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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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said that female skinny runner covid death was not “necessarily” fit and healthy.

read the provided articles thanks. no answers there.searched internet myself….. nothing.

initial conclusion then is that ALL covid deaths are from compromised immune systems.

that can be genetics ( inc. age / cancers) and environment (inc.diet/ exercise, toxins build up)

extremely strong correlation, and therefore cause, with AGE, with immunity efficacy dropping sharply over 60 I see. still around 90% all covid deaths over age 75-80 ? 

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14 minutes ago, earthscar said:

did you read that or just the headline because umm that doesn't support what you think it does..I get it mass media and their click bait..still..


I would suggest reading it but some key points


From Feb. 12 to July 31, 121 deaths of patients under age 21 were reported to the CDC, of whom 75% had underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, obesity, neurologic/developmental conditions, and cardiac conditions, while a quarter were previously healthy, reported Danae Bixler, MD, of the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues.


around 40% of Americans are considered obese 


and then looking at the demographic of those kids...

the () are me

Also, 45% of fatal cases were Hispanic(15.7% below poverty), 29% were non-Hispanic Black(18.8% below poverty), and 4% were non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native. now those white guys(9.6% below poverty)


sucks to be sick, poor and a minority i guess.


just incase you want to break your heart 


Most deaths were in pediatric patients ages 10-20, with a median age of 16 (IQR 7-19); but 10% were in infants and 20% were in children 1-9.


damn if those 1yrs just did that 10min mile they still be chewing on erasers.


to be clear 


Virtually all of the pediatric deaths met the COVID-19 case definition, 12% met the multi-inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) case definition, and 12% met both case definitions.


this is simply put not the hill you wanna die on...

What in the information you cited above contradicts the claim that most of those kids had comorbidities?

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3 minutes ago, atpeace said:

No, I don't know anything in regards to his health.  Don't know the bloke.  Why does he have to be lying? Are you angry at hello?


If I posted a picture of an obese man with Covid, what would that tell you? Nothing is my guess or at least I hope you wouldn't draw conclusions from the picture.  Try science and data it might help.  Are you a conservative?  Us real libs like to rationally look at data.


The long Covid rant was cute.  All the boxers, futbol, and basketball players seem to just fine after getting Covid.  Sure there are exceptions and sometimes people have lasting issues from a stubbed toe.  For such a macho angry dude your fear is blinding you.   

actually ya i would look at him and if he was dead and he had tested positive i would probly make a educated guess that it contributed to his death i would then follow up w/ testing. 


https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/weight-a-silent-heart-risk#:~:text=It's smart to have your,that all weight loss helps.


"If you're obese, be watchful for signs of heart failure. These include fatigue, shortness of breath and an irregular heartbeat. Realize that all weight loss helps."


https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-high-blood-pressure#:~:text=Coronavirus can also damage the,the heart to pump.


Coronavirus can also damage the heart directly, which can be especially risky if your heart is already weakened by the effects of high blood pressure. The virus may cause inflammation of the heart muscle called myocarditis, which makes it harder for the heart to pump


do you reread you posts becase i think you type faster then you can keep track of(complement kind of)


All the boxers, futbol, and basketball players seem to just fine after getting Covid.


doesn't exactly jiv w/ 


Sure there are exceptions and sometimes people have lasting issues from a stubbed toe


those athletes you speak of are a tiny tiny fraction of the population effective on top of that they have the money and access to medical assistance the average person just will not get.


look at joe rogan..that guy dropped a absolutely insane amount of cash to fight off covid. did you hear him discribe the process he uses to check ppl? let alone what he used to deal w/ covid when he got it?


i kept you up past your bed time because your stances are just getting sloppy now. on one hand i almost want to think your a S**t poster but i get a cringy i feel you actually believe some of what plops out onto that post of yours.

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1 minute ago, earthscar said:

actually ya i would look at him and if he was dead and he had tested positive i would probly make a educated guess that it contributed to his death i would then follow up w/ testing. 


https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/weight-a-silent-heart-risk#:~:text=It's smart to have your,that all weight loss helps.


"If you're obese, be watchful for signs of heart failure. These include fatigue, shortness of breath and an irregular heartbeat. Realize that all weight loss helps."


https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-high-blood-pressure#:~:text=Coronavirus can also damage the,the heart to pump.


