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Visa extension.

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18 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

I trust mostly that man who watch me in mirror! 

And one good sentence: God forgives , im not! 

One i dont believe: I learn it hard way..... total bs. You dont need to do that!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder " LMAO have to be when look some couples!

That was a problem of your mental sanity. Therefore your style: never trust any Thai woman. Result: one Thai woman betrayed you, now all Thai Women are cheaters! How stupid!


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19 hours ago, Resident Alien said:

Last 30 years I trusted my wife with all our bank accounts (foreign and domestic), including my Thai retirement account.

Never any problem.

Me too. If this had been a term account would the bank  issue an ATM card to access it ?

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2 hours ago, TKDfella said:

If the chap's wife withdrew money and didn't tell him then that sounds ominous too. Why did she and where did it go?

Not mentioning the withdrawal to him and also close to extension time. She's not aware of money requirement for him to stay, or she wants him to leave the country ! 

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46 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

Must be one of these farang that have been here for over 10 years and understand thainess and thai live. Because a newbie here would never give his girl control over his bank info. 

I say you are entirely wrong. The reverse would apply.

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20 hours ago, Resident Alien said:

Last 30 years I trusted my wife with all our bank accounts (foreign and domestic), including my Thai retirement account.

Never any problem.

And exactly how does that help him? Ah, that's right it doesn't.


Poor guy, and for all those boasting ' My wife is great this, that and the other '..................................................... No, it never happens to you, until it DOES!





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You should control and take care your own lives and responsibilities when it comes to your visas.


Anything else is lazy or feckless, it isn't cute and doesn't prove love or trust, why put unnecessary temptation in the way of people?


Many people can be lovely in heart but cannot resist temptation and that is worldwide. 


After 25 years, I still sort the finances, like I did with my ex wife in the UK. They get their budgets for household expenses. My other half has a problem with lucky numbers and online slots, I remove that temptation so she doesn't have access.


It hasn't altered the odd motorbike getting pawned though!????


but hey ho, nobody's perfect!

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14 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

And exactly how does that help him? Ah, that's right it doesn't.


Poor guy, and for all those boasting ' My wife is great this, that and the other '..................................................... No, it never happens to you, until it DOES!


UbonJoe did gave him (=OP)  the best answer already early in the discussion.

Difficult for you to keep up with the conversation?


However, you are 100% right.

It never happens, until it does.  Self-evident.


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2 hours ago, XJPSX said:

If that’s all he has got he should go home. That’s the minimum requirement which is not a lot.

Some people must live pretty lean here.

It is reported he didn't know she took the money out until he went to the bank some days ago. It does not say this is all he had. He could have had sufficient funds to top up immediately, but the rules require the cash in the bank to be at a certain !level for a fixed amount of time. If he was 2 weeks overdue at immigration, it would not be possible to comply.

The figure may not be a lot for you, but for others it may be. We do not know his circumstances, with regards to how he funds himself.

His wife, knowingly or unknowingly, screwed him handsomely. 

Whilst it would be interesting to know how and why, it's not relevant, and I don't think immigration wants to hear the sob story and pleading. If I were them, nor would I.

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It is interesting that farang’s wife admits to OP’s wife that it was her fault because she had withdrawn 200,000 from her husband’s account just before he was going to have to show his bank account records to Immigration. .A good example of Thai woman talking with Thai woman; no loss of face in doing so it seems.


Equally, it is strange, as it was such a free and open conversation, that OP’s wife didn’t ask her why she withdrew so much money in one go behind her husband’s back and what she spent it on so quickly. If she really is the farang’s wife then they have been together several years already and so she knows the score with Immigration and its eligibility rules.


Does OP speak fluent Thai? Sometimes, if Thai women are talking to you in English, you only get half the story, or at least only the part which she thinks you need to know.


For instance, was the Thai woman with the farang really his wife and not just his current girlfriend?  Sometimes, in Tinglish, the words ‘wife’ and ‘girlfriend’ are used as synonyms; just as the word ‘loan’ really means ‘gift’ when it comes to money matters.

Yes, yes, I know some posters on this thread have made wise choices with their Thai wives, and I have many farang friends who have made equally good marital choices too, but some farang have not.

However, if she was only his current girlfriend, then that might explain why the wife has suddenly chosen to withdraw 200,000 at such an inconvenient time.


Everything may be clear and make sense to OP’s wife, but if she was talking in English, or Tinglish, to OP, then something was lost in translation about what happened and why.


Finally, it is sad that the farang is not a member of ASEAN/ThaiVisa. He could have posted his problem on this Forum, and Ubon Joe could then have given the advice he has given above. The farang would then have got things sorted sooner instead of enduring sleepless nights with worry.


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1 hour ago, BTB1977 said:

Must be one of these farang that have been here for over 10 years and understand thainess and thai live. Because a newbie here would never give his girl control over his bank info. 

Over 10 years here already. Still not giving any info. ????

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On 8/12/2021 at 9:28 AM, HAPPYNUFF said:

There is this thing called an ATM card, with an associated PIN number for   savings accounts, and some men even trust their wives to know and access their accounts.  He was obviously one.  Got it now???

My wife knows the pin and i trust her 100% 10 years never turned me over, the day i stop trusting her its time for her to leave.

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Just being Captain Obvious, but if this guy is on a retirement visa that his wife just blew up, then why not just reapply for an extension based on marriage?  Then there are no restrictions on the bank funds other than seasoning 400,000 THB.

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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

How can his wife withdraw 200k when it’s my understanding that the account can not be in a joint name for retirement visa or did the fool hand over his ATM card to her even then he could of put a daily rate that can be withdrawn on the account 

I had my 400,000 Baht in a fixed deposit account in my name. My wife went to the bank with my passport and bank book and told the teller I had asked her to withdraw 100,000 Baht. She said it was for an emergency. She said I was in another city and could not attend in person.


The teller, after consulting the bank manager, gave her the 100,000 Baht.


She then went to another Branch of the same bank and did the same thing. Again, they allowed her to withdraw another 100,000 Baht 'in my name'.


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5 hours ago, Resident Alien said:

5555. You are funny.

You should make more of these funny remarks on more topics... Oh, think you already do.

Keep up the good work. People are really interested in your contribution.



However, to answer your question...

(which you probable have thought long about, and even thought to have a smart question, for a change)

No. We do our business and personal finance together. Practical to have access to all accounts.

If you are in a relationship where trust is not an issue, this comes naturally.


Good luck with your partner and try to get some more intelligent questions next time.


In actual fact it is your contribution that was worthless. Just a small drop in a big bucket. All it says to me is that you are at risk and don't know it.

If I said I broke my leg today and you replied that you didn't, how does that possibly add anything to the conversation?


In any event, congratulations to you and good luck.

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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:

Not needed MY EX GF simply watched from afar and figured out my ATM card pin.  The question I would be asking is what did she do with the money?

My question is how did she get his card multiple time and take out 200,000 baht?

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