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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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11 hours ago, ebice said:

Pretty sure red state Florida now has the lowest covid infection rate in America, as of a few days ago.

Finally.  But is #3 in the US for total cases.  Not a great showing.  Seems they are getting things under control despite their terrible governor.


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10 hours ago, atpeace said:

I wish everybody would just calm down and stop the 100% stance.  I come here every few weeks and make a few posts and lose interest with the infantile style of many posters.  It is obvious they don't give a rats <deleted> about anybody and are only here to show their superior intellectual capabilities but only leave a trail of embarrassing silly posts.

Are you talking about yourself?  Seems so.

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11 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

said that female skinny runner covid death was not “necessarily” fit and healthy.

read the provided articles thanks. no answers there.searched internet myself….. nothing.

initial conclusion then is that ALL covid deaths are from compromised immune systems.

that can be genetics ( inc. age / cancers) and environment (inc.diet/ exercise, toxins build up)

extremely strong correlation, and therefore cause, with AGE, with immunity efficacy dropping sharply over 60 I see. still around 90% all covid deaths over age 75-80 ? 

But everyone needs access to medical facilities and when those facilities are overloaded with COVID patients there is no access for anyone else.


And those percentages you mention, they refer to millions of people who have families, fathers, mothers, children, brothers sisters, wives, husbands, partners. People who loved and were loved.


Away with you and your myopic fixation on percentages that hide human misery.

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9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

And as mentioned above, Florida does some dodgy stuff with their numbers.  Impossible to believe what's coming from them.  But funny how the covid deniers flow to stuff like this.




Florida changed its COVID-19 data, creating an ‘artificial decline’ in recent deaths


Edited by Jeffr2
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10 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

placeholder: calm down. your bizarre emotional condemnation seems the more “lunatic”,  lacking facts or alternative case …….trying to know why a fully functioning immune system appears to defeat covid in yes all cases but cannot resist other diseases in any cases.

impossible to determine immunity condition in visibly healthy people, with no previous illness beyond normal colds / flu,who die of covid, but what other explanation is there in such cases except (indeterminate) compromised immunity ? 

impossible to determine immunity condition in visibly healthy people,”


So vaccinate!



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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I think you don't understand the vaxed people at all, none of us has a problem with people who want to get vaccinated but just can't get it done in Thailand. We just think that people who don't get vaccinated because they don't want to for what kind of reason are stupid. 


Of course i exclude people with genuine medical problems from this statement who really can't be vaccinated. 


In your case if you wanted to be vaccinated and you have a hard time getting vaccinated and you lost a job because you could not get vaccinated. Sorry to hear that hope you get a chance to get vaccinated soon and join the ranks of billions that went before you.

Rob the work doesn't worry me but the option would be nice.

If i hear just get vaxed one more time.....

The government has decided they are not concerned with the current unvaxed or antivaxers as they continue to put out spot fires and open the economy leaving a minority hanging in the balance.

In six months time i think you have every right to be annoyed but it's premature at this stage.



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24 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

Rob the work doesn't worry me but the option would be nice.

If i hear just get vaxed one more time.....

The government has decided they are not concerned with the current unvaxed or antivaxers as they continue to put out spot fires and open the economy leaving a minority hanging in the balance.

In six months time i think you have every right to be annoyed but it's premature at this stage.

There aren't many antivaxers here in Thailand.  Unless you count the ones opposed to Sinovac.  That's understood.  But the Thais are begging for Moderna or Pfizer.  Literally.  Some even flying overseas to get the jab.  Vaccine holidays!  Which is exactly what we did.


The government is concerned with the unvaxed.  They did 1MM jabs several times in one day in the past month.  They are making great progress.  And some of the tourist hotspots are at or coming close to 70% vaccinated.  Sure, lots left to go.  And they've not done a great job regarding the response to the pandemic.  But to say they don't care is not true.


They're caught between a rock and a hard spot.  Wait for the jabs and continue killing the economy, or gradually open up and hope things go OK.  Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't (UK, USA, etc).


No easy answers here.  Except vaccinations.

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40 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

Rob the work doesn't worry me but the option would be nice.

If i hear just get vaxed one more time.....

The government has decided they are not concerned with the current unvaxed or antivaxers as they continue to put out spot fires and open the economy leaving a minority hanging in the balance.

In six months time i think you have every right to be annoyed but it's premature at this stage.



Again you totally misunderstand me. I NEVER EVER have a problem with those that WANT to be vaxed but can't because of medical reasons (of course a lack of vaccines is a valid excuse).