Coronavirus can also damage the heart directly, which can be especially risky if your heart is already weakened by the effects of high blood pressure. The virus may cause inflammation of the heart muscle called myocarditis, which makes it harder for the heart to pump


do you reread you posts becase i think you type faster then you can keep track of(complement kind of)


All the boxers, futbol, and basketball players seem to just fine after getting Covid.


doesn't exactly jiv w/ 


Sure there are exceptions and sometimes people have lasting issues from a stubbed toe


those athletes you speak of are a tiny tiny fraction of the population effective on top of that they have the money and access to medical assistance the average person just will not get.


look at joe rogan..that guy dropped a absolutely insane amount of cash to fight off covid. did you hear him discribe the process he uses to check ppl? let alone what he used to deal w/ covid when he got it?


i kept you up past your bed time because your stances are just getting sloppy now. on one hand i almost want to think your a S**t poster but i get a cringy i feel you actually believe some of what plops out onto that post of yours.

Your lack of self awareness is amazing.  Do really think people are digging your long angry rants.  Do you have any friends and that includes your mommy and daddy. 


It is my bedtime and thanks for the reminder.  Now you march on  angry soldier.  It is adorable.

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

What in the information you cited above contradicts the claim that most of those kids had comorbidities?

the information on the drop is pushed by De santos, he has been called out multi for fudging the numbers. there is a lawsuit if i rem right w/ a lady that got harass by a police officer that de santis team sent after he for leaking the fudging. so the very number your pushing is very like spruced up to push his naritive.


as for 8% of the population causing 18% of the deaths..ya that's notable


as for the last week being a myth.. while i'm no pro on stats and numbers one thing that was drilled in is don't base anything off 1 bit of info. Just becase you flip a quarter and it lands on heads you don't say that there is a 100% your going to get heads. you keep going till it evens out and you see a pattern. Florida has been the leader in deaths for a long ass time and it is still possible desantis fudged it so the number could be even bigger.


he is currently in a war w/ the school boards becase he attempted to mandate that you can't mandate covid rules but most of the schools said sod off and put them in place. 


it a political feather in his hat to say look at us we are doing better then all of you. and he needs it he is still looking to run for president in 2024



so w/o going into the rest because honestly i can't even understand how you can't grasp the gist.

Florida is the embarrassment of the us health system i would not use them as your straw man.

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3 minutes ago, atpeace said:

Your lack of self awareness is amazing.  Do really think people are digging your long angry rants.  Do you have any friends and that includes your mommy and daddy. 


It is my bedtime and thanks for the reminder.  Now you march on  angry soldier.  It is adorable.

could always put a poll in see how it goes for you. 

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9 minutes ago, atpeace said:

Your lack of self awareness is amazing.  Do really think people are digging your long angry rants.  Do you have any friends and that includes your mommy and daddy. 


It is my bedtime and thanks for the reminder.  Now you march on  angry soldier.  It is adorable.

no worry on the bedtime thing, i used to work in an old folks home in my youth so i notice the signs of sun downing. don't be shy if you need me to help you w/ this stuff. I find it is my civic duty to assist those in need.

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27 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Clearly physical fitness functions for you the way religion does for other. How else to justify such an utterly lunatic conclusion "that ALL covid deaths are from compromised immune systems." Where in epidemiology is 100% ever a realistic number?

I wish everybody would just calm down and stop the 100% stance.  I come here every few weeks and make a few posts and lose interest with the infantile style of many posters.  It is obvious they don't give a rats <deleted> about anybody and are only here to show their superior intellectual capabilities but only leave a trail of embarrassing silly posts.

Edited by atpeace
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1 minute ago, atpeace said:

I wish everybody would just calm down and stop the 100% stance.  I come here every few weeks and make a few posts and lose interest with the infantile style of many posters.  It is obvious they don't give a rats <deleted> about anybody and are only here to show there superior intellectual capabilities but only leave a trail of embarrassing silly posts.

"Your lack of self awareness is amazing."


this you?

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placeholder: calm down. your bizarre emotional condemnation seems the more “lunatic”,  lacking facts or alternative case …….trying to know why a fully functioning immune system appears to defeat covid in yes all cases but cannot resist other diseases in any cases.

impossible to determine immunity condition in visibly healthy people, with no previous illness beyond normal colds / flu,who die of covid, but what other explanation is there in such cases except (indeterminate) compromised immunity ? 

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3 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

placeholder: calm down. your bizarre emotional condemnation seems the more “lunatic”,  lacking facts or alternative case …….trying to know why a fully functioning immune system appears to defeat covid in yes all cases but cannot resist other diseases in any cases.

impossible to determine immunity condition in visibly healthy people, with no previous illness beyond normal colds / flu,who die of covid, but what other explanation is there in such cases except (indeterminate) compromised immunity ? 

