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Anyone stocking up on essential foods in case of shortages ?


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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Panic buying just makes people fat when they have to finish the stuff they've bought

Reading this while I work my way thru a box of seaweed flavor crackers ...going to the market tomorrow and don't want to miss out on anything new in the snack aisle

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8 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Panic buying just makes people fat when they have to finish the stuff they've bought

I nipped that one in the bud when I stocked up for the 2011 floods.  Bought crackers, peanut butter, sardines and tuna.  Along with gallons of drinking water.   All stuff that lasts pretty much forever.  I was in no risk of starving for about 30 days, but I would have been real tired of crackers with junk spread on them.  Took me about a year to eat through them.


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I keep more essentials at home nowadays, just in case. Not just recently, but since the initial round of restrictions last year in March. Occasionally, I use up some of that stock and replace it, which isn't a major operation anymore at this point.


There are definitely some issues with supply lately, nothing dramatic yet though.

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"Anyone stocking up on essential foods in case of shortages ?"


I bought 30Kg of Jasmine rice, 6 boxes of Typhoo Tea bags, 5 bottles of HP sauce.

A few kilo of spaghetti, 5Kg of bread flour, 4 jars of Vegemite.

15Kg of rabbit food.


And don't forget 2x 15Kg bottles of gas to cook it on and a camping water filter in case the utils. go out. 



@worgeordie freezer full of food, what are your plans if the lecky goes off?

Shelf stable foods with the means to heat and rehydrate them are essential to prepping for TEOTWAWKI.

Edited by BritManToo
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17 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

I notice in Pattaya Tesco seems to be running out of some lines ,but Macro have the shelves stocked right up ,so no i am not stocking up ,

Same as Tesco at Hua Hin Market Village - not many fresh veggies last week, and toliet paper and instant noodles on low supply.

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On 7/26/2021 at 12:48 PM, worgeordie said:

In the West there seems to be a shortage of foods on Supermarket


It’s not in the West, it’s in the UK and the media would have you believe it’s all down to Covid whereas it’s primarily down to brexit exacerbated by Covid.

I haven’t seen any shortages of anything when I’ve been shopping, 

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Just now, Fairynuff said:

It’s not in the West, it’s in the UK and the media would have you believe it’s all down to Covid whereas it’s primarily down to brexit exacerbated by Covid.

I haven’t seen any shortages of anything when I’ve been shopping, 

Well they were showing empty shelves on the BBC, and its seems its down to

shortage of HGV drivers.....but you should know you are there.


regards worgeordie

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On 7/26/2021 at 10:34 AM, 3NUMBAS said:

yes in the uk shelfs are starting to look bare of essentials

not   panic buying but  pinged staff and drivers

Rubbish, plenty of items, just some panic buying causing issues.


Okay maybe some named products are less available one day, then the next they are full again!  You can still wipe your nose on toilet paper if you are worried!

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5 minutes ago, Caldera said:

I visited a 7/11 today that looked like a grocery store in a Communist country (more empty shelves than I've ever seen here). Then again another one just down the road looked pretty much normal.

A couple of 7s and Family Marts have closed near me in the last month so maybe those owners have issues?

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22 hours ago, BritManToo said:

"Anyone stocking up on essential foods in case of shortages ?"


I bought 30Kg of Jasmine rice, 6 boxes of Typhoo Tea bags, 5 bottles of HP sauce.

A few kilo of spaghetti, 5Kg of bread flour, 4 jars of Vegemite.

15Kg of rabbit food.


And don't forget 2x 15Kg bottles of gas to cook it on and a camping water filter in case the utils. go out. 



@worgeordie freezer full of food, what are your plans if the lecky goes off?

Shelf stable foods with the means to heat and rehydrate them are essential to prepping for TEOTWAWKI.

May I warning you with rabbit food, you can't stay long when you eat and many things will growing....

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On 7/26/2021 at 7:48 AM, worgeordie said:

...2 trays eggs...

If you bought one tray of eggs only, there might have been a tray og eggs for someone else, since the suppliers didn't count with people storing extra...????


The most thing to make sure to keep in stock could be toilet paper, it all disappeared so fast last time there was a Covid-panic...????


I don't stock more than normal, usually we have enough to survive a week or two, but it's mainly due to convenience for larger shoppings, and a selection to chose from in the freezer - and by the way, only one tray of eggs - during the heavy Covid-lockdown last year, there were no supply problems where I live...????

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We've got 5 refrigerators.  We had them before COVID-19.  There always fully stocked with steaks, prawns, snickers,etc.


Usually still go to the market for fresh veggies and fruit.

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