So I could never be annoyed with people who want it but can't get it. If i did not get lucky then i would be in the same boat you were. I was lucky to find a way to get vaxxed. 


I think most people in this topic who are pro vax have no problem with people who can't get it because of lack of vaccine ect. We have a problem with those who refuse to get vaccinated. 


Besides many that post on this forum are not even in Thailand and in the west its really easy to get vaccinated. Those of us that do live in Thailand know how hard it can be for those under 60 and foreigner to get vaxxed.

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3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Are you talking about yourself?  Seems so.

Yes, I'm talking about myself. Feel better? Now go work on acquiring a sense of humor.  You are so worked up that you can't leave this forum for an hour because you might miss a Covid thread. 


Calm down and the world will be fine without you causing others to fight being sensible and getting vaccinated.  The problem isn't fake news as you continually post but people like yourself that get online and feel power they don't have off line. How many individuals are not getting vaccinated because of people like yourself.  I'll answer - many.  The best thing you could do  would be to take some anxiety meds and stay away from corresponding about Covid.


Edited by atpeace
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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Actually its people like him and me and others that hopefully counter all the false info flying around. The antivax crowd is relatively small but has a huge presence and are really militant. So those wo fight the antivaxers should be thanked not criticized. 


In my country those antivaxers called restaurants and if they said they would check for a covidpas then they would start to harass the restaurant and give it bad reviews destroying their business. That is how militant those idiots are. (we are talking about militant antivaxers that call restaurants they don't want to visit but just need targets to destroy)

 Compare your post that is done with tact with the other members posts.  You are upset with antivax extremist bullies.  So am I but also am not thrilled with those that think almost all people not  vaccinated are idiots.


It is the internet of tribes and win at all cost.  Some empathy and effort put into understanding others viewpoints is powerful.  Somehow many on the internet think tribal popularity is identical to the  "truth".  They have no interest in anything noble but are infatuated with increasing their status within their tribe and put no effort in searching for truth.

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Today,life in a mixed household in Thailand

Me-not vaxed

Wife-one sinovac

Son-not vaxed(12 in a fortnight)

Wife's best friend comes to village from Bangkok(double vaxed)

Wife treating her like a alien because even though they are both vaxed my wife would have to declare to the school contact with others from outside area and therefore son would be subject to a further two week delay in returning to school.

So it seems the vaxed are all not happy with vaxed and government communication.



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5 minutes ago, ebice said:

2nd best then?

According to the New York Times Covid Tracker, Florida now has the second-lowest per capita Covid rate of any state: 12 per 100,000, behind only Hawaii, with nine per 100,000 as of October 18. Florida’s vaccination rate (59 percent fully vaccinated) is now above the national average (57 percent.) 


I wonder how people are going reply.  Not really, a multitude of other data showing different data that supports their straw man's argument.  The governor stated that Florida now has a low per capita Covid rate. Not too hard to understand.


I don't think anyone is arguing that Florida has suffered more than the vast majority of states.  I'm not sure why and would throw out for consideration, the state's median age is much higher than almost all other states.  Throw out Maine which is sparsely populated and I think its citizens are the oldest.


The governor is a strong proponent of vaccination and alternative treatments in his current form.  If he took this stance last year maybe things would be different.  

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1 hour ago, ebice said:

2nd best then?

According to the New York Times Covid Tracker, Florida now has the second-lowest per capita Covid rate of any state: 12 per 100,000, behind only Hawaii, with nine per 100,000 as of October 18. Florida’s vaccination rate (59 percent fully vaccinated) is now above the national average (57 percent.) 


I am presently living in Hawaii and can attest you are correct - yes we are the last State in the Nation to have a lot of restrictions, and a vivid "Wash up, Mask up, Keep your distance" campaign going on.  Masks are still mandatory in all settings, stores, offices, groups etc etc etc.  Only exceptions are trhe beaches, but I still see people masked up on beaches here.   I am hoping to get back to LOS and SE Asia by end of next spring..............We shall see.

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1 hour ago, atpeace said:

 Compare your post that is done with tact with the other members posts.  You are upset with antivax extremist bullies.  So am I but also am not thrilled with those that think almost all people not  vaccinated are idiots.


It is the internet of tribes and win at all cost.  Some empathy and effort put into understanding others viewpoints is powerful.  Somehow many on the internet think tribal popularity is identical to the  "truth".  They have no interest in anything noble but are infatuated with increasing their status within their tribe and put no effort in searching for truth.

