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Government not providing food for sealed construction worker sites causing mass desperation


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5 hours ago, ukrules said:

Nobody's watching and nobody cares.


This is correct.  I'm back in the US and the only source of information to friends and family who are actually very well informed. 


Absolutely nothing about Thailand makes the news.  Hell nothing about Indonesia becoming the new India even makes it

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19 hours ago, riclag said:

Where is the Red Cross !  Where are the rest of the international humanitarian organizations ! They have responded in the past  ,when Govt, for one reason or another, don't  come through  during a crisis !   I haven't seen  hardly any news articles on their support efforts for these construction site workers ! In general its mostly Red Cross  Blood drives in the news.  Food and supplies , practically non existent  !


Yes, bloody bastarding Red Cross, clearly all their fault.


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1 hour ago, Gandtee said:

This is inhumane and scandalous. A perfect example of Thailand's attitude to foreign and menial workers. Why doesn't the army do something useful and mobilise itself and set up field kitchens at these sites? In England we did this during  HM Queen Elizabeth's Coronation in 1953. I was there and one of those doing it. We fed and watered thousands of Commonwealth troops who were under canvas around London, who were there to take part in the coronation ceremonies. But then, the British army is controlled by the Government with leaders capable of lateral thought and vision. This is a good opportunity for the Thai Military to use some of its alleged slush fund. I must be joking??? Yes. I suppose you're right.5555

The rot here starts with the German Tourist, whose father would never have allowed such a thing. He would have intervened, and contributed.

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Do people really think a Thai when mega hungry is going to just sit and put up with it for long ?


Not a chance,just ask your wife if Thai. 


People really need to think and appreciate  what the media does and how it reports. Come on people use your heads and logic,its like every article is treated  here now like its true.Talk about being gullible...Im calling utter rubbish on the article..

Edited by englishoak
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1 minute ago, Therealster said:

I sincerely wonder how many people killed themselves due lockdown vs. Dead only by c0r0na?

Welcome to the board... straight to it I see. A lot of newbies in the Covid denial box I see.

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1 minute ago, Therealster said:

I see newbie as a compliment that means I'm not here all to often

Not exactly..... you only joined 40 minutes ago.

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5 hours ago, englishoak said:

Do people really think a Thai when mega hungry is going to just sit and put up with it for long ?


Not a chance,just ask your wife if Thai. 


People really need to think and appreciate  what the media does and how it reports. Come on people use your heads and logic,its like every article is treated  here now like its true.Talk about being gullible...Im calling utter rubbish on the article..

I: they are not for the most part Thais, but migrants from other countries.


2: they are incarcerated behind fences/corrugated iron walls, which are guarded by the army.

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15 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

Disgusting action by a Government,  and not that long ago didn't the PM say he loves all the people living in Thailand.... Just goes to show, he doesn't give a rats Ar**

The administration has never given a t""" about the normal people in Thailand ever since they discovered ways to enrich themselves, carry on decadent lifestyles and appear to the outside world as normal. Far from it.

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In what screwed-up world is it OK to imprison migrant workers in the places where they work and then purposefully starve them?  It's July 9th.  What's the government's plan?  Genocide?  This is a legitimate question.  Starve them to death for being non-Thai.  Sweet Jesus.  Will somebody wake the freaking UN or so Human Rights groups up to what is happening. This is a step too far.

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On 7/8/2021 at 4:14 PM, 86Tiger said:

Have to concur with this.


To overwhelming majority of the world Thailand is the beach and palm tree they see on Television or movies.   And that is it for having any further concern.

Right! Most tourists don't even pay any attention to how this place makes their own lives much harder than it has to be when they're here on vacation, why would they want to know, learn, or care about all the other abuse, corruption, state sanctioned murders/disappearances, and lies.

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1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

Do you honestly believe that Thailand is an " insignificant SE Asian Backwater "

Thailand probably has more influence over what happens in SE Asia than all the other Countries in the Asean Alliance

A pity it hasn't used it in Myanmar then. Or maybe it has. But perhaps you can tell me what influence it has in ASEAN, apart from ignoring the non-tariff rules. But, also, my response was to the statement that the world is watching Thailand. And it's my opinion that it isn't. Thailand is too unimportant for the world to care. Others may have a different opinion. That's okay.

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20 minutes ago, connda said:

In what screwed-up world is it OK to imprison migrant workers in the places where they work and then purposefully starve them?  It's July 9th.  What's the government's plan?  Genocide?  This is a legitimate question.  Starve them to death for being non-Thai.  Sweet Jesus.  Will somebody wake the freaking UN or so Human Rights groups up to what is happening. This is a step too far.

Ok.  I've lived long enough to have officially seen everything. 
Now that Thailand is marching into totalitarianism, let add the type of horrors that the 1930s visited upon the world.  Let round up migrant workers, forcefully incarcerate them, and then starve them in what?  In an ethnic cleansing exercise that borders on attempted genocide as the rest of the world turns a blind eye?
Everyone harps about the generals in Myanmar.  Try turning your gaze inward to this country and look around with a critical, discerning eye.  It's not pretty.

Strass and Howe, the Fourth Turning - We have officially arrived - and it's unconscionable. 
I am disgusted beyond belief.  I'm embarrassed to be living here. 
I also understand that it's a fine line between doing that to migrants and one day declaring an 'emergency" and turning that focus on "dirty foreigners" and then doing the exact same thing.  Tip of the iceberg here.  This bodes not well.  Wake up people.  Share this with your friends back in the home-country.

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10 hours ago, brucegoniners said:

That is cruel and unusual punishment! It's tantamount to a war crime!

Prisoners of War are covered under the Geneva Convention and must be housed and fed otherwise the consequences are war crimes.  If the incarcerated migrant workers where POW they'd be fed.

Here in Thailand they can lock up and starve migrants and not one World Human Rights body issues a peep.
Because they are not POW, starving them to death is OK.


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The more I read of the Governments shenanigans the more I am reminded of The British comedian Spike Milligan's early TV show Q.

Spike Milligan's TV series Q was actually broadcast before Python. The sketches are of varied quality, but they often ended with the performers shuffling towards the camera going "What do we do now? What do we do now? What do we do now? What do we do now? What do we do now? What do we do. -Copied from wikipedia ????555

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