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New “Thaksin’s wave” peculiar in its timing


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7 minutes ago, Red Forever said:

Yup, we've got it farang: you hate Thaksin.

You seem to have an obsession with your length of residence here. Why do you keep showing off?

Just to pick on one part of your delusional anti Thaksin rant: "he gave the masses a few crumbs".

Well, I invite you to come to the village where I live and tell the villagers that Thaksin only gave them crumbs. 

Thanks for your reply. How long are you in Thailand? Did you experience Thaksin in Thailand? Did you see or hear everyday the news when he did again something illegal? Did you notice how he divided the nation?

Maybe you experiences all that. But maybe you only heard about some of the things he did many years later. And we all have the tendency to remember only some of the facts. And if we learn the history from people who saw only part of what happened then it's easy to get a distorted history. That is why I mention that I experienced this behavior first hand. No hearsay. I was also here when the red-shirts blocked the streets and when they burned down the city. All for Thaksin. All to help him to get "his" money back. No, I certainly won't forget that.


And with that background knowledge I find it hard to see now that some people pretend he was the messiah. He was and is a greedy criminal and everybody who opens his or her eyes should notice that.

That doesn't mean Prayut is a good leader - he is not.

But when people think Thaksin wound have done everything better then maybe they should remove their tinted glasses. He could always talk a lot and he had and has an efficient PR department. But that doesn't change the fact that he is a wanted criminal who should be in jail.

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1 hour ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Amazing that the coup supporters and Thaksin obsessives are still on here trying to give advice and opinions as if they are experts even though they were so spectacularly wrong and continue to spout the disproven Sondhi yellow shirt propaganda that made all this mess possible.

And then there are others who seem to work for Thaksin's PR department.

Yes, we know you write he would have done everything better. But just because you write it doesn't mean it's true.

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People dont seem to understand that any leader isnt human anymore (government, company or any organisation), and the more they change to be a devil. Thats what  history  tells me and i see with humans.

FFP is now down in Thailand since last election and all of their activists in it, cant have a job in government anymore.

Must be rebuilt again form square one and even then what are those people again then and become.

I had to think about this song:

look at me, sitting in this chair
I'm twenty-two and I don't care
My ideals have disappeared
I became one of those I've always feared


I had the illusion that I could change the world
Ideals lost, Ideals lost
Nowadays I laugh about the dream I've had
Ideals lost, Ideals lost

they call it grown-up, i think it's just old
Never thought that life could feel so cold

I've lost my faith in my own friends
Always thought true friendship never ends

I'm replaceable and it makes me sad
Ideals lost, Ideals lost
Nowadays I laugh about the dreams I've had
Ideals lost, Ideals lost

Leave me alone and I'll be fine
Do your thing and allow me mine
I just need to disengage
Rebuilt myself and release my pent up rage

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Interesting debate, but isn't this a bit like one of those 'what would you do if you won the lottery' questions? As in, it's not ever going to happen (Thaksin returning to power). 

Unless anyone can describe the route to that outcome? 

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21 hours ago, off road pat said:

Not everybody had fun,...https://www.hrw.org/news/2008/03/12/thailands-war-drugs

I wish they would get tough.

There so much Yaba and Ice ruining villages in our area.


Police are selling and act with impunity.

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23 hours ago, internationalism said:

yes, students have 3 demands, later expanded to 10 demands. Well known for a year now. Were translated to english.

Here an article from american scholar residing in khoen kaen


Is there a bullet point listing of the 10 demands ?     Looks very hidden in the link provided ????

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On 8/11/2021 at 8:15 PM, david555 said:

No problem for me when he "could " come back , as i remember in his era Thailand was fun , as the Thais smiled more than now the grim smile under P. already so many years 

Nothing to do with Taksin but you, you were 20 years younger.  15 years of being exposed to Thaibashers doesn't help. 



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On 8/11/2021 at 10:12 AM, lolalol said:

Serious question. 


When I first came to Thailand around 2017~2018, Thais smiled a lot. Very natural and beautiful smiles. 

When I came back around 2019~2020, I sensed that Thais smiled a lot less. Very fed up looking smiles. 


Q1. Did Thais smile more before 2017?


Q2. What happened between 2018 & 2019 to make Thai smiles fade away?


The military forbid smiles apparently….part of that emergency decree no doubt

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7 hours ago, Keesters said:

My adopted Thai grandson has just reached 5 years old. He appears to be quite bright and very interested in sea animals, shipwrecks, and botany. Only one language at the moment, Thai, but he uses many English nouns rather than the Thai equivalent. E. G. crab, lobster, jellyfish, cactus. 

He'll be starting school as soon as its possible. My hope is that they'll not dumb him down. 

sadly, despite his enquiring mind, he will be forced to conform when he gets to school.

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10 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

There were many enlightened students in the early-mid 1970s.  Hundreds (some at the time claimed thousands) were killed .........

You are correct. That was a tragic chapter in Thailand history. Let us hope the same fate does not await any of these young people.

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19 hours ago, orchidfan said:

I recall asking a Philippino maid in HK why she and her mates loved (then) president Marcos so much as he was so obviously corrupt (and rich)?

She replied that ALL Philippine politicians and government officials were corrupt,  but He helped the people and better than most !

Yes, Taksin was the same and did a lot for Chiangmai his home town

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:28 PM, Nickelbeer said:

Thaksin was far superior to any government since. All charges should be dropped and he should come back and run again. He would win by a landslide.

In the deep south the Muslim population begs to differ. 

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12 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

sadly, despite his enquiring mind, he will be forced to conform when he gets to school.

Can get even worse; my eldest granddaughter went to a catholic bi-lingual school for first 2 years of primary school. First lesson every day was English, with strong focus on listening and speaking skills, young well qualified/experienced farang teacher.


First twist: the schools local English teacher (much older Thai lady) had . to sit in the back of the class every morning and take notes. Last period of the day (reduced to 30 min., she was expected to repeat the morning lesson but explaining in That for the kids who were not understanding or not keeping up.

Next twist, she spent most of the time telling the kids that the farang English teacher was wrong in terms of grammar and construction, tenses and word endings etc. My granddaughter could aleady speak advanced English and every day she would share the mistakes/confucion the Thai lady was causing.

Next twist, in the Thai lady's lesson if any kids said something in English which was a total copy of what the farang teacher the kids were yelled at and humiliated and told again that what they had said was not correct English.

Next twist, at mid-term and end of term exams the kids has 2 written tests: 1). Test prepared by the farang teacher, 2). Test prepared by the Thai lady English teacher.

This meant that before answering the question the kids had to try to remember what had been taught they had been taught by the farang teacher and the Thai teacher and answer appropriately.


End result, many kids got confused and answered wrongly, hence low marks.



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19 hours ago, billd766 said:

He was however the only elected PM to complete the full 4 year term of office and the only elected PM to be re-elected for a second term. His sister was also freely elected to be PM.


Both of them and their cabinet swore full allegiance correctly to the King Rama IX. 

....and can't be considered independently democratic. 

So we're back to square one. 

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18 hours ago, puck2 said:

If it would be possible to find out where the billion(s) of Prayut's Thai Baht come from, the military dictator had to flee Thailand, too. The problem is. Prayut has the judicary completely under control, therefore we will not learn where his dubious money comes from. Be sure, not from his monthly military salary!!!


But I'm sure YOU are  "closing your eyes",  when the military dictator took the  regime by a cup! Not by an election - like Thaksin. That's a big difference, but this will not go into your mind/brain.



People never get what they deserve because the options are always so awful and opposing sides are both as bad each other. I did not realise in reality fair elections existed.

Edited by Eagle60
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