book.

My ID no. in the book starts with an 8 (not a 6)and has 11 digits and I entered this same number twice which allowed me to continue and complete the application.

I think anyone who successfully registered yesterday should be able to make an appointment as the hurdle seems to be at the first page where ID etc are entered.


Interesting though that you did not need the number actually on the back of the pink ID card....that is what you are supposed to enter.



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3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I think anyone who successfully registered yesterday should be able to make an appointment as the hurdle seems to be at the first page where ID etc are entered.


Interesting though that you did not need the number actually on the back of the pink ID card....that is what you are supposed to enter.



Because yesterday they didn't verify the data, so you could enter anything, today they do.

If they will honor the appointments of foreigners... I have my doubts, because obviously it was not supposed to work for foreigners.


It's by the way still possible to register today, if doing it like this:


Edited by jackdd
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7 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Because yesterday they didn't verify the data, so you could enter anything, today they do.

If they will honor the appointments of foreigners... I have my doubts, because obviously it was not supposed to work for foreigners.


It's by the way still possible to register today, if doing it like this:



I don't think it is the case that there was no verification yesterday. It clearly was verifying data and entry of anything not consistent with what was in the system (i.e. was one your pink card) did not go through but rather got an "incorrect data" error message.....at least in so far as IN number and name, date of birth go. I can't say re the second number. Is verification of that what you mean?

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On 5/1/2021 at 2:07 PM, Peterw42 said:

That is the QR code above, use line app to scan the QR code, opens mor prom app in line. (its only in Thai)


Needs a Thai/pink ID number, enter DOB, address etc, pick a hospitial, pick a date etc, booking confirmation sent in line.

MSG me if you have a question


(could you bump this thread to the top of new content, it appears nobody saw it)

I used my pink ID card and filled ever box, except the number which is supposed to be on the back of the card but does not look like the model they give, I.e JT9999999999. There is indeed a number on the back of my card but it has one letter and 8 figures. I filled the corresponding box, then pressed “next” and got a message asking me to fill out the proper info. I am stuck there. Any idea?

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