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Thailand reports 4,108 new COVID-19 cases, 31 more deaths


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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

How embarrassing, showing their complete ineptitude and lack of action on appropriate testing. Blue bar hospital walk ins, yellow, pro active testing


data 24 june chart.png

It’s pretty scary tbh. Out of control springs to mind and I fear it’s only just started.

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Bangkok lockdown proposal not yet accepted due to economic concerns

Gen. Nattaphon said the “bubble-and-seal” approach will remain in use, but with stricter measures, with details to be discussed at a meeting today, while the lockdown proposal will remain “under consideration”.




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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

Why does he even bother ? Yesterday it was all about the 'no doubt soon to be cancelled'

sandbox, today a load more guff about nothing, no mention of vaccines or the lack of, hospital beds or the lack of etc etc, hopeless bloody hopeless.

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13 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

It’s pretty scary tbh. Out of control springs to mind and I fear it’s only just started.

Yes I agree, its got past the stage now of just being concerned, its now one of <deleted> !!


The vaccinations alone are not going to stop this, get real with the situation, face up to it now at least rather than constant cowering behind a facade too scared to take tough decisions.

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50 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

People being people, and paranoid about this Covid Outbreak, they will seek to run away from Bangkok now, as notice has basically been given of a Lockdown.

Many will not flee to the North East, or their home provinces, but will choose to flee to more " civilized " places such as Hua Hin, and Pattaya.

Although these City's have their share of Covid, it is nowhere near as bad as the Outbreak appears to be in BKK.

Moving from one populated metropolis to another will only spread the Disease, and make The likes of Pattaya and Hua Hin more infected.

The answer would have been to lock down Bangkok, and give zero notice of doing so, thus keeping the residents in situ.


As a Bangkok resident, I'm pleased that they have already rejected a Bangkok exclusive lockdown. For the time being anyway.

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You think it's bad now!  Wait till two weeks after the Phuket Sandbox fiasco.  Might as well be another Songkran week.  Shift concentration to vaccinations.  Tourism will return after ALL of Thailand is FULLY vaccinated but not until.

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Sad news.............each death carries sadness for those close but this is tragic


Wat Rat Prakongtham's Facebook post about the cremation of a 33-year-old Covid-19 patient who was eight months into her pregnancy went viral on Wednesday.


The woman, who died in Mongkutwattana Hospital on Wednesday, was taken immediately to Wat Sao Thong Hin temple in Nonthaburi’s Bang Yai district for cremation.



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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

The 2800 hospital walk in cases indicate worse numbers coming.

I agree, so long as the hospitals carry on testing adequately and the prediction by the doctors is that they are not, we will see. Otherwise it will carry on brewing until it explodes.

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Up here in Chiang Mai I see more and more people going out and not staying home.  Call in COVID fatigue or maybe the message that Thailand is opening up again.

And it appears that there is no vaccine available.  So the question is should I stay or should I go?

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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

Opinion: Phuket sandbox is looking more and more like a dream


It is now less than a week before the launch of the Phuket Sandbox.


With over-the-top hype, months of promotion, endless guidelines and warning from every sector, the debate over its implementation and prosecution rages on.


But this week, it was revealed that the government has yet to provide a list of the so-called “low to medium” risk countries that will be allowed to enter Phuket.



For what it's worth, the link (only in Thai) is updated daily and shows the low and medium risk countries in the left and centre colums for Thailand.


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4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

they botched everything, but credit to them on vaccinations.

Exactly, and they had the credit to get into 7 different vaccine developments. Thailand does not have the resources to command the same level of credit to have got involved at the development stage.

Those that did took command of the market in vaccines for several months leaving many countries like Thailand out in the cold.

Vaccine is not a quick fix, just another weapon in the battle. It took about 4 months of the vaccination program for deaths in the UK to drop to the level we are seeing here which has been fairly steady for the last month or so.

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3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

may not reflect the real situation, as actual infections may be much higher.

The story of the last year, yet idiots believed the lying leeches fantasy figures even congratulating them on the crazy charade of the pandemic virtually bypassing Thailand!

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3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Hospitals in Bangkok suspend COVID-19 tests as they run out of beds for the infected

Several hospitals in Bangkok have suspended PCR swab tests because they are concerned that, if some test positive for COVID-19, they will have no beds to accommodate them. Others have scaled down the service,


In his Facebook post today, Dr. Suppachok noted that, due to fewer swab tests being conducted at hospitals, the daily new infection rate, recorded at more than 4,000 cases in the past few days, may not reflect the real situation, as actual infections may be much higher.


He said that there are still patients arriving at the ER and several of them have developed lung infections, but no beds are available, adding that several other hospitals are experiencing the same problem.

He also pointed out that several field hospitals, in the Deep Red Zone, are operating and are even equipped with ventilators for severe cases “but the problem is finding doctors and nurses.”




Dejavu all over again, and this time it will be uglier I have a feeling.  No Beds, no tests, the community spread will be a major problem.  Time for the mobile testing trucks to be rolled out and more field hospitals set up.  Going to be a rough ride.  Stay safe folks.

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7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

In December 2020, the Indian government offered to sell Thailand at least 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines at cost. 


It had recently emerged that both Pfizer and Moderna asked the FDA to review their vaccines as early as late 2020. According to local media reports, Pfizer also offered to sell their jabs to the Ministry of Public Health in November of last year.


For some reason, the Thai government chose to rely on locally produced AstraZeneca and imported Sinovac Vaccine. It has been a disastrous decision with local AZ doses delayed and Sinovac Vaccines showing less than stellar real world results.



Underlined is tongue in cheek? I think we all know the reason/reasons.

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10 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

In December 2020, the Indian government offered to sell Thailand at least 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines at cost. 


It had recently emerged that both Pfizer and Moderna asked the FDA to review their vaccines as early as late 2020. According to local media reports, Pfizer also offered to sell their jabs to the Ministry of Public Health in November of last year.


For some reason, the Thai government chose to rely on locally produced AstraZeneca and imported Sinovac Vaccine. It has been a disastrous decision with local AZ doses delayed and Sinovac Vaccines showing less than stellar real world results.



That link is thoroughly depressing reading...those in power and responsible for the gross mishandling of the whole sorry vaccine farce must be held accountable.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Bangkok lockdown proposal not yet accepted due to economic concerns

Gen. Nattaphon said the “bubble-and-seal” approach will remain in use, but with stricter measures, with details to be discussed at a meeting today, while the lockdown proposal will remain “under consideration”.




Economic concerns should be the least of their worries.  How about folks dying outside of hospitals and Bangkok ending up looking like India. I guess money over health is what it comes down to because without money people will die anyways....ugh.

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I'd like to see statistics on the percentage of new Delta variant cases by province/region... of course, given TIT, no one may be analyzing tests for Delta ...


.. and, if such data were available from a government source (where else ? the tooth fairy ?) ...


... one would need to apply the usual party-line fantasia-of-the-day filter.

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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Economic concerns should be the least of their worries.  How about folks dying outside of hospitals and Bangkok ending up looking like India. I guess money over health is what it comes down to because without money people will die anyways....ugh.

It's a cost benefit analysis gamble and as long as the cost is poor people dying then the benefit is worth it. Downside to the gamble is total collapse of health system and economy.

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