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UPDATE: Thailand imposes tighter restrictions to slow virus spread - including curfew


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11 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Just finished watching a very late CCSA broadcast, one little snippet I saw, 80% of all available vaccines will be redirected to Bangkok, tuff tittie provinces, you're getting next to chuff all. 


Please get the emoticons working ????

I saw the same, also noticed the distribution of donated vaccines from USA.

Not sure if everyone would be in agreement of it.

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

Well die, but not so much in a 'usual' way, an unpleasant one actually.

Agreed but this administration must have planned for this and in a way it meets their ideals of neutralising the disaffected, poor and middle class of Thailand in a natural way , rather than what occurred on the streets and university campuses in the past.

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Thailand to impose tighter restrictions to slow virus spread



The giant Buddha statue of Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen temple is seen at the end of an avenue amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Bangkok, Thailand, June 9, 2021. REUTERS/Jorge Silva


BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand announced tighter restrictions in the capital Bangkok and nine provinces on Friday in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, including travel curbs, mall closures, a curfew and limits on the size of gatherings.


Some measures will take effect from Saturday, others from Monday, and come as Thailand reported one of its highest daily infection tallies at 9,276, with 72 new deaths, amid a battle against its longest-running and most severe outbreak so far.

“In the 10 provinces there will be restrictions on unnecessary travel and people cannot leave their home between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. unless necessary,” Apisamai Srirangsan, spokeswoman for the government’s COVID-19 taskforce told a televised news briefing.


The announcement confirmed information provided earlier to Reuters by two government sources.


Malls, beauty clinics, spas and massage shops in Bangkok and five surrounding provinces must close from Monday, while COVID-19 testing facilities will be expanded to better detect and isolate clusters, Apisamai said.


Gatherings will be capped at five people, although there will be some exceptions. The government also discouraged inter-provincial travel.


Thailand on Friday took delivery of AstraZeneca vaccines donated by Japan.

Apisamai said the AstraZeneca vaccine and that of Pfizer and BioNTech would be used for elderly people and those with medical complications, plus foreign residents over 60, diplomats and athletes competing overseas.


She also said medical personal would be offered Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA booster shots.


Most Thai medical workers were administered the vaccine of China’s Sinovac, which some experts say may be less effective against more transmissible coronavirus variants.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2021-07-09
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3 minutes ago, The Cipher said:

Honestly, this says 10x more about a person than it does about Covid. Can't pay the rent but want to hide from a 99% survival rate. NGMI.

Survival rate is about 97-98% but much better if vaccinated. I would like to go for the latter given the opportunity.

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11 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Survival rate is about 97-98% but much better if vaccinated. I would like to go for the latter given the opportunity.

By official figures

Thailand currently has less than 0.8% IFR
so that is over 99.2% survival rate


Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 


please do share your source for jabbed IFR

as i am really curious to know
how many are getting infected after receiving the jab ?

Edited by patman30
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Just now, patman30 said:

By official figures

Thailand currently has less than 0.8% IFR
so that is over 99.2% survival rate

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 

please do share your source for jabbed IFR

how many are getting infected after receiving the jab ?

I prefer to use global or USA numbers, the early Thai ones were incredulous. They show around 98% but that might include some survivors with long Covid. 

No direct source for jabbed but look at new infections v new deaths in UK and analysis on TV, numbers must be very good. (Other countries too). 

Infected after jab, yes people are getting infected, but not dying or even needing hospitalization (in the main). 


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4 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I prefer to use global or USA numbers, the early Thai ones were incredulous. They show around 98% but that might include some survivors with long Covid. 

No direct source for jabbed but look at new infections v new deaths in UK and analysis on TV, numbers must be very good. (Other countries too). 

Infected after jab, yes people are getting infected, but not dying or even needing hospitalization (in the main). 


so with no source for info
how can you state "much better"

also you are incorrect, assuming jabbed are not dying
6 double jabbed people currently died officially "of covid"
in the most jabbed country, the seychelles.

Edited by patman30
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These new restrictions are not restrictions at all - the only thing I read that was a solid directive was the Mall closure - the rest are just discretionary lip service and mean absolutely nothing 


It is not sounding like a duck in any way shape or form 



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42 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Yeah my thoughts also, seems to me that other groups will benefit from Uncle Sam's gift well before any American expats get to benefit from it', it would also be nice if our Boris took note and provided some decent vaccines with the same proviso attached. Highly unlikely though, the tossers still haven't replied to my original email sent 27 June 21.

Golden Triangle, a year ago i had a rant at Matt Hancock, which it took 3 months to get a reply from one of his side kicks, std reply that the NHS doesn't operate outside the Uk, i think he was a little busy at the time with his new bit of skirt, tisser.

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4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Smacks of Bungling Bunter's approach to lifting all restrictions in the UK, but at the same time asking people to be sensible........ie if this goes pear shaped it is your fault not mine.

I guess the Euro football games with a full stadium and over 95% not wearing a mask as well will probably lead to more problems in UK? I was really surprised to see only a handful wearing a mask. So UK is okay now, lift all restrictions and no need for masks there, what could go wrong? 

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3 hours ago, BestB said:

Good to see big heads thinking again.


Shopping malls closed, but markets open.


I am sorry but how stupid do you have to be not to realize or understand markets are the source of spread and have shown to be consistently.


Where are restrictions on interprovincial travel? Do they not understand when people travel they may spread the virus? If unable to to think or use a brain, look at other countries and see what they did to curb the spread.


Anyone want to make a bet, this new restrictions will not bring down the numbers by much?

you just cannot lockdown a country like thailand for too long. here is not australia. there

are too many people here living hand to mouth with no savings.

thailand will have to live with some rate of daily infections and deaths from covid, just

like mexico and brazil, even u.s. and u.k.,  did. this virus cannot be controlled. it has to be managed and

we all have to learn to live - and die - with it.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Someone very close to me has a brother who is a policeman and he supplied us with beer last time there was a lockdown :)

Lady who owns my local mum and pop shop has a stockpile at her house, she gets her son to deliver direct.


Feels kinda weird to pay Bt650.00 for a 1.25l bottle of coke at the shop !!

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4 hours ago, Crossy said:

Can I buy BEER in the supermarkets??


Asking for a friend!


They already reduced the alcohol sales hours in the past 10-days or so. Basically you now have two 3-hours windows to buy beer; 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 8 pm. Tell you friend that inside those hours there's no restriction on buying beer at supermarkets or anywhere else (at the moment).

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