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What's up with Thai men and the women they prefer


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Thai men are not very different from western men, other than it's easier for them to have a 'gik' or use prostitutes.  Look at western men in western countries; they don't all have "hot" women as partners.  Most look for something far more substantial and lasting in a relationship.

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A lot of Thais pair up in school or university.  Perhaps they were smoking hot when they were 18-21 but the years haven't been kind to them.


Also echo the idea that marriage is seen as much more of a mutually beneficial arrangement outside of the West, with men being allowed to roam as long as they keep up the cash flow.


I think a lot of guys know that incredibly beautiful/sexy women can also be a lot of trouble sometimes.  Not only with the personality that often comes with it, but satisfaction in the relationship, attention from other men and temptation to monkey branch.


I would imagine the culture of allowing the man to cheat probably affects the physical appearance criteria as well.  One girl for family, other choices for sex.  Wouldn't be my personal choice, but you can see the logic.

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59 minutes ago, jazzdog32095 said:

Going out and about I see farang young and old hooked up with attractive Thai women. Sure some are on the clock but surely the majority are long-term. On the other hand most Thai men are solo or in groups of men

and when with women not nearly the most attractive? What do Thai men look for in a women. A lot to ask but try to keep it classy.

Are you in Pattaya?  The rest of Thailand is nothing like Pattaya....so not sure what the heck you're talking about. 

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Going out and about I see farang young and old hooked up with attractive Thai women.

On the other hand most Thai men...when with women not nearly the most attractive?

You know, I think this is probably in the eye of the beholder and might also depend on the locations where you spend time.


Because there are other places on the internet where the exact same question is being asked in reverse. Might just be a matter of taste.

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11 minutes ago, tonray said:

1) Thai Teenage Boys (speaking of Mattayom 5 and 6) 17 to 19 years old here, seemed to display little public interest in the oppoisite sex.  In class and around school, they were far more interested in online games on their phone, playing football, or goofing around with other boys.

I've had similar experiences, so it's interesting to hear this.


Agreed, they seem to take little interest in girls, generally.  It actually made me pause and wonder "if Thai men are these sex hungry serial cheaters, why do they not exhibit this in adolescence?"


You never seem to detect that they are checking out girls or trying to flirt with them.  Even the very confident ones.  Although they do often have relationships.


11 minutes ago, tonray said:

2) Thai Teenage girls showed far more interest in boys, often becoming very frustrated as the boys mostly seemed aloof and couldn't care less. The girls often would spend much more time hanging out with ladyboys than with hetero boys.

Again, I found the same.  Girls can describe their hobby as "looking at cute guys" and you might ask them what they are doing and they will say that they are watching a handsome boy.


I'm curious, though, if this is totally sexual or more an aesthetic thing.  I wonder, if they were looking at boys as we might think that boys look at girls (with sexual desire), if that would be tolerated, especially once they are in a relationship?


I find it very interesting, as it is obviously quite opposite to what we experience in the West.


11 minutes ago, tonray said:

I think the "machismo' culture pretty much dictates that Thai guys don't show much interest in girls publicly and most of that interaction is done "behind the scenes" or "beneath the covers" as the case may be.

Interesting that machismo would lead to men showing less interest in women.  I believe it's very different in somewhere like the Philippines.

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13 minutes ago, vinci said:

I'll be honest here most of you that comment here are delusional and totally clueless, farang seem to walk around with the un-attractive woman and thinking to themselves those girl are attractive.

You've never seen a Thai man with an obese girlfriend and wondered why he is with her when there are so many slim women in Thailand?

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1 hour ago, vinci said:

I'll be honest here most of you that comment here are delusional and totally clueless, farang seem to walk around with the un-attractive woman and thinking to themselves those girl are attractive.

Believe me! It´s not the easiest thing in the world to choose the best one from the bar stool after 16 beers and 8 drinks. Then wake up in the morning with a handsome hangover, and find out that you are married, have an empty wallet and see that what was once there is hanging around the neck of your new wife. That´s when you are starting to feel the pressure to hold up appearance, look happy and smile at life.

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in living here for 12 years, it it more common to see a decent looking farang guy with a thai girl that is less, and often much less, good looking than him. In contrast, I often see hot thai girls with thai guys that make me think he must be rich for her to be with that fugly dude.


I think it is because when a lot of guys get here, they dont realize the quality of girls he can get here in comparison with back at home, so he starts off with an ok or less looking girl as a starter GF. then, because she takes very good care of him, he never gets around to trading up.


And due to the relative lack of thai men compared with the number of women, thai girls will accept a guy that isnt so good looking. I knew a girl who used to tell me about her friends' complaining about bad behavior from the BFs', but wouldnt dump them because they were afraid that they wouldnt be able to find a new guy

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2 hours ago, CharlieH said:

The slim pretties are toys ! The real women who work hard take care of their man and family and the home like no other woman on the planet ! (that I have met).


Seldom do you find a "pretty" that isnt ultimately more interested in herself and her appearance and shiney objects.


Generally true, but I must have hit the jackpot.  

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