Again, where in epidemiology, had there ever been a case of 100% immunity because of some factor? You're just using a circular reasoning to support your case. Basically your claim is that someone comes down with covid because they're not fit. And we know they're not fit because they have covid.

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23 minutes ago, earthscar said:

the information on the drop is pushed by De santos, he has been called out multi for fudging the numbers. there is a lawsuit if i rem right w/ a lady that got harass by a police officer that de santis team sent after he for leaking the fudging. so the very number your pushing is very like spruced up to push his naritive.


as for 8% of the population causing 18% of the deaths..ya that's notable


as for the last week being a myth.. while i'm no pro on stats and numbers one thing that was drilled in is don't base anything off 1 bit of info. Just becase you flip a quarter and it lands on heads you don't say that there is a 100% your going to get heads. you keep going till it evens out and you see a pattern. Florida has been the leader in deaths for a long ass time and it is still possible desantis fudged it so the number could be even bigger.


he is currently in a war w/ the school boards becase he attempted to mandate that you can't mandate covid rules but most of the schools said sod off and put them in place. 


it a political feather in his hat to say look at us we are doing better then all of you. and he needs it he is still looking to run for president in 2024



so w/o going into the rest because honestly i can't even understand how you can't grasp the gist.

Florida is the embarrassment of the us health system i would not use them as your straw man.

What's Florida got to do with comorbidities in children? This skey isn't limited to Florida.

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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

What's Florida got to do with comorbidities in children? This skey isn't limited to Florida.

no shade on this.. i couldn't figure out what skey means.. a google search shows some really odd definitions so..miss spelling? Florida low covid numbers where used as point of success and that how children where in no real danger and that the ones that did die, did so due to underlying conditions.


the problem there is almost 50% of the us population is designated obese so not looking for a impressive part of the population if we just write off the ppl w/ underlying conditions. the other was asthma which also a big number. those where highlighted because as a population there kinda common. 


the stance that this is really only a worry for those 60 and older and those w/ underlying conditions need to worry. now the one other was a bit more niche.


my posts are long becase i am no expert in any...ANY of this. so when i have a point i attempt to find said experts read their stance and compare it to what i know and have learned from other experts. 


I support my stance w/ the links since it makes it so you don't have to wonder if i am fudging it for my own gain.


at this point i think you are not even sure how to defend your views it seems more about the feels w/ the links of professions to back it up.


your in the minority here, you just are. accept it and move on




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6 minutes ago, earthscar said:

no shade on this.. i couldn't figure out what skey means.. a google search shows some really odd definitions so..miss spelling? Florida low covid numbers where used as point of success and that how children where in no real danger and that the ones that did die, did so due to underlying conditions.


the problem there is almost 50% of the us population is designated obese so not looking for a impressive part of the population if we just write off the ppl w/ underlying conditions. the other was asthma which also a big number. those where highlighted because as a population there kinda common. 


the stance that this is really only a worry for those 60 and older and those w/ underlying conditions need to worry. now the one other was a bit more niche.


my posts are long becase i am no expert in any...ANY of this. so when i have a point i attempt to find said experts read their stance and compare it to what i know and have learned from other experts. 


I support my stance w/ the links since it makes it so you don't have to wonder if i am fudging it for my own gain.


at this point i think you are not even sure how to defend your views it seems more about the feels w/ the links of professions to back it up.


your in the minority here, you just are. accept it and move on





What percentage of children are obese as compared to the us population as a whole? According to the study linked to below about 17% of U.S. children are obese.



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6 minutes ago, placeholder said:


What percentage of children are obese as compared to the us population as a whole? According to the study linked to below about 17% of U.S. children are obese.



not sure what your point is. obesity in the US..and the world is going up so if your going to say well if your fat then to bad that's going to be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.


the % of children falling into the obesity scale has been climbing. the very person you quoting doesn't seem to be so non chalant about it.. i think you post links and just hope ppl don't actually click on them. it never seems to go well for you when ppl do.


cherry pick that sentence so it meshes w/ your hopes.. put some context..


the gentleman your trying to co op the paper from.. his take


Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States. Currently, about 17% of US children are presenting with obesity.


