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Has living in Thailand castrated your in-real-life complaining mojo?


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Guilty of just shutting my pie hole nowadays too, life's just too short to get stressed.


I take my hat off to everyone who has a real job here, that is when you'd really have to bite your tongue on a daily basis.


I would not last a day here in my previous profession.



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On 8/1/2021 at 10:36 PM, sanuk711 said:

That's what the wife is for...... I just say "I wouldn't stand for that

---if only they could understand my Thai..........Then Off she goes...........:coffee1:

Same here, however, I wouldn't have to say a word, she would automatically attack, and oh boy, she will be real loud so everyone can hear, that said, she is 99.9999% usually tame, but if someone does something which is less than an A, she takes flight, usually starting off with gentle kind words, but if she gets resistance or someone smuk, including government officials, like at immigration, even cops, bang, heads are down in shame.


Love this girl, she is my hero, I just take a seat or stand there like a dumb farang with a big smile on my face, you know like they normally have when they lose face.

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On 8/1/2021 at 11:31 PM, mancub said:

I find myself frequently entering Basil Fawlty mode....especially when people push in when I'm patiently waiting to weigh my veggies in Lotus....if that helps ? 

As do I, It normally gives the Thais a good laugh, and I feel better for it...


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i will pick my battles  .. and i have found that usa sucks for intelligent discussions .. EQ  is unknown in usa    

for every discussion/argument/debate  their is 100 ways to say the same thing  .. most of them are aggressive and will push people into defending themselves .. i have learned a lot of tricks on how to approach people  .. of course we dont mean to offend the other person but that is usually what happens ..   sorry  i went on longer that nesc ..

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27 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

As do I, It normally gives the Thais a good laugh, and I feel better for it...


You must come across more like Mr Bean then ! I get looked at like I should be locked up.....!

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On 8/2/2021 at 8:31 AM, EVENKEEL said:

I ordered 2 pizzas and on the menu they have a pic of Taramizu Cake for 140 tbh. Now the pic and the price would lead me to believe the cake was a decent size. The piece of cake was 2"x2" of soggy mess. The cake part was soggy wet like it had been frozen and defrosted many times. The worst ever. For me it's sacrilegious to even call the soggy mess Taramizu, I sent them a scathing message, it's the same as if I made tom yom with water and ketchup and tried to sell it. 

and i'm sure they even read your scathing message .   NOT 

it would have been sent to the trash immediately as was your taramizu. 

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On 8/2/2021 at 8:35 AM, Gsxrnz said:

Issues with caka cake serving protocol definitely comes under the category of a first world problem. 


Personally I revel in the total randomness of odd situations that present themselves in Thailand, and they can be easily remedied without getting ones' knickers in a twist.


Example: Recently my contractor was "banned" by the condo manager from using the elevator because he allegedly damaged it while bringing up boxes of flooring tiles.  I went down to supervise and was told by the condo manager he wasn't allowed to use the elevator.  My smiling response was that "he" isn't using the elevator - "I" was using the elevator and "he" was helping me.  Oh OK, that's no problem says she. She even seconded the security guy to help and speed the process up.


I find that the vast majority of Thais go out of their way in their attempt to please me - but perhaps (as in any country) it is the attitude and demeanor that you present to them that determines how they respond to you. 


Another example - I ordered marmalade (as opposed to jam) with my English breakfast. Jam arrives with the breakfast (who cares anyway), and then randomly, an omelette  is presented to me.  Marmalade/omelette apparently sounded the same to the waitress.  I laughingly explained the situation, waitress laughs, brings me marmalade, the omelette is free, and can I please teach her to say marmalade and omelette more clearly.


I think if you try and see small issues such as these as something to laugh about, you will be a much happier and contented individual.

Your last sentence is key. Just ask yourself if the crime is worth the punishment you will suffer. Most often for me it isn't.

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On 8/1/2021 at 7:27 PM, BritManToo said:

Me too!