Sorry, but some harsh words on the internet VS destroying someone ones income is a different thing. What i was saying is that the antivaxers a minority are in general far more extreme then the pro vax people. If you look at data you will see that the antivaxers are not a huge group yet they seem to be as vocal as pro vac. So that means per person they make a lot more sound and are far more busy with spreading their information then us pro vaccination people.


 This truth thing, is also strange with antivaxers. The problem is that people who are pro vax have regular science to back us up. While the antivaxers seem to use lies and falsehoods. 


I mean how can anyone still say that vaccines are experimental after billions of shots. Also if you compare deaths from covid with the deaths from vaccination its again clear that vaccination is the right way to go. And popularity has nothing to do with truth, however if 95% or 99% of scientists say that vaccination is great and we should do it. That is not popularity its scientific consensus and often means truth. The antivaxers like to make out as if the numbers of pro vaccination scientists and so on don't count. They seem to think the few that support them are somehow smarter then the group that is many times bigger. In this case its just clear that having more support (among scientists)  means that the truth is likely that antivaxers are wrong.


I am no scientist but I am someone with a high IQ and logical mindset trained for analyzing stuff (im an accountant tax advisor). Unlike many of the antivaxers I with my logical mind (and thankfully the majority of people) have decided that we trust scientists, and that we trust that if world wide so many scientist look at stuff and they almost all say vaccination is good we trust them. We understand that conspiracies only work if there are few people involved. We also understand that no goverment in the world would want to destroy their economy and alienate their voters. So if governments to do stuff like lockdowns and say vaccinations are good they do so because its proven and they have to. Not because of some secret plot to reset the earth and support big pharma. I mean those are the things some antivaxers think and they assume that governments who cant even agree on measure for climate change would agree and keep secret something like this. 


So at some point the rational people among us get bored with antivaxers especially because their actions results in new rules and lockdowns (like in my country now). So respect fades especially because there is not logic to their claims. I have the utmost respect for people who can come up with a view that is different from mine but back it up with good arguments. But once science is disregarded i cant debate. Same reason I cant debate with religious people we just cant as they wont accept science. So at some point people realize that debating wont work so we get frustrated and angry. 


Its just really frustrating when people ignore science and go for fake news and even when you point it out they wont listen. Its like flat earthers (but they are harmless) you give them all the proof you want but they still dont believe you. Now because its not important you ignore them, but its the same with covid one side has science and a majority of people agreeing with you and the other side has nothing but will not change their mind no matter what evidence you show them.

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2 hours ago, farmerjo said:

Today,life in a mixed household in Thailand

Me-not vaxed

Wife-one sinovac

Son-not vaxed(12 in a fortnight)

Wife's best friend comes to village from Bangkok(double vaxed)

Wife treating her like a alien because even though they are both vaxed my wife would have to declare to the school contact with others from outside area and therefore son would be subject to a further two week delay in returning to school.

So it seems the vaxed are all not happy with vaxed and government communication.



Not sure how you get to that conclusion, the vaxed are just not happy with the situation that has presented itself. Are you happy with covid and its restrictions. I am not happy with them. I follow them, I understand them but i wish everything was back to normal.


This has nothing to do with vaxed not vaxed its just that we don't like the rules that keep us safe. We are frustrated by them (we understand they are needed) but we want our old life back. But at the same time know we cant.


These rules make sense but they make life harder, they prevent in this case covid at school. I bet that many don't follow the rules because they don't like them and put others who follow them at risk and just destroy their efforts.



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3 hours ago, ebice said:

2nd best then?

According to the New York Times Covid Tracker, Florida now has the second-lowest per capita Covid rate of any state: 12 per 100,000, behind only Hawaii, with nine per 100,000 as of October 18. Florida’s vaccination rate (59 percent fully vaccinated) is now above the national average (57 percent.) 


DeSantis is cooking the data.


This widely reported piece of information is yet another one of your ‘omissions’.






Edited by Chomper Higgot
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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Did /is NY times "cooking" the data too? LoL.


NY times covid tracker.jpg

Edited by ebice
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1 hour ago, ebice said:

Did /is NY times "cooking" the data too? LoL.


NY times covid tracker.jpg

No, tge NU Times is reporting the data Florida has (after cooking) reported.


You’ve just exposes your failure to grasp the rest of us understand what constitutes a ‘primary source’.


.... LoL.

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