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Phuket Sandbox: All tourists to wear location tracking wristbands


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17 minutes ago, Xray88 said:

People coming to Thailand now with a work permit are allowed to quarantine at home after purchasing ( and registering the wristband) and installing the tracking app on their phone as well. In addition they must pay for the official transport from the airport to their residence. They are allowed to move around within 500 meters of their residence then after a few days a Covid free test then at the end of 14 days another Covid free test. Then they give the wristband back to the vendor. So the total cost I had to pay so that my colleague from Singapore could come was:  wristband 17000 

                      Registration fee.   3500

         Transport fee to Korat.  18000

         Follow on Covid tests.    4000

Oh and then the bad news after being released from home quarantine he had to attend a business meeting in Buriram province and Buriram implemented their own restrictions and required him and his two colleagues to get a Covid test in Nong Ki at the government hospital where there was a long que to be tested ( 3 to 4 hours) all of them had tested Covid free in Korat the same day and the following day in Buriram after being tested but no time to wait for the results they were excused and told that they would be contacted with the test results. Well all three of them became sick with Covid the next day and fortunately no life threatening  reactions but all three ended up in the hospital for 15 days( 3 different hospitals) getting grossly overcharged..what a place ! 

SOurce? Complete news to me!

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Those who are willing to come are probably also the once who where used to a device like this at home.


Most people just have 14 days vacation and beside that also in most countries on still have to stay in quarantine when you come back for 10 days, which is at own costs.


Think this they have forgotten to put in the equation too. the costs before and after that is what make people also not want to stay 14 days in Phuket.


when look at to retuning tourist now you see many of them are tested positive and being infected implies to support of possible new mutations beside the 20 or so that are now know and are seen  traveling with the tourists. Express ways to make spreading easy. 


think Thailand better can provide the 2 jabs to the Thai people and then when 95% is full vaccinated have a look at it again. and with this also the 4th wave passes with the expected needed 3th jab.

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Priorities...but how come they can produce GPS tracking but Richard Barrow can change a few letters and access confidential information that could contribute to Identity Theft? ????????

Edited by bipper
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3 minutes ago, Cadan said:

3 PCR test each 3000 baht x family of 4 adds to about 1200$ only tests ???? 


Children below a certain age are except from the test, or rather were. 


Initially, children below 12 did not require testing at all and those below 18 had to take 1 antigen test upon arrival.


I wonder if that has now changed to ‘anyone’ (including children) required to take the full RT PCR tests ???


In which case, yes, that gets expensive for a family of 4.

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I want a matching set, same colour and I want a red star on my lapel, the size of the star to be proportional to my garment. Finally, on a clear messsage and va fanculo and your bubbles and assine <deleted> holes. We don't need your sand that will be full of seagull <deleted> and bird frass.

Edited by Magenta408
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Come to Amazing Thailand and spend 2 weeks under house arrest, complete with GPS bracelet. Experience the feeling of being convicted of a felony, while enjoying your island paradise.  



Edited by Ebumbu
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7 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

I have not seen Richard Barrow post about this tracker.....Richard is looked up to as the be-all end-all of anything Thailand by many...



The article is a cut and past from thaiger.com.. someone there was probably bored and wrote it up for <deleted> N giggles.


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QUICK man the life boats the ships sinking woman and children 1st, 1st officer sorry all the lifeboats are full of officers and crew, grab anything you can sorry your on your own. If you survive don't blame us you shouldn't have been onboard in the 1st place.

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2 hours ago, dsj said:

I did a google search and I would like to know how they have USA in medium yellow >500 can entry and Canada >1000(in the high risk) I just checked and right now the USA has over 12,753 cases on June 16th total cases of 33.5 million, and Canada with 1,049 on June 16th with a total of 1.41 million cases and 1.36 million recovered.

Can somebody explain why the USA has more cases but ranks lower as a risk country.

50% population vaccinated and they have the best vaccines in the world


2 hours ago, dsj said:

I did a google search and I would like to know how they have USA in medium yellow >500 can entry and Canada >1000(in the high risk) I just checked and right now the USA has over 12,753 cases on June 16th total cases of 33.5 million, and Canada with 1,049 on June 16th with a total of 1.41 million cases and 1.36 million recovered.

Can somebody explain why the USA has more cases but ranks lower as a risk country.

Almost 50% of the population is vaccinated and they have the BEST vaccine medicine 

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Welcome to parole!


The government really have got no idea how preposterous their decisions are! And they will wonder at the end of the year why TAT's expected millions didn't come after all!

Someone should take the lot of them on a holiday, and subject them to the hoops, indignities form filling and requirements that they expect tourists to endure on their holiday to this so called "Land of Smiles" - oh and tell them that they can't have a drink either!!! 

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