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People in Thailand reduce alcohol consumption to prevent COVID-19 contraction

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I drink 3x as much since the COVID lockdowns because there's nothing else to do.

Can't go cycling or walking without a mask ...... so I don't bother.

Can't go swimming ........ pools all closed.

Holidays and trips ........ no guarantee of being allowed back, even if I could go in the first place.


I just sit around the house getting drunk every day.

I did that as well, to a lesser degree, last year from April to about September. I gained weight and was feeling terrible pretty much every day, couldn't sleep properly and felt like I was ready to implode. I stopped and decided to go on a proper diet with steamed veggies, eggs and lean meats or fish. I drink only once a week on Sunday (today hehe). And I do classic exercises such as push ups, abs and dumbbells lifts 4-5 times a week. I lost quite a lot of weight and I feel in the best shape I have been in the last 13 years I have been here. Took me quite a while but I never pushed too hard or starved myself. I sleep like a baby at night, no more headaches or feeling bloated either. 


These depressing times can make you go either way, sink deeper or make you realize you have all the time in the world to just take care of yourself. Wish you the best really and hope things get better for everyone.

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48 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 Twain I think... but yes thailand love their BS

Twain used it , but was not the author. Bit of a murky history on its origins. Yes statistics, organised lying as my lecturer called it, then proceeded to demonstrate how. I have been suspicious of all statistics ever since.



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And this, dear ladies and gentlemen, is another prime example why surveys conducted in this country are not worth being taken seriously.


Has it occurred to the good professor that people have cut down on their alcohol consumption because bars and other entertainment places are CLOSED and restaurants are PROHIBITED from serving alcohol?


And the assumption that alcohol consumption per se could cause contracting the virus is simply idiotic.


What DOES potentially spread the virus is if groups of drinkers are huddled together and pass around a couple of glasses or plastic cups from which everybody drinks in turn. But that is hardly the case in restaurants or bars, now is it?


In that context one could just as easily claim that EATING is causing Covid-19... yet only if the diners share the same plates and spoons.


After this shocker of a moronic survey I really am going to need a stiff drink. And I assure everybody - including that joke of a professor - that I am NOT going to contract Covid-19 because of it. 

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2 hours ago, actonion said:

Nothing to do with  unemployment, = no money ?


Exactly! Also because so many now can't afford it they are drinking home made moonshine which is even worse than lao khao if that's possible ???? . If there is any plausibility to the poll i'm happy to bet it was hand picked.

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thais have generally cut down their consumption of alcohol,

And all us farangs were not surveyed?  Discrimination I say.


Thais have less discretionary income because of Covid,  so spend less on alcohol! Wow what a revelation!



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3 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

A recent survey, conducted by the Center of Alcohol Studies, shows that Thais have generally cut down their consumption of alcohol, to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Show me the science.  It sounds more like government marketing to justify their closure of bars and restriction of drinking in restaurants.  Poll have pretty much lost all validity as they generally are supporting sort of status quo narrative.
"People don't want to drink anymore because drinking causes Covid."
"If you believe it's rubbish I bet you need to drink all the time!!!"
I seldom drink at all.  And this is still tosh.

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They must have surveyed the few that have cut down.

True - all our pubs are closed, but I still see the regulars around town...all still drinking - either at home or with a mate or two.  I do miss the icy cold draft beer though.

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I drink 3x as much since the COVID lockdowns because there's nothing else to do.

Can't go cycling or walking without a mask ...... so I don't bother.

Can't go swimming ........ pools all closed.

Holidays and trips ........ no guarantee of being allowed back, even if I could go in the first place.


I just sit around the house getting drunk every day.

A mask is not required  for exercising.  I go out every night walking. I see people wearing masks voluntarily  and appropriately but have never seen police mask enforcement. My friend too this video recently of people exercising  and picnicking  by the beach in Pattaya


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