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Phuket Opinion: Punishing tourists for wanting a drink

Jonathan Fairfield

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‘Whoa… Get drunk! Once drink liquor, everyone at risk to be infected’ – one of the anti-COVID alcohol messages posted online earlier this week. Image: Thai Health Promotion Foundation


PHUKET: Phuket officials this week shared online a series of images with messages trying to explain why the ban on venues serving alcohol and having alcohol consumed n the premises are in effect to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


However, the series of posts online amounted to a confession that the actual problem is the behaviour associated with high states of drunkenness, not the actual consumption of alcohol itself. Apparently health officials do not know the difference.


The posts were shared on the ‘Phuket Info Center’ Facebook page, which is branded as the “Phuket Sandbox Official Phuket Information Center”, on Tuesday (Aug 17). The images and messages were originally posted by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, known by its Thai initials SorSorSor, operated under the Ministry of Public Health.


Full story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-opinion-punishing-tourists-for-wanting-a-drink-81139.php



-- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-08-22



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52 minutes ago, Guderian said:

herd of buffalo-ministers who immediately decided that this exercise thing is clearly a huge risk to the nation's health and must be stopped immediately

of course it is! just like this thinking for yourself thing, gotta keep the sheeple under control and pumped full of useless drugs and sh!tty processed food ????

Edited by driver52
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4 hours ago, cclub75 said:

"Apparently health officials do not know the difference. "


Understatement of the decade...


This obsession about alcohol is deeply... disturbing. ????


And eventhough this crusade started 20 years ago or so (with Thaksin, remember ?)... did the situation really improve ?


Alcohol kills and will always kill more than... Covid. Oops. Sorry. My bad. It's forbidden to tell the obvious in our current world.


Anyway. More rules for "tourists". They will enjoy, for sure.

I'm not sure you thought that one through. 

How can alcohol kill more people in e.g. Muslim countries where alcohol is banned yet covid is on the rampage.

Oh hang on, I geddit. Your post was an oh so clever attempt at Covid denial.

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It is not against alcohol. It is against the imported western bar and pub culture. Xenophobic under the skin of anti-alcoholism. The next target will be GYM, tattoo, jeans and sleeveless shirts. You just wait and see. The cultural guard will have their go at some the western cultures in disguise of Covid. Who would miss this perfect opportunity?

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All the restrictions they make are aimed at only one purpose: they want actions of government to be seen and felt by everyone, this is the way to terrify and control the population.


Secondly, making all attractive things illegal, the create 'cashbox' for the pinspotters of the regime.

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Closing bars is a soft target and when you see the masses at markets and even vaccination stations without any social distancing the mind boggles . Controlled bars where the entrance is by way of an official who can view your vaccine cert could work especially if a qr app were used similar to the UK NHS register that is almost impossible to fake . 

  Maybe the government should introduce prohibition  then we can all decide if we want to stay . This was once a fun country but sadly approaching its sell by date .

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16 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

I agree, the obsession about alcohol by TVF posters is deeply disturbing.

Perhaps others, like me, overplay their alcohol consumption just to tweak the prohibitionists on TVF.

It usually works too. 55555


Personally I avoid becoming "deeply disturbed" about other's personal lifestyle  choices. There's many other things more worthy of my anxiety.

But everybody needs a hobby I suppose.

Edited by RocketDog
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22 hours ago, RocketDog said:

Perhaps others, like me, overplay their alcohol consumption just to tweak the prohibitionists on TVF.

It usually works too. 55555


Personally I avoid becoming "deeply disturbed" about other's personal lifestyle  choices. There's many other things more worthy of my anxiety.

But everybody needs a hobby I suppose.

For sure we are all differ when it comes to our hobbies / entertainment / enjoyment but I reckon the majority of tourists to Thailand are males who enjoy the bars and company of some beautiful Thai ladies . Maybe Scott should run a survey on what attracts you to Thailand ? 

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2 minutes ago, superal said:

For sure we are all differ when it comes to our hobbies / entertainment / enjoyment but I reckon the majority of tourists to Thailand are males who enjoy the bars and company of some beautiful Thai ladies . Maybe Scott should run a survey on what attracts you to Thailand ? 

Indeed. Unfortunately some people indulge in judgment and criticism of others as a hobby. I guess it's a way of polishing up their own self-image.

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1 hour ago, superal said:

For sure we are all differ when it comes to our hobbies / entertainment / enjoyment but I reckon the majority of tourists to Thailand are males who enjoy the bars and company of some beautiful Thai ladies . Maybe Scott should run a survey on what attracts you to Thailand ? 

True.  And for years now, Thailand has been snapping to the fact that those mongers and the atmosphere that caters to them is what's keeping families from coming to Thailand.  There's a school of thought that says every dollar they lose from the mongers will be offset by more than a dollar from family tourists.  Worked for Vegas many years ago...  But it takes time and commitment.  The numbers' gonna go down before they can go back up again.  


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On 8/22/2021 at 11:49 AM, Dogmatix said:

third world country with a dictatorial government in the midst of a pandemic

For a brief moment there, I thought that you were talking about the UK. Australian and New Zealand governments,  who have been far more 'dictatorial' as you put it, than Thailand.  But then again, whenever was there any real balance of knowledgeable  opinion on this forum. 

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8 minutes ago, david555 said:

Those who came to the "sandbox "... should of assured yourself  if it was not " quicksand " !.... by applying you accepted the rules ....

Rules ?  The original sandbox scheme did not state the closure of bars or restaurants , nor the cancellation of interprovincial flights . Indeed the whole concept of the sandbox was to retain the norm of entertainment venues in order to attract tourists to Phuket which as an island could be capable of isolation from the covid virus as all workers and tourists would have been vaccinated . I believe the majority of tourists were compliant but as for the workers , I am not so confident .

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Just now, superal said:

Rules ?  The original sandbox scheme did not state the closure of bars or restaurants , nor the cancellation of interprovincial flights . Indeed the whole concept of the sandbox was to retain the norm of entertainment venues in order to attract tourists to Phuket which as an island could be capable of isolation from the covid virus as all workers and tourists would have been vaccinated . I believe the majority of tourists were compliant but as for the workers , I am not so confident .

I understand your point ....but TIT.


But all of who think they can come Thailand and enjoy as before they are deluded , the sandbox system is a desperate moneymaker for Thais , already breaking their own objectives as the covid infection numbers  crossed already their first red line to stop with it


Dreaming of past Thailand is the main reason for those to come and be disappointed ...., only i understand those who use it as a bypass to enter to be united with their Thai family's .... not much other choices 


Thailand tourist dreamers .... forget it , it go take a long time to become like that again as "covid & mutations " is here to stay on Earth .... be it under moderate vaccination protection , but never same as before 

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