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PM accuses Opposition of distorting facts, bent on discrediting government


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3 hours ago, internationalism said:

apparently his boss is going to dispose of him.

likely gen apirat "red buffalo" will replace him - that one is seriously emotionally unstable nut. His father made a coup at his time. He is bloodthirsty 

Better the devil you know then?

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10 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha hit back at opposition MPs today, accusing them of distorting facts to discredit his government, undermining public confidence and constantly seeking to create conflicts in the country.

I am sorry to say I attributed those factors to quite a few of his comments in the last few months......

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23 minutes ago, alien365 said:

I thought it was the oppositions job to criticise the government. Isn't that part of having a democratic system? 

It is, Prayut just does not like his words, many are lies, used against him.  As the General in charge of the Military no one would ever dare to criticize him, and he feels that as the Leader of the Junta/now Government it should be the same.  He is a very delusional man unfortunately.  He is a "Do as i say, not as I do" individual a man of double standards and scared of loosing all the power he has held for most of his life.  Maybe if he moved aside and became the new General Prem, an advisor only when needed, this country could move forward instead of languishing.....sigh 

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11 hours ago, internationalism said:

apparently his boss is going to dispose of him.

likely gen apirat "red buffalo" will replace him - that one is seriously emotionally unstable nut. His father made a coup at his time. He is bloodthirsty 

That would be on par with leaders like Gaddafi, Mugabe and Hussein. 


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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha hit back at opposition MPs today, accusing them of distorting facts to discredit his government, undermining public confidence and constantly seeking to create conflicts in the country.

The facts have probably not been " distorted " , but merely clarified.

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Grandmaster Prayut has repeatedly told them that he is the only one who can distort the facts, undermine public confidence and creat conflicts in the country, on the second day of the no- confidence debate which has been going on for years.

Grandmaster also stated that he is doing everything for the good of the nation although he may fail in some(most)areas just imagine if this wasn't the case and he put the well-being of himself his bagmen and all his corrupt friends first, he is laughable.

Amazing Thailand the land of Hubs,Sandboxes, lies and corruption 

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This con artist will say, or do anything to deflect from the reality, that he is the most destructive force in Thai politics, in decades. He has set Thailand back to a shocking degree.


All credibility is lost. Anything he says at this point is likely to be a lie, or result in broken promise. 


It is time that you be questioned. By parliament, by the voters, by all of us.


What have you gotten right? It now appears the lack of cases during the 1st wave was dumb luck. 

So many questions, and so few answers.
1. Why are the good vaccines still five months away?
2. Why not source some good ones in the interim? And why did you choose Sinovac, as the vaccine of choice. It is the cheapest. Is that why? It is certainly not the best, and it is likely the worst among the current choices available.
3. Why can't the private sector import the vaccines directly? Why does the stunningly incompetent government and health ministry need to be involved?
4. Why was there seemingly no planning, when it comes to the vaccination program?
5. Is this really the best they can do?
6. Why has Anutin not been replaced? His political connections aside, Thailand really needs competent leadership at this emergency juncture.
7. Is the government here (and possibly worldwide) totally bought and paid for, by Big Pharma?
8. Do the people of Thailand finally see how they have been misled, mishandled, bamboozled, forsaken, and abused by the hapless army, and the goons in charge? If they could not see it before, it is so obvious now. 

99% of the Thais I talk to are so far beyond fed up. And if the 3-5% who drank the kool-aid still believed, after this latest covid debacle, Prayuth, Anutin and the gang have been truly unmasked to a humiliating and inglorious degree.
Who could possibly still have any faith in their competence, and sincerity, at this point? 

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The chief clown of the circus has been listening attentively to the points raised by the Opposition and has, so far, not found any worthy of consideration.

Realistically though he had not expected them to speak positively about him or his administration.

Well, if he had not expected that, what did he expect then; standing ovations for ruining the country, emptying the state's coffers at a previously unseen high speed and impact while steamrollering 6+ million voters back in March 2019? 

On the other hand, if he and his cronies can "achieve" all this, then the country has not deserved any better - every country has the government it deserves and that gets eventually balanced over time if the pendulum tilts too strong to one or the other side! 

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