When I came here in 1985 my wife told me to "Never complain or have a go at the locals. They may not retaliate then, but they will remember. Leave it to me to sort out" That I've heeded and lived relatively happily. I hardly complain to my wife as the response will be, "How long have you lived here?"???? 

Edited by Gandtee
Additional words.
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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

and i'm sure they even read your scathing message .   NOT 

it would have been sent to the trash immediately as was your taramizu. 

Wrong, they answered back with apologies and promise of free cake. See, you have to be a taramizu enthusiast to appreciate the tragedy of selling their cake. A piece of taramizu is heaven on a plate, what they sold was indeed trash. 

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I leave the public complaining to my wife.  She's very articulate in Thai and she mirrors my views, and she is very non-Thai in that she is assertive.  I didn't marry your typical Thai shinking-violet.  So I don't need to say anything unless I'm specifically asked.  I'm seldom asked for any opinion about anything Thai which suits me fine.

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Because they are  often so full of BS its  often a  waste of  time to complain to them, they really dont get  it.

Yes I do complain, told my two workers today to  <deleted>  off for stealing fish, they really are  dumb thinking I wouldnt notice,  just  like when they hide round the corner and "pretend" to work if I appear.

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1 hour ago, Gandtee said:

When I came here in 1985 my wife told me to "Never complain or have a go at the locals. They may not retaliate then, but they will remember.

Yes, I have had a few  instances where I've upset people and they didn't retaliate personally , they just waged a covert war on me . 

   Turning all out mutual friends against me , spreading lies and creating false rumours  

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On 8/1/2021 at 2:25 PM, Jingthing said:

Has this castration of your in-real-life complaining mojo happened to you too?

I remember when visiting US that I was advised to complain, as I otherwise would not get the service I paid for. Unfortunately I'm from a country where we, at least some years back - quite a number of years now - didn't need to complain, and luckily on only one occasion I found it necessary in US; and it did work...????


In Thailand I don't find much to complain about, and perhaps I'm also getting use to that Thai standards in some areas are different from Westerner's expectations; actually I find it nice that complaining is not needed for.


And don't forget that complaining can be equal to some might loose face - and that's bad, can even be very bad - so just smile, mai pen rai khrab, and be happy...????

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On 8/1/2021 at 7:25 PM, Jingthing said:

The brown icing on the caca cake was very careless pandemic protocol


On 8/1/2021 at 7:25 PM, Jingthing said:

If it was a service I don't need, I can just stop using them.

My initial thoughts, being a caring soul [my previous wives might disagree with that] I am seriously concerned about your well-being. "Caca cake ... if it was a service I don't need" Considering the health implications, maybe a new therapist?


On topic: the 'education system' here produces those who don't ask questions, and they work for those who don't consider that they should ask questions. Mai pen rai. It will all be okay and very few will die as a consequence. Tomorrow doesn't exist --- until it does. 

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On 8/2/2021 at 2:50 PM, Jingthing said:

Yeah imagine  being a manager here that sincerely wants to improve processes but lacks the input of customer feedback to inform about what's broken.

I once tried to get tickets for myself and Thai GF on a certain bus service from a Pattaya travel agent. She wouldn't sell me a ticket for the GF because she was Thai! I started to tell her what I thought of that "racist" policy and she turned her back on me.

How's that for wanting to improve the service?

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Stale (out of date) snacks from Lotus, got them changed. 

Poorly laid grass turfs, didn't pay last 25 pct. 

Gummy, sticky fishoil capsules (maybe bottles left in the sun for days before sale), replaced with a new bottle. 


Only 5 years here, still happy to sweat the small stuff. Polite and friendly complaints have never brought me trouble. I dealt with Indian and Arab traders for 12 years in the Middle East, I know a think or two about keeping my cool. 

Although I'll never complain about the food in any restaurant in the world until after I've eaten.... ????

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On 8/2/2021 at 12:55 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

I prefer that a cute girl smiles at me and tells me "mai me" compared to a grumpy old fat woman telling me the same in another language in another country.

Even better when they dont check first.

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