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Thai health ministry denies they are giving free jabs to expats - Thais come first


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Got this email yesterday:


"Dear Colleagues,


The Royal Thai Government (RTG) have committed to vaccinating UN personnel and dependents as part of the Thai national immunization plan. To help plan for UN personnel vaccination roll-out in June the RTG have asked for completion of a ‘survey’ to assess potential demand.


We request you to complete the following survey by noon on Thursday, 6 May 2021 to indicate your willingness to be vaccinated <link removed> UN personnel should also complete a separate form for each dependent/household member who is over 18 years of age and willing to be vaccinated. The UN System has been requested by the RTG to submit by Friday, 7 May 2021.


As you know, Thailand is currently experiencing ongoing community transmission of COVID-19, with many of the current ‘third wave’ cases arising from one of the far more transmissible variants of concern. We are all at risk of exposure to COVID-19. It is highly recommended that we all get vaccinated and consider carefully the merits of vaccination as a means to protect ourselves, our family, particularly the elderly and those at with underlying health conditions, our colleagues and the community.


What we know:

  • The RTG has advised that vaccination with the AstraZenica vaccine will be offered free of charge to UN personnel and dependents over the age of 18 in June.
  • Note this is not a registration form for vaccination.
  • Vaccination against COVID-19 is a proven effective method to reduce the most severe forms of COVID-19 including hospitalization, the need for critical care in an ICU and death.


What we do not know:

  • The date and location of vaccination will be announced in due course.
  • The UN system is completing this survey based on the definition as outlined UN system-wide vaccination programme.


At this stage, no health information is collected due to confidentiality. But UN personnel will need to indicate any underlying health condition at the time of vaccination. "


Just wonder if it will be worth a trip to Bangkok, and the subsequent home quarantine..

Edited by blackcab
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