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Falsely accused of having Covid.


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If it was your wife then id check your relation out.. if someone else then not sure what to do. I mean is it worth worrying about going to a police station ect and proving it.


So if your wife check why she did it if someone else.. id leave it be.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Sticks and stones.


Is that the best they can come up with....let it go and expect more as the years progress, it's just plan jealousy, I'd say that I am the wealthiest bloke in our village, I don't flaunt it, I keep to myself, I'm respectful and smile at people, and the hairdresser said to the Mrs the other day that people are saying your husband is a tight a$$, can't pronounce it in Thai, kee nook or something like that.


My wife saying, that's good, hopefully no more people come to ask for money, so I won't have to tell them what I told all of the other people, i.e. I don't have any money, it's my husbands, it will be mine when he dies, and that won't be for a long time because he is worth more alive than dead as his investments keep making money.


Actually thinking of getting a t-shirt made up with the $ symbol on the front and back lol


We know who it is, and just laugh it off, not going to lower ourselves to their standards, besides, were not a bank.

it translates to  A sticky <deleted>   Kee Niaow

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15 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Sticks and stones.


Is that the best they can come up with....let it go and expect more as the years progress, it's just plan jealousy, I'd say that I am the wealthiest bloke in our village, I don't flaunt it, I keep to myself, I'm respectful and smile at people, and the hairdresser said to the Mrs the other day that people are saying your husband is a tight a$$, can't pronounce it in Thai, kee nook or something like that.


My wife saying, that's good, hopefully no more people come to ask for money, so I won't have to tell them what I told all of the other people, i.e. I don't have any money, it's my husbands, it will be mine when he dies, and that won't be for a long time because he is worth more alive than dead as his investments keep making money.


Actually thinking of getting a t-shirt made up with the $ symbol on the front and back lol


We know who it is, and just laugh it off, not going to lower ourselves to their standards, besides, were not a bank.

I had the same thing in our moobaan, an old lady called me a skinflint. The answer from my wife to the old lady was that I have been paying my wife's brother 1000 baht a day to do some building work.

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17 hours ago, rutteketuut said:

What would you do if your wife tells you someone of your Thai neighbors gossips that farang ( me) has Covid? I don't know yet who is spreading this rumours but I have a suspicion.


Who cares what my Thai neighbors think or say. I'd bake a bunch of muffins or cupcakes and bring them over to their house just to watch the fun unfold.

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OP.  My wife would only tell me something like this after she had already bitten someone's head off.  She is not afraid of confronting anyone.  Even me.  I've seen her in action a few times dealing with trash in our village. Something to think about why she did not stand up for the both of you?  If you had the virus then she also would probably have it.

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17 hours ago, recom273 said:

Been there .. just ignore them


We moved to the village recently from a dark red zone, the neighbors were collecting tires to set up as a barricade. Luckily, the municipality decided everyone coming from outside the area needed to do 14 days self isolation. They were convinced, without knowing anything about my wife and I that we would have covid. I got to admit I told the local health admin to F'off after he came round at 6.00 am to tell me the same thing as he told the wife twice on the phone the day before.


What do you expect from poorly educated and ignorant people?

And who do you expect these same people vote in to office? I know it is a different subject but actually the cause is the same and the end result, wel we all know.

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Put a small small bandage on each arm. Walk around handing out fruits while your wife starts new rumors about you getting double vaxxed with Pfizer and Moderna at the same time. Only Farang can do that!


This rumor has a much higher R0 and will quickly replace old ones. They'll talk for months about getting two vaxes at the same time and your power as a farang. It could spread throughout the ampur.


Edited by rabas
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19 hours ago, NativeBob said:

Well, thais are extremely irresponsible and when it comes to rumors and gossips they spread it mindlessly. Been there seen that. Funny thing is they would not think about possible consequences - yes, you can file a defamation case but don't forget to bring witnesses. At least 2 adults willing to sign.
The best action is do the test, laminate a copy and stick it to the front door. Next - ask others why they don't what are they hiding. Enjoy!

Just ignore them as they say bad things about us Farang's all the time. I remember when I first came to Thailand and lived in a small village. When I visit Thai people in my area their kids used to cry all the time so I asked my wife why are they crying. She said the kids think Farang's eat small Thai's.

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2 hours ago, timkeen08 said:

OP.  My wife would only tell me something like this after she had already bitten someone's head off.  She is not afraid of confronting anyone.  Even me.  I've seen her in action a few times dealing with trash in our village. Something to think about why she did not stand up for the both of you?  If you had the virus then she also would probably have it.

Always good to rely on a bit of back up were the Mrs is concerned, don't know if mine would, seen her pick a bottle up once but that was to hit me with ????

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