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Celebrity participation in government campaign prompts outrage


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By Panithan Onthaworn


The involvement of Thai celebrities in a state-backed anti-corruption campaign prompted online outrage on Friday, with netizens blasting the campaign as superficial and insincere.


#พูดหยุดโกง or #SayNoToCheating campaign was launched by the National Anti-Corruption Commission, featuring more than 30 Thai celebrities. Similar photos and messages have been shared on social media to urge people to speak up against corruption.


The campaign aims to raise awareness of corruption problems by encouraging people to share their portraits with a hand covering their lips along with the message “Say no to cheating.”


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/31537/celebrity-participation-in-government-campaign-prompts-outrage/


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The involvement of Thai celebrities in a state-backed anti-corruption campaign prompted online outrage on Friday, with netizens blasting the campaign as superficial and insincere.

Just another normal day in the LOS, hear no evil, see no evil, just keep the money coming so that things can keep get done without delays.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The campaign aims to raise awareness of corruption problems

Awareness isn't really the problem, is it? I'd say every Thai is well aware of the corruption problem that permeates all levels of Thai society.

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3 hours ago, alien365 said:

I agree with the message of the ad, but the biggest problem is the 'do as we say not what we do' mentality. The people have had enough of the lack of accountability at the top. 

The 'People' have had nowhere near enough or there would be millions out on the streets instead of a few thousand and until that happens nothing will change for the better !

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3 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

And they all want to be part of it and get their share !

I seem to recall a survey some years back, don't recall percentage, but many said corruption isn't a problem as long as they get a share

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Strange how, in Thailand, it's corruption when people of the other camp do it, but perfectly okay when people of the same camp do the same.


The current government must be one of the most corrupt ones I've seen. If and when their railway, vaccine and test kit deals will get investigated, what might be unearthed?

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Capture a 

On 8/21/2021 at 2:21 PM, Misterwhisper said:

But... if you do you're either being slapped with a criminal defamation lawsuit, prosecuted os a "fake news spreader", branded a national security threat, or labeled as "unpatriotic". Go figure. 

Yes, it's a high risk game being played by anybody willing to speak out. Hence a decent reward needs to be offered so those that have evidence of corruption. come forward. Perhaps a percentage of the fraud could be offered as an incentive. Anyway Thai's love to gamble so here's an opportunity to do some good for their country. 

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This is what happens when you have a kakistocracy.


Some idiot though that this would be a good idea, and no one is smart enough to derail stupid things like this.


How about saying "no" to extorting and murdering suspects in custody?


How about holding celebrities who run over commoners with their vehicles to account?


 Corruption is the lynchpin that holds Thai society together. Without it, I'm not sure what would happen but suspect it would get ugly, fast.


A quickie ad campaign isn't going to solve the problem.



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 This campaign is like the alcoholic who says he's going to address his disease by watering down his scotch. Thailand society is built on corruption and nepotism. They're the pillars that everything else stands on -  and nothing will change that short of complete and all encompassing revolution.

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