Thats just the ones that are deemed obese there has to be a sizeable amount almost there (nothing to back that up just i "feels" that sounds like common sense leave of logic. Kind of? 


delve a bit more into that same page and it looks worse


Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States, affecting the lives of millions of people. In the past 3 decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents.1 The latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that the prevalence of obesity among US children and adolescents was 18.5% in 2015-2016. Overall, the prevalence of obesity among adolescents (12-19 years; 20.6%) and school-aged children (6-11 years; 18.4%) was higher than among preschool-aged children (2-5 years; 13.9%). School-aged boys (20.4%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged boys (14.3%). Adolescent girls (20.9%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged girls (13.5%; Figure 1).1 Moreover, the rates of obesity have been steadily rising from 1999-2000 through 2015-2016 (Figure 2).1 According to Ahmad et al, 80% of adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, 25% of children younger than the age of 5 years, and 50% of children aged 6 to 9 years with obesity are at risk of remaining adults with obesity.2

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10 minutes ago, earthscar said:

not sure what your point is. obesity in the US..and the world is going up so if your going to say well if your fat then to bad that's going to be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.


the % of children falling into the obesity scale has been climbing. the very person you quoting doesn't seem to be so non chalant about it.. i think you post links and just hope ppl don't actually click on them. it never seems to go well for you when ppl do.


cherry pick that sentence so it meshes w/ your hopes.. put some context..


the gentleman your trying to co op the paper from.. his take


Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States. Currently, about 17% of US children are presenting with obesity.


Thats just the ones that are deemed obese there has to be a sizeable amount almost there (nothing to back that up just i "feels" that sounds like common sense leave of logic. Kind of? 


delve a bit more into that same page and it looks worse


Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States, affecting the lives of millions of people. In the past 3 decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents.1 The latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that the prevalence of obesity among US children and adolescents was 18.5% in 2015-2016. Overall, the prevalence of obesity among adolescents (12-19 years; 20.6%) and school-aged children (6-11 years; 18.4%) was higher than among preschool-aged children (2-5 years; 13.9%). School-aged boys (20.4%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged boys (14.3%). Adolescent girls (20.9%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged girls (13.5%; Figure 1).1 Moreover, the rates of obesity have been steadily rising from 1999-2000 through 2015-2016 (Figure 2).1 According to Ahmad et al, 80% of adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, 25% of children younger than the age of 5 years, and 50% of children aged 6 to 9 years with obesity are at risk of remaining adults with obesity.2

The point is that the percentage of children who are obese is greater for those coming down with covid than  is the national average for all children.

And it's the same for adults.

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5 hours ago, farmerjo said:

Well if covid has taught me anything it's that a lot of vulnerable people who jumped the queue are sitting back going She'll be right Fred,i'm vaxed.C'mon the rest your dragging your heels.

There are a lot of people in my situation whom haven't been able to be vaxed yet and in result has cost the chance of gaining employment for two years.

The resent from the vaxed is starting to smell quite frankly.

Your resent about my resent is ludicrous.


Stop making excuses and get vaxxed.

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6 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Florida has developed a new trick: they don’t report very often. 



Florida’s case rate is the 7th worse in the USA.

he very much wants to just focus on the last week or so where it seems out of the blue florida showed as 1 or 2 not shaded red.




i did a deep dive explaining why the numbers out of Florida you just can't hang your hat on but he is hell bent on finding a sentence pulling out 3 to 5 words going SEE SEE!!! CONTRAILS GUYS CONTRAILS!

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46 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Your resent about my resent is ludicrous.


Stop making excuses and get vaxxed.

Are you deaf,i'm in the system waiting my turn.

If expats didn't register 10 times in panic on different sites i might have already been done.

Seems the kids are taking priority now no thanks to the pro lifers.

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2 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Chinese COVID-19 outbreak 'developing rapidly,' health officials say




So I guess we won't be seeing an influx of Chinese tourists in Thailand after  Nov 1st. Probably none till next year.

Fortunately, it's a tiny number of cases. Unfortunately, most people in China are not well vaccinated. 

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11 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

how many truly “ fit and healthy” under 60 people, with no underlying conditions and uncompromised immune systems, have died from covid ?  ecause I honestly haven’t heard of one genuine case. such media claims turn out to be clearly false, involving various rolly- pollys with three chins or steroid abusers or multiple drug takers ……any reliable data out there re. genuine “ fit and healthy” covid deaths under 60 ?


What so now instead of offering everyone a cheap, safe and effective vaccine public health services need to conduct full health screening of everyone to determine their individual level of risk?


Nah, take the cheap, safe and effective vaccine.

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11 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

how many truly “ fit and healthy” under 60 people, with no underlying conditions and uncompromised immune systems, have died from covid ?  ecause I honestly haven’t heard of one genuine case. such media claims turn out to be clearly false, involving various rolly- pollys with three chins or steroid abusers or multiple drug takers ……any reliable data out there re. genuine “ fit and healthy” covid deaths under 60 ?


Troll post of the day. 

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