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Thai company trying to force staff to vaccine with chinese vaccine, legal or not ? Can they fire staff who doesn't accept ?

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On 5/14/2021 at 8:47 AM, herwin1234 said:

sounds like a responsible company, i cant imagine a thai worker would be so utterly selfish and irresponsible to rebel against vaccination.

Perhaps the employee is concerned about their welfare. It would be responsible if they offered a choice of vaccines. I'd sooner take my chances with the virus than that concoction. Sue company and do them a big fat one after. ????

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Not sure if the company has already paid for the vaccine but if you tell them you have made arrangements to take a vaccination at your local hospital maybe they will accept. 

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On 5/14/2021 at 5:02 PM, thcosh said:

Can they fire staff who doesn't accept ? and then is it possible to sue the company for free ? How to proceed ?


I think it best that you put a letter to them if you have concerns about being vaccinated.


Now lets look at who you are working for, a company that is perhaps looking to force you to get vaccinated, personally I would leave if a company I was working for was using force, but that's just me.


You could try providing them with a letter advising them that you have medical contraindications, i.e. you are allergic to vaccines and could die.


In your letter you can tell them that your condition can cause blood clotting and low levels of blood platelets following immunisation.


If they say well, were letting you go, then go.


For others interested in not getting the vaccine they could perhaps see this link as some kind of educational tool, I mean I just found out that I could potentially have 4 of these conditions ????



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I cannot comment on the legality as I simply don't know, but this kind of thing doesn't seem to be uncommon. A Thai friend of mine and his colleagues just got vaccinated a week ago - the employer told them in the morning that they have appointments in the afternoon, and that was it. No discussion, no questions, off they went at the scheduled time and got their jab.

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On 5/14/2021 at 9:02 AM, thcosh said:

is it legal for a Thai company to force staff to vaccine with chinese vaccine ?

In Buriram-province it might be possible, one can wonder if that could apply for more provinces in the future...


Individuals aged 18 and older in Buriram province deemed by the local authorities to be at risk of COVID-19 infection who refuse to get vaccinated, will be penalized, according to a provincial order published recently.


Buriram Governor Thatchakorn Hatthathayakul urged every individual, aged 18 or more, living or working in Buriram, to submit their COVID-19 risk assessment form and apply for vaccination through the publicly available channels by May 31st.


The channels include door-to-door approach by public health volunteers, online registration or personal visits to hospitals or health offices in the province. Failure to apply by May 31st is liable to one month in prison and/or a fine of 10,000 Baht.

Thai PBS "Buriram province to penalize high-risk groups refusing COVID-19 vaccine", read full article HERE.

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On 5/14/2021 at 3:41 PM, robblok said:

Not Russian or Chinese

 both have pretty good efficacy.

suggest to read up on WHO web site why some vaccine score higher than others on this test (got to do with timing of testing period) and which test results are more relevant than the numbers pushed by certain media.

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On 5/15/2021 at 2:58 PM, Moonlover said:

What a load of fuss over a vaccine that has been administered to least 160 million people, worldwide without any serious consequences.


Sinovac supplied 260 mln COVID-19 vaccine doses globally



The main problem with it is that it’s been proved to be not as effective as the others especially the new variants so I would classify that as a big problem. Also not advised for over 60’s that’s why a certain leader opted for the AZ vaccine.


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This is a question which many more of us will have to deal with in the future.. and not just in Thailand. Vaccine proof will be needed in the future to participate in many activities and workplaces.

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It would be interesting to know the details. If it were my company, I would say: 


Everyone needs to be vaccinated  by a certain date. The company has made arrangements for everyone to get the Sinovac on Wednesday, however, if you prefer, you are free to take vacation or unpaid leave to get a different brand. Those who have not been vaccinated or provided a medically based exemption will risk termination. Personal and religious exemptions are not acceptable.

Edited by cjinchiangrai
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On 5/15/2021 at 2:24 PM, DirtyHarry55 said:

Beware they now have millions of doses of Sinovac nobody wants.
The Mor Prom registration system was a big flip flop coz of this.
I want to take a vaccine but prefer one that's at least WHO approved and so far Sinovac isn't.




On 5/14/2021 at 2:34 PM, Sheryl said:

Contact the Labor Office., I do nto think they can legally fire someone for refusing the vaccines.

They could stop you from working until you get vaccinated.  The argument that you will spread it at the workplace.  Awful beig forced to use a virtually useless vaccine like Sinovac.

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On 5/14/2021 at 9:41 AM, robblok said:

Im really pro vaccination but I would not want the Chinese vaccine plus nobody should be forced to take a vaccine if they don't want to as long as they accept the results. (less travel ect maybe no job). I would take the European or American vaccines. Not Russian or Chinese.

But surely as the Chinese invented the virus then deliberately infected the world to 

bring down trump, or take over the world, surely their vaccine would be the most 



*Not an entirely serious post!


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