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Thailand aims for wider tourism reopening from October

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The new plan could draw 3.5 million tourists this year, generating 298 billion baht ($9.58 billion) in revenue,

Clearly the man from TAT has been up all night playing his Asian piano and come up with a figure that satisfies those who employs him.


one wonders if he has still included the figures from the great reopening of tourism in April, May, June, July, August.....zzzz

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Well its been said many times on here 

First priority get the population vaccinated plus get rid of the Quarantine restrictions

then start thinking about letting tourists in 

The way the Corivirus numbers are going just lately I would have thought not many tourists would be interested in coming 

Until the above priorities are resolved 

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The Thai govt can do the sandbox or what ever they want. They pandemic is all about perception now, 

and managing expectations. If they stick to this zero tolerance thing however, no. It would be because they backed themselves into a corner.  

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26 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I don't discount his account and I'm sure it's what he experienced...just saying it's not universal. The new quarantine rules are a little less strict I believe...can leave the room after 3 days or something (was 7 or 8 before) and some plans even say they can wander the hotel/resort. But sure, not ideal and only if one has family or business reasons for returning.

To my knowledge, all quarantines are back to mandatory 15 nights whether vaxed or not and not more relaxed. Also 3 tests during this time is what I was told...where I only had 2. Not sure about the outdoor access, but my buddy says it's quite restricted and limited in BKK. 


Regardless, it's what it is and what one makes of it...and how necessary for the individual. 

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The trouble is that we have heard it all before and keep hearing it, only for it to be 'just talk'. They would be better keeping quiet until definite plans are on the board. No point gettingbeveryones hopes up for nothing. I don't know whybthey don't think about opening some ofvthe local borders first rather than just the tourist spots. Lao is settling down well after the second wave caused by ollegals from Thailand and many in Laos have no been vaccinated so local borders opened would be a great trial to see how things work out before going onto the touristcspots.

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Sigh Once again the elephant in the room is being ignored...  there is no vaccine for anyone 12 or under, so they still have to  Quarantine which means their parents are stuck in the hotel as well. so unless they are just hoping for  20 million Mongers visiting the  new family orientated walking street in Pattaya, they are going to be  way too optimistic with their numbers and out of  Luck ???? 

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:


The above mentioned green lists are a list of places where people from the UK are allowed to travel for the purpose or tourism.


If it's not on the green list (like Spain for example) then nobody is going there on holiday, and that's the end of it.


As we're talking about tourism here these are being enforced, for moving house, business reasons, traveling for work etc, then anything goes.


They will review the green lists every three weeks....I guess it comes down to population vaccinated and local outbreaks.


Thailand does very well on the control assuming the numbers are to be believed (they won't be) but is scoring very badly for vaccinations this year. I'm sure it will be a very different situation by this time next year.


Well, sorry but...this list does not make sense at all: once on the old Continent one can go everywhere it pleases one depending of the rules applied by the neighbouring countries. There is no way to check the trip

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12 minutes ago, Simons3 said:

Sigh Once again the elephant in the room is being ignored...  there is no vaccine for anyone 12 or under, so they still have to  Quarantine which means their parents are stuck in the hotel as well. so unless they are just hoping for  20 million Mongers visiting the  new family orientated walking street in Pattaya, they are going to be  way too optimistic with their numbers and out of  Luck ???? 

Right after they put bargirls on the priority workers list.


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7 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

this seems to be the case even for the mutants.


yeah baby.........  about time they included me in something !  ????

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Potential tourists will do their homework and not come.  ????


Who am I kidding; they won't do their homework, then they'll moan "we weren't told about this".  ???? 


Like the families who holiday in Pattaya and complain about the nightlife (when there was nightlife, and tourists).

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Actually if it is the first of December I would be more likely to believe the statement.  October is just

wishful thinking.  But,    Good Luck Thailand,  what do we foreign people know, anyway, right?


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5 hours ago, JayClay said:


I'm willing to bet that, unlike a lot of members of the TV posse, the majority of Thais have probably long since forgotten the remarks to which you refer...

Many Thais may have forgotten his exact comments but not the sentiment of his remarks. I have personally experienced Thai paranoia of foreigners on a number of occasions in the last year. One refusal of entry to a coffee shop, hard questioning about time in Thailand when checking in to a hotel, Thais pulling up their face masks when passing by, Thais crossing the street to avoid coming close. Add to that reported refusal of admissions of foreigners to some restaurants and bars. 

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

If they say from October all you need is your UK vaccination card and nothing else I'll be back to the wife and daughter asap. I just fear whatever hoops they get rid of, they'll add a dozen more more awkward ones

I hope that they do, and you can get back. But I expect they will institute some sort of beauracratic obstacle course!


In one office they will be proposing and announcing all sorts of TATery to allow millions to flood in unimpeded, and round the block in a row of government office buildings all sorts of uniforms will be beavering away to devise ever more difficult to achieve requirements, and complex barriers to entry. A steady flow of "influential people" will be presenting themselves to ensure that their various businesses: hotels, quarantine provision, insurance companies, transport undertakings and a mind boggling array of bubble stretchers are incorporated in the new mandatory requirements for visitors.


They can't help it - it is how this dysfunctional regime operates.


Still I hope it works out for you.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

The rush to secure vaccines comes after Thailand was hit early last month by its biggest outbreak yet, which has seen its total cases more than double and deaths more than triple.

Such a success surely merits the reopening of tourism! 


I am sure that millions of tourists will want to pay the new fees and come to a Thailand where more than half the populace is still unvaccinated!

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Maybe they'll follow NZ's route and try to eliminate mass tourism.  It'd be a great idea for all.




New Zealand to spend millions weaning holiday towns off international tourism

Tourism minister says overcrowded sites such as Milford Sound-Piopiotahi ‘cannot return to its pre-Covid state’

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